The Business Project Podcast
Business can be complicated. We break it down so regular people like us can understand and find success.Most people that want to start a business and have a passion for what they do, don’t know how to turn that desire into a successful pursuit. Beginning entrepreneurs will usually start by searching the internet for information on how to get a business license, set up an accounting system or start a social media page. They spend many hours weeding through YouTube videos and blogs trying to become informed. Under-funded, under-resourced businesses often open and close before anyone even notices.The goal of The Business Project Podcast is to provide helpful and effective resources for these small enterprises. Join us as we go through a wide array of topics related to starting and operating a small business.If you run a business, or want to run a business, welcome to the show!
The Business Project Podcast
How to Have a Limitless Tomorrow | Ep 79
► We want to hear from you!
What is a limiting beliefs you have that has held you back in business?
Do you struggle with imposter syndrome?
► Without looking it up can you tell us what year Franklin D. Roosevelt was born?
Welcome to "Limitless Tomorrow," the podcast where we explore how to break through today's doubts to realize the boundless potential of tomorrow. Inspired by Franklin D. Roosevelt's timeless wisdom, we delve into stories of triumph, strategies for overcoming obstacles, and discuss visionaries who have turned their dreams into reality.
Sara Blakely - Inventor of Spanx (not spandex lol)
Arianna Huffington - Creator of Huffington Post
► Grab your free printable that goes along with today’s episode on overcoming limiting beliefs.
► Quote for today’s episode: ‘The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today.’
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-Kacie Bryant and John Crespo
The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today By Franklin D. Roosevelt. One of the little things that I like about that guy is a quote like that. He did go, he went through like a big pivotal moment in the United States. There's a lot of things that happened during his presidency.
World War II. World War II. Depression. Yeah, craziness. He had, he had a lot, a lot of things that he was battling through. You had mentioned too, that it was during his time that the, uh, welfare system was created, right? The great new deal, the great new deal. Was that yeah, that was the time like that whole process started.
So all the subsidies and entitlements came from that time Thank you, Franklin D Roosevelt Creating a dependent society. Yeah So he was born in 1882 and he died in 1945 that long ago. I know I looked at that date. I'm gonna give my age to you guys I was born in 1983 so he was born almost a hundred years before me Wow almost exactly That's nuts.
That's crazy. Time goes by so fast. A lot has happened since then. Didn't he have polio? Is that the one? Where he was in the wheelchair? That's our, that's the president that was in the wheelchair. Oh, is it? Yeah. I don't know. I know he played polo.
Okay. I guess he played water polo, maybe . He played lots of sports. He went to Harvard. Smart man. And played lots of, he, yeah, he learned to ride, shoot, sail along with playing polo, tennis, and golf. So I don't know about polo. No. Maybe he wasn't in the wheelchair. I don't know. Bonus points to those of you in the comments that can, without googling it, or looking it up, what president was he?
What number president was he? Ooh, that's a good one. That's a good one. Because I don't know the answer to that question. When was the Great Depression and revving up to World War II? It's around that time. So bonus points if you guys can tell us what president he is. So enough about Franklin D. Roosevelt.
This is one of the good things that came from his presidency is the only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today. I love that quote though. Like that's a pretty good quote. That is a good quote. I like good quotes goes into mindset A lot of big mindset. So we're going to talk about two people today last week.
We talked about two dudes So this week we're going to talk about two chicks two chicks two chicks that rocked it in the business world women do your thing Do your thing ladies? Not only are you raising families and like bringing life into this world But you're making like big things happen in this world.
I don't know what we would do without women I know in our city there are Probably over 50%, I would say, of the stores and restaurants are ran by women. I would say right now as well, the majority of startups are done by women. Women are just, you guys are carrying the weight of the world right now on your shoulders.
Men, you gotta pick it up. Like, what's up, man? Let's go. Get off that game. Stop gaming. Take those gaming headphones off. Get outside and do something. Let's do it. Sorry, I'm just going off on a tangent here. So one woman that was a rock star was Sarah Blakely. Do you know who Sarah Blakely was? I do. Yeah, you do now.
A billionaire. A billionaire with a B. Sarah Blakely was the founder of Spandex. I thought it was Lullumon. No. No. No. I don't even know what Lululemon is. I know it's a fancy thing. It's a thing that all the girls go. Isn't that like the yoga, yoga gear? I don't know. Lululemon? Lululemon. Lululemon. And then there's LuLaRoe.
There's all the girl things. Yeah, that's kind of on the downline. I know but that is not sarah blakely sarah blakely did spandex and spandex has been just Transformational to the women's industry clothing Industry and she has a really cool story. I love her story she Basically had this idea of spandex being a thing and being a helpful to women and She had very little money And a lot of people told her no, they're like, no, that's a dumb idea.
What are you talking about spandex? That's so silly You know why why? Back in the day, I guess it's kind of still maybe like that but men Kind of ruled the women's fashion Industry Which is crazy, right? Like who would know better that when what feels good on a woman than a woman, right? So it's like I can imagine she's coming up.
Hey, i'm I know what we like and I know what feels good on us And the guy's like nah It. Let me keep fastening your brass in the back. Got it. Yeah. That's seriously the dumbest thing in the universe. as a woman. So isn't that dumb ladies? A bras that fa fashion in the back, that was probably invented by a man.
Did they change that? I wonder? Has an, some of them, I mean still most of them fasten in the back. Really? Yeah. So stupid. Wow. Is Victoria's Secret? That was created by a man, wasn't it? I think so. I think so. Yep. Yeah, so she came in and she's like, Booyah. Flip the game. I got better ideas. I am a woman and I know what women need to wear.
Yeah. And shapewear was one of them. Spandex. So she faced numerous rejections from potential manufacturers and investors when she tried to bring her product to market. And they were saying, girl, you don't know fashion, what you know, you have no background in fashion. What are you thinking? But she saved up 5, 000 from her job selling fax machines.
Oh, look at that. Yeah, she was like I will show you guys i'm gonna work my butt off And i'm gonna sell some fax machines and that's how she purchased her first prototype. That's awesome That's kind of like the movie the pursuit of happiness. What was he selling in that movie? He was selling Yeah, like some health Yeah.
Yeah. That's very true. Door to door sales. Sometimes it works. He did it. Yeah. And then after that, I'm sure it took a while. I mean, last week, our quote was all about luck coming from hard work. Yeah. And so, yeah. With her, I think, same thing, like, she wasn't an overnight success. It took a lot of work, a lot of, a lot of time, a lot of people saying no to her.
But now Spandex is known as a globally recognized brand. And yeah, she's a, one of the youngest self made female billionaires with a B. Could you imagine being a billionaire? What do you even do with all that? She transformed the industry. Go Sarah Blakely. You can find that stuff in pretty much like all the pants you buy now.
Like I think I did this last week. Every pants has spandex in it. Spandex. And all the jeans have vela, cause it's all, they're all stretchy now. Makes everything better. Yeah. You go Blakely. Yeah. Good job, girl. There's another chick. Sorry. It wasn't spandex that she invented. It was Spanx. Spanx is made from spandex.
Now I'm all confused. I know, I'm sorry. Spanx is made from spandex. Yeah, so spanx are the ones Sorry y'all, we just totally blew this, but you get the idea. It all is still relevant. Spanx are the pant, they're like the underwear that hide all of your curves. Oh, yeah, very cool. I can't read apparently Spanx I mean I can see how that that gets confused.
Yeah, it's the one It's like the underwear that like hide all of your things all of your All of your curves. So when you put a dress on you don't see all the Underwear, it puts everything where it's supposed to go puts it all together Yeah, so so she was the founder of spanx not spandex. I never heard of that though But you become a billionaire from that from spank from one simple idea One thing that was like this is gonna revolutionize the world.
Yeah, either way you go girl. Yeah I'm, glad I fixed that because that's a big error So spanx not spandex. Yeah spanx. I don't know why I even said she probably uses spandex in spanx. Yeah, okay Yep. Okay Well who you got you got a person? Yeah, I don't have that deep of a background on her But um, we got some good info on her.
Yeah, so Some of you may have heard of Ariana Huffington, right? Not Ariana Grande. That was the first thing I thought of. Ariana Grande. Right? Not Ariana Grande. Huffington Post. Yup. She's the creator of Huffington Post, which is one of the biggest, um, I would say progressive media outlets out there. Um, so her story Was she was in politics first so her she had aspirations to go far in the political world But um, you know, it just didn't work out for her She got she number one didn't give she never won an election that would allow her to get to the level that she wanted So she faced criticism self doubt and especially after all her political aspirations didn't pan out She was hit with a what do I do now kind of uh, um realization Running for political office is no joke.
You're doing that now. It's a and i'm at like the bottom of the bottom of the Ones and it is no joke. I could only imagine I don't blame her for it not working out. Yeah. Yeah Yeah I I had my little toe in that too and it's just not fun. It's not fun. I realize it's not for me so she's like Nope, this isn't working out.
I gotta figure something else out. Yeah at the political world, but I will affect The political world because now she's she goes into media. So she switched into media She had a following like she had she had built the following through through her political aspirations Um, because she provided great information So she said you know what I can utilize this and create a media company where I can express my views Right, and I can share my views to the public and people that resonate with that.
And so she created, um, Huffington Post. Which is actually probably more influential than her being a politician. 100%. I bet she like a hundred thousand billion times more. Yep. Has influenced more people through media. Exactly. So with that, with Huffington Post is now one of the largest, um, like we said, I would say progressive, liberal, whatever you want to call it.
Yeah. Um, media outlets out there. Interesting is she still alive? Yeah, she's still alive. Is she still running it? Yeah Yep Okay. Well, there you go two very influential women Right that have done great things and have persevered through adversity To make it happen. Yeah, it did not happen overnight did not happen overnight.
I think it's a little tougher for women you know because You Especially women in the workforce, you know, you you got to kind of work harder to make yourself Get out there and have people kind of respect What you're doing, you know earn that respect So the fact that you're able to overcome those obstacles and make it to that level of success That's huge, you know, that's huge.
So I I commend any woman entrepreneur That goes for you too. Crushing it. Struggling every day. You know, to make that impact. Because, you know, it's not easy. I think that, honestly, being a woman in business, the biggest Challenge is not that we're not Recognized or respected. I mean, I think that there's a level of that But I think that has gotten way better than it used to be.
I think the biggest challenge as a woman is There seems to be this like Assumption that you have to pick one or another You can either be successful in business and have this big career and make lots of money or you can have a family Yeah, I think that's the but the reality is You I mean, the honest reality is it's very hard to do both, but it's possible, but it's still one still kind of takes away from another.
Like you're obviously, if you're running a business, you're not going to be the stay at home homeschool mom. I mean, it's possible, but it's harder. You're not going to be at your kids, you know, all of their school activities and field day and all of that. I mean, you still can, but it's harder. But, also, I look at, in my particular situation, if one of the kids is sick at school, McLean, my husband, who runs his own business, too, he gets to continue to work for the most time.
And I, I drop my job and go get the kids. So, I think that it's, it's possible to do both. You don't have to pick one or the other. But it is, it's a lot harder than I think a man has to do. Also, you know, we're the ones that carry the baby. So obviously working when you're pregnant and, and labor and afterwards and bonding with the baby and doing all the things is a lot harder than how the wet, the way a man has it.
So I would say we went off on kind of a tangent, but I would say that's. The bigger part of the struggle. Yeah, and I think there's a lot of pressure for women and that's one of the reasons women are waiting a lot longer to have kids is Because the world is telling them you have to you have to put kids on the back burner so that you can build a career yeah, and that's just Dog poop.
I think that that's BS. I think what what should the focus should be is ensuring you find the right partner Exactly. Find the right match, um, because, you know, not for nothing, if I'm married to a woman who's a business owner and doing it, um, I'm going to do my best to support her, right? As her partner, as her husband, um, just like my wife does for me, you know, um, my wife is not a business owner.
She works, but you know, she's like, do your thing, you know? And if it was the roles were reversed where I was working and my wife was a business owner, Um, then I'm going to say, how can I support you in that as well? So it's about finding the right partner, not putting everything off, you know, because you can find the right partner very young, you know, and, uh, As long as you I think the problem is and we're going off on a way to That's okay, right?
Because we're talking about limiting beliefs. It actually goes along well with this I mean, this is these are all limiting. These are all limiting beliefs that we face. Yeah the the problem is is that uh The society is pushing a very selfish mindset on on 100 Right 100 And it doesn't have to be that way Like there's, there's not, it's okay to be independent, but when you're, when you find someone that you can be codependent with, right, where you actually rely on each other, then you can go so much farther than just trying to be misindependent.
You know what I'm saying? And same thing for men, you know, it's, it, it, like the, the, the world, what the world is pushing is not, uh, Not creating success. True success. Because a lot of people are dying lonely. It's creating a very lonely world, let's just say that. The world is very lonely. Lonely, selfish.
Lonely and selfish, that's bad combinations. Depressed. Yes. Depression, mind What is the biggest thing out there that people are focusing on now is mental health? Right because of the loneliness because of the selfishness because of the depression You know because that's what the world is pushing because of the limiting beliefs.
Yep, exactly And it all ties into that limiting belief. Mm hmm Anyway, that's deep we can go to a whole other podcast on that stuff. We didn't plan on all this today, but it's good stuff Yeah So let's go into Limit, let's talk about limiting beliefs, right? What are some points that, um, you know, or what are some things that people go through that, you know, that is a result of having a limiting belief?
And in business, even in personal life, I have three. Three. Yeah. Um, fear of failure. Mmm. Mm hmm. Imposter syndrome. I think that's that was the first thing that came to my mind was imposter syndrome That's a huge one. And I think they a lot of these, you know, they tie together really and scarcity mindset Hmm yeah, so let's get into those because those are really good.
Yeah fear of failure So fear of failure and here's what I have for fear of failure, right? It's the belief that if I fail it means i'm not cut out to be a business owner Or if I fail there would be no businesses there'll be no businesses none because I think failure is just a natural way of progress You know, you're supposed to learn From your failure.
You're supposed to In everything you do expect to have some failure involved in there expect to have mistakes Failure is important to running a business. Yeah, actually the school of hard knocks, right? There's no There's no better degree than a degree from the School of Hard Knocks. So true. College can't teach you what the School of Hard Knocks teaches you, right?
The school of real life, the school of going through your, your journey and actually doing it, right? That school, You get a PhD there. No one, no one can tell you anything. No, that's why you look at a lot of these business owners, the successful business owners. And I mean, so many of them, I think we saw Elon Musk almost last week we talked about it almost declared bankruptcy or did declare bankruptcy.
Um, I mean, he's several times has done it. Who else? We talked about another business owner in past podcasts that went through bankruptcy. Um, the JCPenney, JCPenney was on the verge on the verge of Steve jobs, getting fired from Apple, you know, um, the company he started, like they're fired him. It's crazy.
Yeah. So almost every successful person that I can think of. Failed. At one point or another And use that as an opportunity for motivation to move forward exactly So I think fear of failure if you fear failure, then you're truly living in a limited mindset So don't fear failure You know use it as a learning experience embrace it embrace it.
Don't purposely fail. Yeah Have grace on yourself. Yeah for sure. Yeah imposter syndrome
That's the first one that came to your mind, right? That's the first one that came to my mind. So what do you think about when it comes to imposter syndrome? Well, we are all about the social media these days and watching videos and I think it's so easy. Actually, I had a brainstorm just an aha moment a couple weeks ago and one of the things that we're switching.
The brand of the business project to embrace the mass. I like that. I think when you look at a lot of businesses, you know, companies that advertise to businesses, there's you know, a perfect picture of like us sitting at the office with this perfect suit and these smiles and our computer and everything's clean.
But I think in reality running a business is kids jumping over you, your electricity going out and messing up your podcast recording. Mm hmm. Uh, coming in, your son forgetting or phone not working when you leave the house and like panicking, you know, instead of focusing on what you're supposed to focus on.
That's really what running a business is about. And so we're going to embrace that here at the business project and we're going to, we do already with our podcast, talk about that a lot. So I think imposter syndrome is looking at these perfect. People that we follow and thinking comparing ourself and being like, oh, I'll never get that way or That's not me or I'm not good enough or I can't do it or I'm not like them or all of these things that come To our mind Yeah, when we're looking at other people's lives just such a small piece of it.
I love it. Yeah, that's perfect I couldn't give a better explanation. It's like going into a room you know with a bunch of business owners and feeling like well What am I doing here? Right? I don't belong here. That is such BS. That is such BS. Anybody who's putting themselves out there to even to start a business, you know, just to create something, you have every right to be wherever you need to be.
You know that that mindset imposter syndrome has damaged so many businesses so many opportunities for Networking so many opportunities to meet people Where you know that those people that you could be out there meeting um can help you take your business to the next level next level, but you're You're damaging that opportunity from the beginning just from your thoughts.
You don't need to be there exactly So and you know, what's crazy is I guarantee you 99. 9 percent of the people in that room are feeling the same way Exactly. Yeah, exactly. They're doubting themselves and comparing themselves to others and wondering if they're worthy to be there and We're all in it, but I say, I mean, we really need to have a mind shift on that and just embrace the mess and we are given different strengths and different tools for getting through this life.
And I, I have a great story. I don't know if I've, have I told the story before of me in the pool racing the girl? Have I told that on the podcast before? If I haven't. Then i'm gonna tell it if I have told it it's a good story and you're gonna hear it again Can I give a little a quick story? Yeah, okay, because I think this goes along really well with what we're talking about It's gonna make it longer, but that's okay.
You guys will enjoy it. It's a good story. Yeah, so I swim, I did for exercise for a while and I have a back injury and so it was like the best way for me to exercise and I was feeling really bad about myself for a long time. My business, my previous business was a gym. So when I hurt my back, I gained a good amount of weight.
I had a hard time exercising. So the pool was like my place to go and just be alone with my thoughts and get myself healthy again. And I had been doing it for probably about six months and I was like, finally feeling good, right? All of this is, I feel good. I feel in shape. I, when I first started, I felt like I was going to drown.
Anytime I got in the pool, I'd do like two laps and feel like I was going to drown. So this was at a point where. been doing it for a while. I'm like, man, I'm super fast. This is great. So I'm swimming laps one day and there's a lady next to me and she's swimming. And I'm like, I'm going to, I'm fast. I'm going to see, I'm going to race her and see if I can beat her because I'm awesome.
Like secretly competing with her in my head. So I'm waiting at the edge of the pool and she's coming towards me and she does a flip and goes and I'm like off to the races. So I'm racing her. I'm racing her. I'm racing her. I go to the end. I do like the perfect flip turn. I come back racing, racing, racing as fast as I can go.
She has no idea that we're racing and I get to the pool. I touch the Y, look up, she had already flipped and was like halfway back down the other side. And I just feel like my heart dropped and I'm like, I suck, I suck at everything, this is awful, I'm a terrible swimmer, I can't run anymore, I just got this whole.
I even, like, sat up on the side of the pool and just, you know, what am I doing, why am I even doing this, just, and it's such an awful, and so I'm just sitting there just talking all these bad words to myself and putting myself down and so she goes back to the end, she comes back and I'm, I'm like watching her, man, she's so graceful in the pool, watching her, and she gets there and flips and goes back, I realize she has flippers on.
She's wearing flippers. So I'm here I am, I have big feet, but they're not like flippers. So here I am comparing myself. We were given using completely different tools. I don't know her history or how long she could have been an Olympic swimmer. I don't know how long she's been swimming and she has freaking flippers on and I'm beating myself up over.
You know secretly racing with this woman And that was just a moment of such clarity to me how many times in my life Have I compared myself to somebody else? Yeah when we were in two different two completely different races Different parallels. Yeah, that is good Yeah, that's a good story. That's a good story goes along well, huh?
Very limiting belief. Next time, don't try to race everybody. Just go at your own pace. Go at your own pace. You'll get there. Yeah, don't compare yourself with somebody else that's been given different tools. Right, right. That's a good one. I like that. Wow. I hope you guys are, uh, got some insight from that one.
That was a good one. What was I going to say on that one is, uh, you know what you didn't do? What? On your competitor. Let her know that I was racing her? Nope. You didn't do your research. I didn't do my research. You just dove in. That's great. Literally dove in. Make sure you know who you're competing against.
Yeah. That's really good. See, all that comes from previous podcasts. You know, I'm able to start piecing things together and, and stories and analyze them different now. All of it fits in. It does. It does. All right. Here's another one. Scarcity mindset. I think we can do a whole, a whole thing on, on mindset.
There's a great book. Um, it's called Mindset. Carol Dweck. Can you figure like this thing is perfect for this, uh, for this podcast, Carol Dweck goes into, um, fixed mindset versus growth mindset. There's two types of mindsets. Obviously, the fixed mindset is you're just set in your ways, right? Um, so, you know, the chance of you growing is slim.
Which I feel like most of us are in so many different ways. Exactly. Yeah, there's some things that we're stubborn about. Tell me if I'm wrong, but it seems like some things we could probably have a fixed mindset on and some of them a growth mindset. Oh, yeah. Yeah. 100%. We just have to recognize. Yep. I didn't mean to interrupt you.
No, but you're right. Yeah, but you're right. So, um, you know that that type of mindset goes into scarcity mindset, right? Scarcity mindset is is a fixed mindset. Mindset issue and it goes into the belief is there aren't enough customers resources clients for my business to succeed So it's a scarcity mindset or just not enough money.
I don't have enough of this. I don't have enough of that So when you have that kind of mindset, you kind of push yourself into the the potential of making really bad decisions right you make decisions based on um, It's kind of like uh You like sabotage yourself. Yes You sabotage yourself. You make very impulsive decisions.
You don't take, you don't make logical decisions. So you take the logic out of decision making when you have that kind of mindset and it becomes more impulsive. So, you know that that is a problem. Emotional probably too. You make emotional decisions. Yeah. Yeah, so Those are my points. Those are good. Yeah, those are really good ones.
So if you have these things, these limiting beliefs, right, that are stopping you from being able to progress, take a step back. Do a, you know, do a recharge on yourself. Like, do a self assessment and say, What's stopping me? What mindset, what belief system am I carrying that's stopping me from being able to move forward?
You, it, you can change that. Affirmations are really powerful in that way. And, you know, one of the things that I thought of too, when you talked about fixed mindset that I see a lot in business owners is they get afraid of competition or they don't collaborate with other businesses. We've talked about this a thousand times in our podcast.
You know, if there's a couple of restaurants on a block or downtown, you can have one of two mindsets. As a restaurant owner, you can be You know, excited that there's more restaurants because all the advertising that they're doing and the customers that they're bringing in is also gonna get some exposure for your business or you can be mad because you look at it as competition and you know, there's a, I don't remember which one, but there's two restaurants that like battle each other publicly and it's a fun battle and they, because they do that, they bring in customers from all over the country.
To eat at their restaurants They have a growth mindset instead of competing and there's only limited resources and we've got so many people here and they can only eat so much Instead of doing that. They found a fun way to collaborate And that's that's a big thing that business owners struggle with.
Yeah. Yeah Get out of that. You need to stop that if that's how you think Stop it now save yourself the heartache and the headache and stop that now There's plenty to go around for everyone. Um, you just got to learn how to work with people. You do. Yeah. And figure out what your strengths are and what their strengths are.
Synergy. Yep. Create some synergy. I mean, yeah, you and I are a great example of that too. You do business coaching. I do some business coaching instead of being like, no, John, we can't have a podcast together and we can't be friends. Yeah. We're like, dude, you are good at some things in business. I'm good at some things in business.
Let's do it together. How much more powerful. Are we together versus going at it separately? I would be really bored doing a podcast talking to myself. Yeah, exactly You guys would hate it Exactly. Exactly. So being able to you know, bounce off each other is is beneficial for the people watching 100 so learn that process if you're You know against that You know that that might be something that you might want to start there and trying to fix We want to hear from you guys in the comments if you're at a place that can comment.
What are your limiting beliefs? What do you feel like is holding you back or another business owner that you're friends with that they're struggling with? And how can you overcome that? Are these the ones, the three that we talked about, are these some that you? Have issues with as a business owner. Do you recognize these in yourself?
And what are you going to do to fix them? And what do you think about the quote? The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today What do you get from that quote from franklin d roosevelt? I would love to hear What you have to say Share it with us Yes, let's grow together. We have a free resource for this podcast I love these free resources.
Yeah, I have to admit, I don't know what it is. But if you go to www. thebusinessproject. com You'll have access to it. Yes, the link to it will be in the comments of this. Yeah limiting beliefs I believe that is what the free resource is on That's actually i'm excited to see that overcoming limiting beliefs.
Yeah That's that's sorry. I made a home. I hit the microphone Well, we're gonna sing on the way out the choir all right, guys, it really really really really really really really really helps us out if You Like us share us give us a review all the things we're trying to grow this Joker. It's ready now.
We've been We've moved our podcast room about 500 times Yeah, we both have a bazillion other things going on and this has not been able to be a huge focus for us But we're working on making it a focus. John's got a cool office here. We're getting it Set up it's getting better and better every week.
Yeah, and we're ready to make this a focus So but we need your help. We need you guys to help us by doing all the things that get it out there liking sharing following um, and What's the word commenting or you know engaging engaging engage it because you know The more what you share can help us create better content as well And if you got something out of this podcast, it's more more It's likely that somebody else will get something out of it, too You never know what sharing this could do could change somebody's life change their business Love it.
All right, we will see you guys Next week. What's our what's our quote next week? Next week we have a live Yeah, we do live the first Friday of Every month is alive. You know, we should invite somebody on that one. We should yeah, we'll have a guest with us Yeah, our first guest in a long time So we got a live show next Friday at 9 a.
m. Which is the What date is that June 7th? Next Friday is June 7th.
Anyways, the first Friday of every month We will be live at nine o'clock. Yeah, we'll make sure to have a guest I don't know if that's next friday or the friday after but next week we'll be back with another good Another good episode for y'all. See ya. See ya. Peace.