The Business Project Podcast

Guest Joe Padulla LIVE SHOW | Ep 80

The Business Project Episode 80

Introducing our esteemed guest for today's podcast episode: Joe Padula, the vibrant voice behind "The Joe Padula Show"! With a magnetic personality and an insatiable curiosity, Joe brings a unique blend of wit, wisdom, and warmth to every conversation. As a seasoned host, veteran, and community advocate, Joe is a testament to his passion for connecting with people from all walks of life. Join us as we dive deep into Joe's world, exploring his journey, insights, and the stories that have shaped his remarkable career. Get ready for an engaging and enlightening discussion that's sure to leave you inspired! Absolutely!

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-Kacie Bryant and John Crespo

 What is going on? We are blessed today on this live Friday. That one live that we do on a monthly basis. This is today. This is it. That's not live. What?  

The live that's not live. The live that's live. 

The live that's not live. That's live. But we have a special guest today. Like, this is so exciting. It's been, it's been, you know, long time in the coming.

Okay. I don't think that's the phrase, but yeah, long time 

in the making. Yeah. There you go. Watch my words. Sometimes long time in the making. We have the great Mr. Joe Padula from the Padula show. How you doing today, Joe?  

I'm good. I'm doing good. Um, uh, you said blessed. I feel blessed. It's blessed. Yeah, absolutely.

I mean, uh  I like to surround myself with good people, you know? So, I can't wait for Casey to take a bathroom break. You know, but uh Nah, nah, I'm just kidding, I'm just kidding. But, uh, you guys,  you guys are, you guys are killing it. I love it. And, uh,  I've been doing broadcasting for a long time.  And, uh, when I see what you guys are putting out there It makes me want to step up my game.

So thank you. I appreciate that. I respect that. 

Well good. Thank you 

We appreciate you now. You've been doing this for a long time 

Yeah, too long maybe and 

seeing how you are just crushing the game. I mean you're a celebrity  You are a celebrity and there's a 

difference between Oh, there's that guy from Jersey, and being a celebrity, alright?

Let's just put it out there. 

Nah, you're a celebrity, brother. Right? Isn't he a celebrity? He, 

yes, I think he's a local celebrity. Everybody knows Joe. 

Everybody knows Joe. 

That's only because you put in the time, and you gotta put in the time. 


And you gotta, you gotta actually care about people. Now, sometimes, you know, uh,  You care about the wrong people.


Right? And that, that, And put 

time into the wrong people. 

And that you gotta figure out along the way. And I still haven't figured it out, but I'm trying my best. 

That's a, that's a good topic. 

So you're dropping tips already, we haven't gotten there yet. Oh, oh, oh, this isn't drop tip time? Not yet, not yet.

Okay, my bad. Save, I know that you only have like one or two good tips, so. Jerry, 

scratch that, you never heard that, okay? Save it, 

save it till the end. 

Deal, alright. 

Um, yeah, go ahead and start off. I've had the, the, it's weird having these two in the same room, because I do Joe's show with him every week, on the Joe Padula show.

On Thursdays, A link to his website that gives you all of the information on all of the places you can get his show in the show notes. So make sure you click on that and check it out. But I do a weekly show with Joe, and then I do a weekly show with John. And you two are not super familiar with each other.

Like, you guys don't spend a lot of time together, but I spend a lot of time with both of you. So this is really cool to have you guys in the room at the same time. 

That's true. 


We don't spend a lot of time together, but it feels like every time we see each other, like, we've, you know, 

Oh. Known 

each other forever.

Every time, it's that, it's that Jersey hug. Every time. Yeah, it is. You know, hey, how you doing? Yeah, absolutely. 

I love it. So tell us a little bit about your show, Joe. Tell us how long you've been doing it. Give us a little background on it. 

Alright, so, um,  So I was in the military, you know, uh, after 9 11, uh, I was at the sound tower that day, you know, uh, doing construction for my father's company.

That's, uh, oh yeah, that's, that's a whole different podcast that  that's crazy,  but nonetheless, I ended up in the military. Okay. Join the army. And.  So I take this, uh, this test, it's called the ASVAB test, all right? Where you, uh The ASVAB? Yeah, ASVAB, right. 

ASVAB, not the ASVAB.  

And it tells you pretty much Cool, let's go get some coffee.

Let's go get some cold coffee. You guys speak a different language, both of you. I'm working on my yawls, though. And wreckin 

Fixin to. Fixin 

to. I parked over yonder. Uh, Bless your heart. Yeah. By the Hollerer , right?  So you take this test and it tells you, you know, here's some skills, here's some jobs for you in the Army.

And so I take it and, you know, I'm looking at it and there's broadcasting and I did radio in college. You know, I went to a Connecticut School of Broadcasting.  So I go, oh, let me, let me, let me do, do the broadcasting job to go, well, you could pick any job by that one. You failed the dialect test. I go, oh, okay.

So I picked journalism.  Where I don't have to talk, 


is right, where you, where talk is spelled T A L K not T A W L K. Right. Talk.  So, boom, I become a journalist in the army.  Uh, long story short, boom, I get sent to the 101st after, uh, after basic training, after AIT, Advanced Initial Training, uh, and, uh, Boom, I'm, I'm there in the hundred of first Fort Campbell, Kentucky.

I don't even know anything about Fort Campbell, Kentucky. I, I got the papers, Fort Campbell, Kentucky, Hey Sergeant, where's this? Oh, that's hundred first. I go, no, I'm not tracking. They go, I go band the brothers. I go, 

oh yeah, band the brothers. Oh yeah. And that was what, in 2001, 2002? That 

was, no, so that was in 2008 into 2009.

Two. Yeah. It took years of, you know, again, working in contracts and everything to get that all done so I could raise, so I joined. Later in life, like when I was 28 years old, don't get me wrong. I still ran circles around.  Forget about it. 

Don't encourage it.  

So control. So boom, I joined and that's where I meet Sergeant Hunter.

Okay. Staff Sergeant James Hunter. My boss, fantastic warrior younger than me too. He was 25,  but a man, you know what I mean? A leader.  When you picture Sergeant Hunter, picture  Matt Damon with a big dip in his mouth. That was Sergeant Hunter, right? So, he goes, are you Padula? I go, yeah, yeah, absolutely, Sergeant.

You know, pray and rest. Absolutely, Sergeant. Forget about it. He goes,  really talk like that? I go, yeah, yeah, forget about it, Sergeant. Forget about it. He goes, we'll make it work. And he did. And the guy was brilliant.  So we were gearing up to go to Afghanistan, Kandahar. This is now, uh, 2010.  And he's like, listen, Padula, we're going to Kandahar, man. 

This is serious. I mean, it was, I mean, this was IED capital of the world. This, this was, uh, this was the birthplace of Taliban. They're, they're, they're holding onto it. They don't want, this is their home territory. So there's, they're sending in the 101st all over Afghanistan and the strike brigade, second BCT brigade combat team into Kandahar, Afghanistan. 

So it goes, listen,  to tell the soldier story, that's our job to tell the soldier story, to tell the soldier story.  Yep. Remember. Copenhagen, I think. Sometimes Skoll. Depends on what was on sale.  So, to tell the soldier's story, you must fight by their side.  I go, yeah, okay. He goes, no, I need you to understand that to tell the soldier story.

You must fight by their side.  So I go, okay. So it goes, we're going to train with them where everything they go, everything they do, we go, we do the whole bit. So, yeah. And he wasn't serious. It was intense and it wasn't just the infantry guys. There was artillery guys, but it wasn't even just the kinetic guys.

It was also  like the cooks, you know, their stories need to be told too. It did the medics, their stories on the medics were amazing. Unbelievable. So,  his vision was to 

Who were you guys telling these stories to? 

Okay, good question. So, first and foremost, the families. 

Okay. The families of the soldiers.


Yep, the families.  Then, the soldiers themselves. You know, I mean, what a morale boost to  open up, because we were making His vision was a monthly magazine of all these stories, a monthly TV show of all these stories, and a magazine.  He was working out a deal with, it was NPR for getting our stories told via radio.

So he was hitting all these, and then this was the beginning of really social media blowing up and then pushing it all on social media and growing that. This guy was ahead of his time. Oh,  I mean this Matt Damon dip, Brigham stud,  stud up here as well.  So boom, there we are. We're we're getting ready for Afghanistan.

And we, we, we did all this training and it  because it's always soldier first pop up, pop, click, click, click, right, right, right. Video everything. Cause we've got cameras everywhere. So we get to Afghanistan boom. And it was crazy out there. It was.  It was crazy.  As in IEDs going off all the time, Taliban taking these,  these, these mortar tubes and firing rockets at us just, and then dropping them, picking up a shovel and say, what, you know what I mean?

You're fighting a ghost. It was, these were, these were crafty, clever,  determined fighters. 

Is war still done like that? Is it similar? Has it changed over the years? 

I don't think it'll ever change. 


I think that's that style of war is what wars what war is now Yeah, because it's very uh, you know, it's uh urban warfare It's pop in pop out that kind of stuff all this the way You know world war ii was with the big lines going out.

It's that's not the way it's done. No Now it's drones actually. 

Yeah, it's uh  We'll get into, uh, warfare, modern warfare in a bit, because we'll lead into that. Yeah. If you don't mind, I know it's your interview. No, that's good, go for it. Alright, sorry. Joe Padilla show, absolutely.  


about it. He's not used to me leading.

No.  So, women, you know. So, it's a joke, it's a joke. But, I love women. They're amazing at making sandwiches. To another joke,  uh, Casey Bryant dot com, vote for crazy Casey for a school board. So  all right, so boom, we get out there. It's Afghanistan. It's crazy. Kandahar. All right. We're out there and we're making it happen everywhere we go.

And there was always, always battles and fights  and, uh, uh, But we're out there, you know with the patrols with the helmet cameras and our cameras and Our weapons our cameras would be hanging off of us with 550 cord, you know And the helmet cam would always be on always So we're out there pop pop pop, you know, click click click click click click click and then afterwards We get done with the fight or whatever it is And then we're sitting with the the units at their at their bases out there And Our jobs not done now.

We do the interviews and now we do post production and 

the editing after the filming Most work of all of it. He's 

in it all together. 

Yeah, that's the hardest part. That's where the art comes in 

Absolutely, and this is where all that training came in too because you know, everyone it's okay. It's all right Don't worry, just we'll get it done and we got it done  but we got the TV show going and remember I said, I wasn't, they didn't let me be a broadcaster.

Well, Sergeant Hunter, he goes, no, for this TV show, we're doing strike zone strikes on Afghanistan. We were the strike brigade. So strike zone was a TV show. He goes, you're going to be the host because we're going to use your energy and you, the way that you talk, it's funny. So we're going to use you as the host to attract the audience.

And then you're going to divert them to all these stories and the information. Brilliant. I mean, the guy, the guy was like, no, no, the army's wrong. We're, we're, we're going to fix this.  And so boom, there we go. Hey, how you doing? This is, this is at the time specialist Joe Padula and you're watching strike zone.

And our mission is to tell the soldier story by fighting by their side and you're going to fight, fight with us. So all this stuff, it was great.  And then the magazine, the heartbeat, cause we had hearts on the side of our helmets, you know, cause, uh, D Day, you know, our unit was one of the ones that dropped.

What they did they put a playing card insignias on the side of the helmet so when they landed they knew which units Were which units so we were the strike brigade hearts favo deuce on the loose  so boom, all right, we get the magazine go and NPR we just about all getting all this stuff done. They were embedded with us.

We're about to get them all this audio. It was  It was gonna be you know, just all this the people Frontline battles and all these stories being told via radio.  So,  uh, June 18th, 2010, we're on patrol.  Okay. I'm with, uh, it's with the first five du, uh,  first Battalion 502nd Infantry Regimen and, uh, Bravo Company Sergeant, Sergeant Hunter's with Bravo Company.

Uh, I'm with, uh, I'm at  . With, uh, their, their HHC unit, which was holding, holding it down over there.  And,  an IED goes off.  And,  it cuts Sergeant Hunter in half.  And he's, uh, you know, he's gone.  That's it, he's gone.  The, uh, the medic goes up to, uh,  And a secondary goes off, you know, it was a remote dead  and the secondary goes off kills the medic  Park, he was a good kid, too  So it's gone.

It's done.  It's over  All right  Colonel kandarian, you know, we're all upset. Of course, it was tough. We lost 66 that that from our unit. 


That was a tough fight. 

Yeah You 

So Colonel Guderian comes up to me. Here's our brigade commander. He goes, Padula.  Goes, listen.  It's your shop now, okay? You got to finish this mission.

You guys are killing it. You guys are killing it. Don't stop.  Finish Hunter's mission.  So we kept doing the TV show every month, the magazine every month, and still getting out there, telling the stories,  going to all these memorial services, making sure that we're capturing everything, so the family, for the families, and the soldiers. 

So,  Our tour ends, our, our,  friggin year and two months over there pretty much, and we come back home, and we're like,  Alright, well, Sergeant Badula,  you gotta finish that third mission, radio.  You gotta get out there.  We're doing the TV show, the magazine, everything else, the social media, but you gotta finish that radio show that Hunter wanted. 

So, we're back home, Fort Campbell, Clarksville, Tennessee.  The MWR, the Morale, Wellness, and the Recreation Group, okay, we'll Had a monthly spot on  an AM radio station called WJZM 1400 AM.  Every Friday they had this military Friday, you know, where they would go on this AM radio show and talk about what's, what's going on a base for people to, you know, engage with. 

So, Strike was holding an event, the Strike Brigade,  and they said, you know, and I went to MWR, hey, you know, can I come on with you to promote this? And Melissa Schaffner, fantastic, what's up Melissa, she's awesome,  she goes, yeah, yeah, let's do this, let's do this.  So we go on there and there I was.  Went into Promotion mode, you know, it's not fake.

Do you know what I mean? When everybody it's it's promotion mode So you go into promotion mode and you do it you go. Yeah. Hey, yeah, you doing? All right. Yeah. Yeah, we got this we got this we got this and you know, you go back and forth and you know,  You make jokes and everything and people laugh and you get done.

Boom  So that's when afterwards we got done. I talked to the owner of the station. I go. Hey, you know, what's up?  That was a great time. I appreciate it. What are your thoughts on doing a soldier radio show?  He goes, yeah,  you can make a lot of money off of it. I get it. He goes, yeah, let's do it. This is exciting. 

So we had to get all this approval from the Pentagon down to get, because we were still in uniform. You know, it's, it's, we're not civilians. We, we are paid government employees.  So we had to get all this approval to get on terrestrial radio, you know, uh, civilian radio. And we, we got it done. And then we started airstrike.

Which was the soldier radio show where I got to interview all these high speed soldiers You know the these amazing medics. Okay. Yeah, I mean Man, yeah, it's just having fun talking about what they do  Talk about what they did what they were gonna do  And that's that's pretty much how it started because my contract with the army was coming to an end  I kind of got screwed a little bit in the army You know  You know the, uh, when you, when you, when you turned in equipment and everything, right?

At the end of your, your service, right?  And, uh,  Back then, they had some civilians that were stealing your stuff and selling it on the side. And doing the paperwork saying that, hey, you didn't turn it in. Yeah, I was one of those guys. Wow. Half five grand. Savages. Man. Well, you, you owe this? I go, no, I turned it all in.

They go, we don't have any documents of it. Oh, man. Stinks. So I was like, yeah, you know what? It's a sign from God, it's time, it's time to move on.  You, you, you did what you had to do, it's time to move on. And I don't want to, but it's okay. So, WJZM says, Hey Joe, what are you, what are you doing?  Now that you're getting out.

We had a couple offers, you know what?  There's, at, at the time, I think they're still doing it.  So I made a lot of contacts with, with, uh, Hollywood production companies because they did a lot of filming on post. You know what I mean? Like, uh, TV shows would come in, documentaries would come in and do stories about us, which is great.

And as one of my jobs was also being a media liaison. It's French for  


Right. Every time I was media liaison, I made sure we had croissants. 

It's Jersey French cro. 

Yeah.  . 

What year was this? 

This was now 2013. Okay. Okay. 2012 into 2013.  And so,  you know, they said, Hey, uh, you know, we're hiring all these veterans to make sure that in the movies, everything is dress, right?

Dress. Everything's accurate with the uniforms. I mean, you, you see movies before where you're like, that's, that's, that's all just out of, out of rags right now. Right. So they were hiring all these veterans to make sure that everything was,  maybe I should have taken that job actually.  It would've been good money.

But, uh, I got offered that and plus I had some  PR stuff that I was lining up back in Jersey and New York to work for companies.  I don't want to do that though, but, uh, but WJZM says, Hey, uh,  why don't you do the Joe Padula show?  I'm like, oh, good for you. Good. You knew, you knew how to phrase that. good. Oh, look at you.

So I go, you know what? Yeah, let's do it. Let's do it. Yeah, sure. WJZM 1400 AM. Nobody listens to AM, right? Well, I was wrong about that.  People listen to AM radio.  Old school  Clarksvillians listened to WJZM 1400 AM. Yeah. Because I remember Truck drivers. Oh, boy. 


phone calls we would get. I can't understand him  when he talks. 

It's not talking. It's just noise. 

That's when I learned what a carpetbagger was. Yeah. Get that carpetbagger out of here. A carpetbagger is someone from the north that moves down here to, to to make money.  I'm a carpetbagger. Yeah, yeah. This, so many carpetbaggers down here. We got a lot of carpetbaggers around here. I am pro carpetbagger.

Yeah.  So, but Escape.  So, my concept, though, of this was, uh,  taking what the, the, the Tonight Show concept was and turning it into a radio broadcast where you start off with with just topics of the day, jokes along the way, interviews with guests, and then the music scene in middle Tennessee is huge and so talented. 

And then ending it with interviews with musicians and playing live music to end the show.  And wow, it worked.  The thing blew up. I couldn't believe it.  And then  people wanted to be a part of it, you know, but I'll tell you, you know, getting to that point of People wanting to be a part of it takes a lot of work.

That's around when I met you. 


Because you had me on the show 

In 2014. 

2014. That's right. Really? That was when we first met. 

February 3rd. 2014. On the radio show? Yeah. 

Very cool. 


She was promoting fitness, uh, and, and, uh, 

That's when I had my gym. I, we moved from California to here and I was, 

Primal Fitness?


Guiding Fitness. 

Guiding Fitness. That's right. Yeah. Guiding Fitness. I was trying 

Facebook group for Clarksville. It was like before groups were really popular. Yeah. And we had one, uh, In my old town in california that was like friends of wheatland and I love that facebook group because it was it was just great Uh connecting neighbors and so I started a clarksville one before we had any of the clarksville ones and then and he would go in and spam his radio show in my group and i'm like You can't post your spam in our group and he's like, well just come on the show.


And that's that i'll tell you  That's what makes things work is inviting. Hey, listen,  Oh, you don't agree with me. Come on. Let's talk about it. You know what I mean? Whatever the topic is, whatever the discussion is, I just want to help promote you. That that's, that was my goal. My goal was to help promote.

People and things and events businesses and the whole bit  and it worked because people like being promoted  Even if it was just on an a. m. Station, but then we grew that a. m. Station and then I mean then the whole team came together I mean it started out with with Sammy G. What's up, Sammy G?  There was a she was my first co host  The owners hated it where she sat we called it the Samantha g spot. 

I know  Can you can you stop saying that 

So  so that then then it  sky  Sky my my my co host which to this day. She's that's my co host. She's the very 


She was a musician You that we had on the show to end the live music and i'm like  She's more than a musician you could tell because because doing the interviews i'm like she's a broadcaster She doesn't know it yet, but she's a broadcaster.

So then when the Samantha G spot needed to be filled Sorry. Okay. You can edit that out.  Because Sammie was now She had this dream of going into law enforcement. Going, hey, do it. Sammie, go for it, you know? Be the, be the shortest cop in the world. Absolutely. It was like four or eight.  She looked like a piñata, but that's not the same.

You're good. So edit that part out too. So it's live, Joe. Oh, sorry. Oh, yeah. You're right. You're right. I forgot.  So we had  a cohost tryout  where I would bring in someone for a week to see if to fit, you know, and I'll tell you, we, we had some, we had some interesting characters come in, but the only one that really stood out was Sky.

Sky nailed it. For a week.  And then she became the co host. And Bay, we had Cliff at the time. Cliff was great. 

Bay is still with you. 

Bay is still 

there.  You 

know, Chief AJ had all these casting characters come around and boom, we were taken over. And that's when we started doing our shows. This was in 2015.

This was in 2015.  Where we started not only being on radio, but we'd bring the cameras in and they'll start live streaming the shows This wasn't being done. 

Mm hmm, 

you know and I gotta give a shout out to Ernesto All right, who's now and he's at an Arizona in California working on becoming a director and everything out there Which is you know, good luck brother.

Go for it. Let's you dream do it  So we started live streaming these shows and then boom then it blew up  Cuz When you're on radio,  here's a little trick to radio people  when they're trying to sell you advertisement. They lie about their numbers. Oh, we have this many people listening? You don't know.  We are not, Clarksville is not an  Arbitron rated city, a Nielsen rated city, we don't have those numbers. 

I was 

wondering where they get those numbers from. They make it up. How do they even know? Unless 

they have the Nielsen ratings or the Arbitron ratings, which costs about 200, 000 for them to come in and actually do it. Yeah. No, we don't do it.  We don't have to. You got one  monopoly here with the media giant.

Yeah. You know, a 4 plus 1 star.  Okay. Six, six minus one star. All right.  So yeah, they just lie about the numbers.  But now that we're going live, people are watching on Facebook and YouTube at the time. This is before Facebook really suppressed and banned me. Oh boy. We'll get into that. A whole other story.

We'll get into that. Another one. Man, do they frigging shadow ban. It's real. Yeah, it's real. It's real. It's real. So.  Now I got these numbers. Look at this for the week. 50, 000 viewers for the week. Okay, how long were they listening for? Well, let's pull up the stats page because it's all, 


can see it. It's all there.

Right. You got the data. Look at this. They're listening for 30 minutes out of an hour for a three hour show. Look at this 45 minutes average listening time. That's huge. 


It also helped that Sky was very attractive. But, okay, I mean, you have to have aesthetics. Absolutely. But here it is. Okay. So now we're blown up  now. 

It's interesting because, uh, you know, uh, 10 minus, uh, 10 minus five star. Okay.  Now comes to us, be like, listen,  why don't you come join us?  Okay. All right. Maybe.  Maybe. 

I shouldn't have done it, but we did. We joined, you know.  I now know, and boy do we kill it over there.  We weren't supposed to kill it over there, that was the problem. We were not supposed to kill it over there. You were 

already killing it.  

I truly believe we were brought there to end what we were doing.

Yeah. I truly believe it. Somebody explained that to me at the time. I said, no. 

Yeah, suppress the competition. 

I said, no. These  are great people.  Boy,  wow.  So we're killing it. We brought in so much money.  So much. Yeah. We're killing it. And a bunch of local businesses  spending a lot of money to advertise with us because they believed in us. 

Where we went wrong was when we became more popular than their,  I don't know, their super station, their super channel. Okay.  You know, it's, uh,  that's when they're like, you know, you got to stop talking. You got to play more music.  I was doing these interviews.  There was a movie coming out at this time  called 12 strong.

It was a movie about Afghanistan  and about the, the,  these first 12 warriors that went into Afghanistan,  fantastic movie.  Well, I served with the medic.  Okay, you know, not at that time, but eventually in the army, you know, small world in the army, you, you, you, you cross paths with a lot of people. Well, you know, Scott came to the strike brigade.

And, uh, Zastro, and we hit it off, you know, with cigars, I think was our common denominator.  So he was one of the 12 strong. He was the medic.  So I'm like, yeah, why don't you come on the show and tell your story, you know?  And he goes, yeah, yeah. Because, uh, you know, they brought him in for the movie and everything for the screening and everything. 

So, this movie's coming out, I go, yeah, why don't you, and he's, he's, there we are, we're doing it live, and  he's telling this story about, uh,  you know, his, his buddy bleeding out in his arms, and I got a friggin program director standing outside the glass with his arms crossed,  doing the Watts thing, okay,  play music, go to commercial,  I'm like, okay. 

What do you, I'm not playing Vanilla Ice right now, okay? Okay? I'm not playing a mix of the 80s, 90s, and yesterday right now, okay?  And that's when I know I'm done here. And then Man, the nonsense that they pulled to get me to leave, fire me or I quit,  some lies. Oh boy.  Listen, I'm not here to, to bash anyone, but man, some truths need to be spoken.

I think that God sometimes has a way, though, of,  Reminding you,  setting you on a new journey. So let's go we have a couple people to hear from we gotta we're gonna go to Lorna really quick And then we're gonna talk about how you bounce back. 

Okay, because you 

bounce back 

Yeah. Yeah. Resiliency. You're back on the rise.


Yeah. All glory to God. You're absolutely right. Okay. I got a lot of fixing to do in my life. Yes. 

Yes, you do. Yeah, 


Don't we all? 

Yeah. No, I hear you. Me more than most. But yeah, all glory to God. 



So we're going to hear from Lornath and then we'll come back and we'll hear about your bounce back and what you got going on now.

Okay. Cool? 



Hi, everyone. My name is Lorna Peters, Director of Marketing and Communications at Better Business Bureau serving Middle Tennessee and Southern Kentucky. And I'm always happy to provide you with tips to, to avoid scams, and also to provide you with some information on some of the resources we have available for you, your family, as you continue to grow in your community, as you continue to grow in your business.

So today's different than no other and I will share my screen with you right now and we'll talk about that resource that's out there for you.  This resource is called give. org. It is a part of Better Business Bureau and this is specifically for non profits. You know we talk a lot about finding an accredited business, finding a trusted business.

Well, on the opposite end, we're talking about charities, finding of trusted charity. So if you go to give. org, it brings up this page and you can.  For instance, you can type in any non profit you would like to learn more about, United Way.  You can learn about all the non profits, or you can learn specifically about the accredited non profits.

Accredited non profits, they have to go through some additional training. Steps to become an accredited business. We want to make sure your financials are in order We want to make sure you're doing things the way you said you will do it as you can see here It highlights united ways from all over the country, but you can find your specific united way  Do a full report on them to see if is is this a charity?

I really want to invest in also keep stay updated by signing up for their newsletter Finding out what more you can do in a nonprofit space, how you should give wisely, there's also a podcast. You can learn more about. You can also learn about who we are, board, staff, financials. There's so much great information on this page.

I know we love to give. We are giving people. But as we give, we need to give wisely. And this particular website helps us do that. So visit give. org.  Or to find out more about how you can give wisely again give that org if we can help you in any way Feel free to reach out to us at middle tennessee southern kentucky bbb by visiting bbb dot org until next time.

Have a great day 

Good stuff. Yeah,  we always drop some gems for us the bbb definitely appreciate all the information that uh She shares with the BBB. 

And she always smells good. Have you noticed that? 



I'll have to pay attention. Yeah, sniff her next time you see her.  She's so nice. I love her.  So we Why are you sniffing 


Joe said to. Get off me, Joe! Get off me!  

So we just went into your backstory. That's an amazing story, man. That's what brought you into journalism. 

Yeah, a lot  left out, which is fine, but uh, But I'll tell you, you know, the best is still yet to come. 

So you had, like, that was your whole, you've always wanted to be in this kind of world, right?

I guess so. Journalism, creating content, that was like, you've been doing it for a long time. That's a good 

setup, you wanna know why?  Why? I really looked into this, okay?  So,  As a kid, I've always been working. Always a worker. I still got calluses on my hands today, you know. 

Because your dad, right? Because my father.

So, pops, daddy o would drive me to the warehouse. This was during the summer, you know.  And, uh, and ah, boy did I not understand what he was doing at the time, you know what I mean? Instilling discipline and work ethic.  And,  so. He would be listening to talk radio as we're driving to five o'clock in the morning. 

And I saw the attention that he gave. That voice coming out of the speakers in the car.  And I was like, wow.  To get my father's attention like that. Cause Pops is a, Daddy O is legit. This guy's a beast. Old school Italian guy. Nobody messed with him. Okay, and because that nobody messed with me. This guy was good and all legal by the way Okay, a lot of people, you know Italians from Jersey made me right.

Okay He's legit  So I'm like, wow, that's that's impressive. So I think at the back of my brain I go Yeah, that's what I want to do. If I can get, if that guy can get my father's attention, I want to get somebody's attention like that. Yeah, pretty cool. 

It is such a cool thing to be able to capture also. You know, there's a lot of things that happen throughout our lives and throughout history, and it's cool to be able to capture that too.

Without journalism, without photography, without telling stories like that, it all disappears. You lose it all. 

But, uh, creating content, cause that's what it is. You're creating content. And  back then it wasn't called content creators. You know what I mean? Right. That's, that's relatively new that phrase, but that's what it is.

You got to create content. And when you're in, especially the industry we're in, my industry is more about news telling and having  discussions and opinions about it now that that's what it is now, which, which, again, this is.  Where we left off, I didn't, I didn't see myself going this route.  But, after I left that, that one corporation that, uh, isn't, that, uh, Isn't from here.

Actually, there's headquarters in Michigan. So your money's going up there, by the way.  Oh, sorry. Sorry It's where all my phone calls were with this one guy Bob Who didn't get it?  Yell at me all the time. Oh my god  So I have 

to yell at how I 

am. I am what you gotta stop talking so much Stop talking about Trump.

Stop talking. Oh boy.  Sir, do you know where we 


We're in Clarksville, Tennessee. What are you talking about? All right. Have fun in Michigan. I'll talk to you later.  So after, uh, all that was over, you know, there I am,  I'm out of, out of a job. Right. You know, and.  I don't collect from the military.  I was one of those guys I've recently put in now, you know, for the process.

It's different when you get older, but I was one of those guys. I'm fine. I don't need nothing from the government. You know what I mean? 

I'm one of those guys. 

Yeah. I'm like, I don't, I don't need anything from you guys. You know, there's other people that need it more. Literally. I know everyone's milking the system.

It's crazy. Yo, shame on you. I'm telling you shame on you collecting 100 percent and I'm jogging with you last week. You know what I mean? Yeah, right. Like, come on  But uh, nonetheless, so uh  W jzm  Was transitioning  to an fm station called 1055 the bull  And I got a phone call  They go. Hey, jim  We got this we're gonna be this new new country station, you know, I go for you  Yeah, yeah country.

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I love right. Yeah  Alabama yeah, great band, right? I think yeah. Yeah Elvira Oak Ridge boys. Yeah. Yeah. I love them. They're my favorite  Like I know that's it this new new country that we're gonna be doing. All right, and they go  You want to do a show?  No, okay  Do I have to Play music all the time. 

I Go, no,  you don't have to because I just left a station where  Shut up Joe shut up and play the music stop talking where people just want to hear people's opinions You know that that's the that's that world. That's why radio is dying Well, you know what? I mean? Because I can get whatever song I want to listen to or whatever playlist right here And that's been the case for years now 

and they play the same songs the same 20 songs over and over and over and over Again, 

it's yeah  It's nonsense.

I can't tell you the last time I listened to a radio station. I'm honest. 

If you're listening to a radio station, it's Mo Yeah. You, you're listening to either talk radio. Okay. Or you are listening to podcasts. Podcasts. Okay. Or, or you're listening to, to just whatever you want to listen to. 'cause you have that control now.

Yeah. You're not, uh, subjected to whatever they want to feed into you. Now you can. And boy, do they hate that? 


Boy, do they hate that? They lost that control. They call it legacy media now. Right. Legacy media. That's it. Lainstream media. 

It's a legacy. 

It's it's 


This is now the mainstream media. Yeah.

Okay. And I don't even like calling it mainstream media. This is just the way to get information out.  So, 105. 5 The Bull. All right. Mike Parchman. Awesome, dude. Owner of it. Because yeah, Joe, why don't you come on, you know, whatever you want, but just play some music, play some songs. Okay, I don't care. Just make us money. 

Like, all right, let's do it, you know, let's do it.  So, because listen,  It's got to be about money. Okay, you got to pay bills. 

Yeah. Yeah 

bills have got to get paid. Okay?  And so yeah, let's do it. So we started a show I started the morning show doing it all by myself in the mornings with maybe a  Co host once in a while coming in a guest host hanging out And do that for three hours and and then in the afternoons I would do once again the joppa doula show where I brought the crew back Right because it was just me and sky that went to uh the other place, you know  And 

did sky go back with you to the bowl?


Not really, 


A little bit. Yeah,  but I get it 

because I don't remember seeing her. 

She, she was  now focusing on her family, which was fun because she's great.  And yeah, I mean, we'll get more at this guy in a bit. Cause she comes back into the picture. So there we are. We're doing it. It's fun again.  It's just us hanging out in there and got the camera set up.

And  let me tell you, cause I brought the live streaming. To the other place too.  Oh Boy, did they hate that also?  They hated that also  And now now they try to do it and I showed the other shows how to do it Oh, man, boy, did they get me hook line and sinker? They knew what they were doing Ending me but taking whatever knowledge I have to spread it to them.

Oh Wow, be careful out there my friends  When you got when you got stuff to bring to the table You People want that table. Yeah, and they will buy it from you and then just  Smash it to pieces. 


So anyway, so one oh five five the bowl one oh five five double We were grabbing clark show by the horns 


uh, but yeah there we were we were making it happen and uh  Covid  

oh, yeah 

covid And I want it to keep going,  but no, we got it.

We got it.  Okay.  All right. Just  stopping the studio. He's just shutting it down. Yeah,  six feet. Yeah, six feet. Had that workout.  

Oh man. Can I sit just say this video one time  last night? I was watching this video. Where there was a funeral going on during this during the time of the pandemic a pandemic. Yeah, sorry.

Sorry What was crazy like the mother's crying in the funeral and the sons, you know Tried to go to console the mother and the funeral director I've been yelling and screaming at them to get to separate six feet apart. That was Man, I saw that video. I was so I was so angry at how  You know that that whole Time how people just treated people.

It was just  Hey real quick heads up heads up. Don't say that  

bird flu  Don't fall for it. Yeah, okay  Just giving you a heads up All right, bird flu.  Don't fall for 

that. The next one.  

Just say  I'm not a doctor. Talk to your doctor,  but yo,  don't do it again.  So this hits the pandemic.  So I'm like, oh boy, what am I going to do?

You know?  

And then you're like, I'm going to office with Casey.  

Well, I set up,  I got with Jody.  At the time it was, you know, Journey's Eye Studio, Clarksville Collection now.  So, cause I lived on Strawberry Alley, that was my downtown family. Right downtown 

close. Oh yeah, 

absolutely.  Man, I miss that. I used to sit outside in my chair on Strawberry Alley at night and drink, uh, My grape juice.

Okay.  Cops would roll by. Padula, what do you got? Grape juice, officer. Have a good one.  They go, don't drive. I go, nope.  

Well, now you can,  you can walk around with a drink down there. Yeah, that's right. 

You're welcome. You can walk around with your 

grape juice downtown.  You're 

welcome downtown.  So, I set up a mobile studio where I would interview people via Zoom now.


Oh, because this is still COVID. 



Right.  So  I remember this one interview I'm doing via Zoom. I got to both mayors on the show. And that's another thing too, you, you, with, with doing interview shows and, and, and, and new shows and stuff, you get all the political people and you get to know them, you know, and sometimes they like you, sometimes they don't. 

And so now I'm interviewing Mayor Dirt and Mayor Pitts via Zoom about what the hell's going on.  And they're like, it was pretty much just command messages that was happening.  I remember I got this text.  You guys remember scoop Clarksville? Yeah. Right. You know, the national acquire of Clarksville, which is no longer scoop Clarksville.

I think it's like  now something, or they changed their names, but it's still scoop.  So.  And I helped, I had him on my show and everything, you know, before, you know, COVID hit and I helped set up his studio little bit. I remember that. 

I was on that show with him. Yeah, yeah. With him and you. Yeah. And the bull.

Yeah, the bull, right? Yeah. 

And we were just, you know, Hey man. Yeah, you gotta, I didn't 

realize he was gonna be such a terrible human being. You 

gotta meet the company. Yeah. Come on. We'll promote it again.  I don't look at you as competition. Right? You, you,  I don't look at you two as competition. Right.  Here, here's a story.

Listen to it. Right.  So maybe look at John a little bit as competition, but we'll get into that later. 



can't do that. 

get a text message from him. You coward. Cause he and I politically  two, two different ends of the spectrum. This guy's far left and far gone. Okay  I think he still wears a mask. I get it though.

He had a heart transplant. I pray for him. I do  So he sends me this text message. How dare you you coward? Why don't you ask the real questions? That wasn't my mission My mission was to put out command messages for people to know what's going on. What's the routine? Okay What's going to be happening in the next couple weeks with these lockdowns or shutdowns and or if we are gonna or if we're not?

Gonna shut down. It wasn't my job to to grill these two leaders That was not my mission.  So I'm like,  He sends me, How dare you? You're an embarrassment to journalism. Alright? And in my head, It's just memories of me just, On the battlefield, Friggin firing away, Click, click, I'm like, Man, you don't, I don't think you know journalism, man. 

You know, You put up people's mugshots, And charge them to take it down. That's not journalism. 

That's crazy. 

Right.  And then  it's okay because I love, you know, Hey, I love you, Jason. But, you know, I pray for you, you know, except Jesus. He loves you, man. So he does. So I'm dealing with this.  And then, yeah, this is when we moved into the office now studios because I'm like, I can't enjoy it.

Thank you so much for letting me set up down there. We used to do these quarantine, uh, trivias,  okay? Quarantine quiz. I 

remember that. I used to watch those. Those were 

fun. They were 


Oh, I was drinking so much. 

remember I was doing one on, on Easter Sunday and this was huge. We were getting, like, no joke, this trivia where, you know, you, you type in your answer, you, you give options,  but again,  Something that I haven't talked about at all, with all of these shows or whatever, the production that goes into it.

Yeah, you do a lot of production. The work. Making it look good. I think that's what people need to understand. And having the graphics. You do a lot of production. 

This stuff is not easy. It takes hours. It's not easy. Hours. You know, getting your stuff set up so that it's, it's,  Doing is having the effect that you want it to have.

Right. All that work is, there's a lot. 

Absolutely. And it has to, because it's got to pay off. Because once you, once you click that go live button, or once you're, you know, that live broadcast button,  mistakes are cool. It's human. People get it. But man,  it's cool if you don't do it. 


Right? It's cool if it's,  I don't want to say flawless, because we're human.

It's trying to be flawless. But it should look good. These people deserve it to look good. 

Yeah. All right.  

So we, we, we set up that office now over there on Wilmore Rudolph. How did that all work out?  

We had, so Joe and I at this time, there was an upstairs. So office now is like a shared workspace and they've got how many, like 80 or 90 offices.

And there's this little hidden cubby upstairs with three offices and you and I and another. Friend. Yeah, got this like hidden space. And so we had our own lobby. How do 

we get that though? What was the nice setup? Oh, I love it. I don't remember. She had just 

finished it like had just introduced me to her I think I think it 

was you.

Yeah. Yeah. 

Yeah We I think Wes and I were talking about getting it and we're like who else should we? Bring up here and then for whatever reason, I regret it now, but we 

we kicked you out. So it doesn't matter,  

but we were there for what? Two years up there in that little space. That was great. 

I'm still up there.

You are still up there. Yeah. And 

that's when it really became  working for myself and not relying on  whether it was corporate media or, or, uh, locally owned media. You know, all right, let's do this  And that's when you're like, wow, it is a lot of work. 

It is a lot of work 

because well now you got to support yourself Absolutely.

You you manage the money that has to come in. 

It's Advertising it's you're you're the marketer. You're the promoter and this has always been the case, you know, I've you  You got to be your salesperson you got to be your production person you got to be your marketer You got to be your social media and 

the HR and the accountant.

Absolutely. Yeah, 

and guess what? Hey, you're also the producer You're you're in charge of production and then you got to learn the technology You got to learn all of this and then on top of it You got to be able to go live and be like, hey, how you doing? 



That's the business side of media  When you get into the business side of media, I think it kind of blends in with other entrepreneurial ventures like other type of businesses Because you have to wear all those hats 

And then 

there's no other way to get done.

You you know it man. See because you guys know it because you're doing it, you know  but people out there  Don't do it.  It ain't easy. I 

will say to one thing about that timing, because we're very similar industries. We both rely on you are too. We rely on small businesses to be healthy in order for us.

Cause that's who our target market is. And I think after COVID a lot of small businesses were struggling. It was a hard, hard time for small businesses. Cause they were shut down. They weren't able to operate, put all these challenges in 

New Jersey. 33 percent of local businesses died,  never came back.  It's what has turned what I do now into the focus of learning the truth, finding out what the hell is going on.

So when I mentioned all of those things that you got to do, now you got to go into deep diving research, which is now even more time consuming. Deep So you're doing the research. You're looking at both sides of the argument, even the other sides that aren't even being presented. And you're putting it out there.

And boy, do some people not like that. 


Oh, boy. Do you hate me?  And,  and here's the thing. It's okay. It's all right.  But man, do you really not care for freedom of speech? That you want to shut us down and, and suppress us? Well, it's misinformation. Well, here's what's great about it. Come on the show, let's talk about it. 

And that's when they leave you alone. 

Yeah, they don't want to.  

Hey, you typing away? Yeah, you disagree? Oh, I'm a fascist? Come on, let's talk about it.  Crickets, crickets.  It's amazing though. Anyone that does come on though, always with respect.  Hey, you know, I still love you, I disagree with you. But I love you.

And it's okay. We can disagree. That's the beauty of it. 

Yes! Because you're wrong. We can disagree. Exactly. It's okay. I'm wrong too.  And when it is, when it, when it Sometimes. Sometimes. But when you are wrong, it's okay. 


What's not okay is when you refuse to admit you are wrong.  Listen, I get it. WMDs. I was wrong.

All right. Yeah, let's kill them. Man. It's okay.  If you made mistakes, and this i'm talking to myself also, if you made mistakes, if you got it wrong, it's okay.  It's okay.  Just don't do it.  Get that chip off your shoulder before it turns into a second chip  Once it's just compounds. It's over that then you're just angry.

So you're skipping ahead again. We're gonna hear from Christina  And get a business tip from Christina and then we're gonna come back and I mean being in radio doing this this long You must be doing something right and you're able to now support yourself. This is your career So we're going to get some tips from 


Much needed. I'll give you these tips,  but yeah, yeah, no, it's okay. You're right. You're right.  

I wish, I 

wish there were tips. 

Maybe we're going to get tips from you. I think you have  some wisdom. Can I say just a tip? Hi, it's 

Christina stubblefield business coach and co owner of so in media group is small business owners and entrepreneurs.

It's easy to get overwhelmed with daily tasks and operations, but technology can be a game changer for you. I want to share some tech tools that can save you time, reduce stress, and help your business grow. First up, A CRM software. It centralizes customer management, tracks leads, and automates followups, making your customer interactions seamless and efficient. 

Or you could consider an all in one business management tool. These platforms combine invoicing, project management, and client communication into one system, simplifying your workflow and boosting productivity. Now, let's talk about your marketing efforts. I recommend a social media scheduling tool. I believe they're essential.

These allow you to post and plan across multiple platforms from a single dashboard, ensuring consistency and consistency. And saving you hours each week. Lastly, don't forget about AI. AI can help you with content creation ideas. And repurposing  your content across various platforms. In various formats, maximizing your reach, embracing these technologies can transform your business operations, helping you stay competitive and freeing up your time for what matters most for more tips or to connect with me, just visit my website, Christina stubblefield.


And we're back.  We're just having fun behind the scenes. Sometimes we Lose track of what's going on, but this is good. Well, Casey's got a potty mouth, huh?  

I do not 

right Listen today's been interesting to say the least  Yeah, yeah, let's just say 

that always is that's what makes it fun 

Yeah, it's been good.

It's been good. Good conversation. 


very good 

So you were saying that you don't have tips, but I think that you really do I mean you've already given us some really great advice at the very beginning you opened. I don't remember what it was Well, you gave us advice  

Your story has dropped in your listen to your journey.

There's a lot of gems that were dropped Because it flowed so smoothly so it wasn't like here's the gem, right? But just the conversation flow that you you dropped a lot of gems that if anybody was paying attention They can utilize in there in their journey. If this is the the industry they want to get into 

persistence  knowing when to switch gears Yep  

And overcoming those 

overcoming obstacles  

Here's this is the tip section.


okay  Here's the tip I would tell myself  years ago  Okay 

Jesus  Is the tip  without a shadow of a doubt  because the mistakes that I have made  was because I was  What I would call myself a half ass christian  All right  And i'm still learning and i'm still  On my journey and walking with christ  but I would tell  that dumb kid  Okay, that that punk  Yo, bro  You would be so much more advanced and further  and accomplished You know  Of what needs to be done,  because it's, it's not my mission. 

My mission is actually,  hey, I would love to party with you down here, but I would so much rather party with you up there.  And  not having that attitude back then,  I think, Yeah, don't get me wrong  I'd probably still be sitting here with you guys right now because that's just how the path works, 


But man, it'd be a much different situation I would probably have much nicer clothes  

When did you become a christian have you always been 

well, I was kind of you know, uh, again, you know born into it  But you know how it is you become worldly you walk away yeah, and You  Oh, the parties.

Oh, so stupid.  You want to hear about it? I was the same way. Yeah, I mean, John, you know,  and especially our neck of the woods. It's everywhere. It's not. It's everywhere.  It's cool to be of the world. You know what I mean? It's a cool kids and 

it's fun.  

Sin is fun. Yeah, absolutely. At 

the time.  Damn it.  

Oh, I just sent it,  but  

Was it fun?

No  But it is fun and it's enjoyable and it's pleasurable it really is and and that's the problem, you know  It feels good. 

Yeah, but 

but it's not righteous  And then you know, but nonetheless  You know i'm in the world and i'm i'm focused on On getting the job done the mission accomplished I'm neglecting christ i'm always you know, you know hate Hey Jesus, you know, and I'm always asking requesting, you know, please help me through this which is fine  But man, it's it's so nice to just say thank you  Thank 

you you  

know and  Like just just learning like Jehovah Rafa, you know, heal, please, you know Jehovah Nisi, you know  Guide me through Jehovah Jireh.

Give me the tools to win 

and hey if you're not a christian, you don't believe in christ Just do me one favor  if you don't believe just get on your knees one day and Hey, if you're real  Prove it to me. Yeah Prove me wrong, please  It will happen it will happen. 


because it's all real. Yeah all in the spiritual battles.

Oh It's a crazy world out there my friends. It is You know, uh, arm yourself  With the lord  And guns  second day  Yeah, 

yeah, you need guns too. You should protect yourself too. 

Yeah, go to the range  Respect your weapons I 

love it. Do you have anything else that you think people need to know? How can people find you?

Okay in your 


I would just say uh  Google it.  You know, uh,  It is amazing, the, um, Cause,  A again, you know, the, the platforms are out there, whichever one you wanna listen to. You know that Spotify, you know, X has been great. Twitter, you know, YouTube sucks, Facebook sucks. You know, they, we want to be cultural warriors and they don't want to hear it, you know, so we get suppressed, like we got, uh, it, it's 65,000 followers on Facebook.

Right. Nobody gets notified when we go live. Yep. Okay. Our, our videos don't get touched. It, it's, it's crazy. I get messages all the time. Hey, uh, you know, I I was subscribed to you on youtube, but i'm not subscribed anymore That's crazy. 

That's crazy. Do you know what I mean? Yeah, really? 

Yes That's absurd but anyway  the yeah, wherever you know, google apple just 


but I recommend if I recommend reaching out and coming on the show That's what I recommend.

What if they're not here? 

Well then they're lost. But , can you do, 

uh, can you stream somebody in Absolutely. On your show? 


So people can get on your show if they're not in town. That's right. Okay. That's right. That's good to 

know. How can they reach out to you?  

I don't know, uh,  I would say send a, uh,  

I, I hate Slide it to the DM.

Yeah, yeah, send the, the, the Facebook page or, uh, or the X, the Twitter, the message, you know.  I hate emails, I'm done with emails. Right? Just done with emails. Text 

him, his phone number is I'm just kidding. 

You guys get all 

the spams? 

Yes. What is going on? You see my block of it? So much. It's the worst. 

It's a never ending scroll.

Yeah. It's really bad. 

How did it get to this point? 

I don't know.  

And sometimes I want to talk to them, but like,  why?  

But then you block a number and they call, they just changed the last number. So they keep calling. It's crazy. Different numbers. Different numbers. 

I'm getting, even with the emails now,  people, businesses and musicians are getting emails sent.

Saying that, Hi, this is so and so from the Joe Padula show, we want to get you on the show. Right. And I'm getting these messages, Hey Joe, did you send this? I go, No.  Don't give them any information. 


me a favor, report that as spam. 


yeah, yeah, it's crazy world out there. Especially when you want to put yourself out there, contact wise.

Working on the website, but again, you know, all this time and everything. And then on top of it, you want to throw in all the game shows I do. 

Yeah. That's another thing we didn't mention is Joe does four nights a week? 

Yeah. Trivia. Yeah. Game shows, yeah. 

Game shows, it's really cool. Yeah. A lot of prep for each show.

Absolutely. Totally. 

And he's got the same people that at good all shows so you have to mix it up every time 

My friend has been telling me to get Mr. 

KG What's up KG? He's been telling me man. You gotta come to the show with me. You gotta come to the show with me So i'm gonna make it out man. We're gonna have fun.

I'm looking forward to it 

It is a party with a 

purpose our whole team. Our team went a couple weeks ago. Yeah, it was fun 

Yeah, you guys won 

a lot of fun. We did one. Yeah, not anything to do with me  That is not true. Chuck. No, I have smart people on my team. They know trivia. Hey.  

Thanks for coming out. You're the guy pushing the button. 


Thanks for coming out. 

Alright, well we gotta get out of here. We appreciate you so much for being our first guest in like over a year. 

Yeah. That's a 

big accomplishment. 

Well, I saw your other guests. I'm like, uh, let's pick it up. 

Hey. No, no. 

Your other guests are great. Your other guests are great. They really are.

Thanks. Thanks. 

All right. Well, thank you so much for taking time being here. We will be back next week with another recorded show and another quote. 

Oh, the lovely quotes. Yeah. Those are good, actually. I like, I like doing that. I like doing the research on the quote. 

I love doing them. Talking about people.

All right. We will see you guys next week. Have a good one. 
