The Business Project Podcast

Mo’ Business, Mo’ Problems! | Ep 074

The Business Project Episode 74

Four take aways for business owners to be more intentional with the busy seasons. 

  1. Prioritize
  2. Reset Expectations
  3. I said No!
  4. Keep Going

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 We're live. We're live. Mo business, mo problems. You were going to say money. I know I was. I almost swore. Mo business, mo problems. Ain't that the truth? Who's going crazy right now? Yeah. Who's going crazy right now? We had a completely different topic plan for today, but you know what? We're like, We can't even focus because we're both running in 5, 000 different directions. 

And so I'm sure so many of you guys can relate. We're like, let's just talk about mo business, mo problems, the craziness that's going on right now. We're going to embrace it.  How many of y'all are feeling like us? Raise your hand. Even if we're not live anymore in the comments, raise your hand. You're running a business.

Or you're thinking about starting a business or you're just overwhelmed with life because there's a lot. We just keep getting busier and busier. Yeah. Or you've got a lot of projects going on at the same time. Yeah. Especially if you are looking to trying to grow your business or just trying to get business and you're trying to add on new things to your business, you got Family life, you got business life, you got personal life, you got friends, you got church, you got organizations, like so many things coming at you at the same time.

How do you manage that? How to manage that. So we're going to give you guys  I forgot how many we have four tips today on how to manage all the crazy.  I use the word busy at the beginning, but I don't like that word. That's not a good word. We're going to be intentional with our time, with our mind and with our time.

Let's start by saying, why are you even talking about this today? We're talking about this. Cause you and I,  I think that we do best talk, talking on the topics that we're relating with and we are relating with this right now. So these tips that we're giving you, these four tips are really not for y'all.

They're actually for us. Yeah. Yeah. Cause we're going through some crazy stuff right now, ourselves and our businesses,  like we can, Should we touch on a little bit of what we're going through as far as ourselves are concerned? Yeah, let's do it  ladies first Okay. Yeah. Okay.  We i'm running for school board.

Yes, and I had no idea that school board involves so much politics and so much work. It's way more political now than it ever was. You ran for school board. I did. Yeah. It was crazy. It's a lot of work.  I just want to do the job. I just want to do the job. I want to, our kids need some help and our school district needs some help.

And I'm a parent and I love our kids. They're worth fighting for. We need to make this a priority as parents to get more involved and quit waiting for everybody else to do it. So God just called me to do it.  But it's a lot, it's a lot of work.  And so on top of that, we're expanding one of my businesses local, which started in Clarksville and to, we just added three new cities and like six months, you're expanding like crazy. 

Yeah. And then, so  that's.  Two big things going on right now at the same time. My kiddos are 11 and 13 and my daughter is in travel volleyball and my son is in travel baseball. I'm a big believer in sports. Two different things right there. So that's four going on at the same time. I was one of those moms and y'all, you raise your hand if you can agree with me.

You know how as a parent you're like, Oh, I will never do that. Kids leashes was one thing. I was so judgy of those parents that had kids leashes. I was like, yeah, it's like, why would they have a kid leech kid leash? And then I had my first child who was absolute sane monster. And I'm like, I got it. I feel bad.

 I  did not, but I had way more sympathy for those that did. Uh, and then. That's how travel ball was for us. I'm like, what? Those crazy parents, why would they ever do that? But it's so life giving for our family and we do it all together and we bring the pig and the dog and we have a pig on the baseball field and  and it's just fun.

So that is something that we're not willing to give up and we're very happy with. So we do the travel ball, the school board, the expanding business, and then this, the business project. Yes. And this is, there's a lot of moving parts in this.  It's, In itself. Yes. We've been working on launching the website for four years and we finally have it to a point to where it's launchable.

It's good. It's feeling good bringing people in lots of businesses into help. And it just, we have a lot of content in the backend of the business project. There's a lot of videos. There's a lot of articles. There's a lot of printables and that just takes time. Yeah, that's true. And you think about it,  all five of those big things going on at the same time have.

In them, themselves, have stuff that you're required to focus time on. So, you know, number one, your business obviously has business operating. You gotta operate that business on a daily basis. Business project, you gotta operate that on a daily basis. Your family's daily basis. So all of this time constraints  , that are pulling you. 

It can get overwhelming. It can get overwhelming. Yeah. And the same is for me,  I have my business going on, which is a kind of like a one stop shop for small business with the bookkeeping, the payroll, the taxes, and this is tax season right now,  which is crazy, right? This is the busiest season we've ever had.

 Thank you Lord for that. , but you also have to be able to. Navigate through that as well as managing the business, as well as expanding with the other location and getting that build out done so that we can finally open that place up  as well as coming out here to record podcasts.  It's just, there's a whole lot.

 And the family. I got five kids. I got a granddaughter now,  so one of your daughters is homeschooling too, isn't she? So you got yes, you got a daughter homeschooling. You got a brand new granddaughter living with you. You've got the building you're building out It's tax season. Yep I drag you to everything I do.

You're at a lot of events, too. You're like everywhere. Yeah, because you got to continue to get out there. Yeah.  You got to,  that makes you valid. You got to stay valid in, in, in the community and stuff like that. So, you know, all this stuff can get overwhelming. It can get overwhelming and you can burn out.

If you don't have the right focus and steps in place, which brings us to probably number one. Yeah. Should we listen to somebody first? Let's listen to Lauren first. Cause we love Lauren and then we're going to give you some good tips. One through four, we got four things for you. So stay tuned. If you're feeling like we are, let us know in the comments, even if we're not live anymore, we want to hear from y'all.

It's Christina Stubblefield here with your quick tip. And today it's about boosting your online presence. Let's talk about the power of blogging. Blogging isn't just about sharing your thoughts. It's a strategic tool to drive traffic, enhance SEO, and establish your authority in your industry. Here's why you should start today.

First, blogs increase your website's visibility. Each post is a new page for search engines to index, which means more opportunities to appear in search results. Second, it's SEO gold. Use keywords naturally in your posts to rank higher and attract the right audience. And finally, share your expertise.

Blogs allow you to dive deep into topics, showcasing your knowledge and building trust with your audience. So what are you waiting for? Start blogging and watch your digital footprint grow. If you want to connect with me, just visit my website, Christina stubblefield. com. 

That was Christina. With some amazing tips, as always, though. Yeah, we love her. Will post it as , Instagram, Facebook, YouTube shorts,  Lornith is amazing, and  it's about the eclipse.

She's talking about the eclipse. She's got some good stuff. So we're gonna make sure and post that for you guys. Wear those eclipse glasses. Yes. It's coming. Everybody's going crazy about this eclipse. Going crazy. What's up with that? Like it's the end of the world. What's the end of the world? Like we've never had an eclipse before.

Yeah. Come on now. Okay. All right. Tip one. So we were just, if you're just joining us, we were talking about Mo Business Mo Problems. Yep. So let's go on. What's our first tip? Prioritize first thing in the morning. Plan your day. Breathe. Plan your day. Take a breath. If you have a bunch of things going on at the same time, you definitely have to prioritize.

 Yeah, you have to understand you have to go ahead and sit down and say to yourself and plan out What are the most important things you want to accomplish today? Yeah, cuz I think part of the reason we get overwhelmed is because it's just like everything everything we've got emails We gotta do we got Things in our calendar.

We haven't put into it. We've got phone calls to get back to you. We got all these text messages coming in and so I think I think we feel like if we stop and take a breath and focus on these things like then we're not going to be getting things done, but it's actually the opposite. Sitting down, taking some time, setting a time limit for yourself.

So  I'm feeling overwhelmed. I'm going to take 20 minutes and I'm going to sit down and I'm going to get organized. Right. I think that's, that's huge. That's huge. Take a breath. If you don't do that, you're going to go through the day being pulled in a million different directions and you're going to feel like you didn't accomplish anything.

And that's the worst thing you can do. That's what leads to burnout, right? When you're just going in that hamster wheel and there's no direction, right? Planning your day gives you some type of direction and everybody needs that so that we can feel like we've actually done something.  Yes, planning your day, taking a breath, being proactive instead of reactive.

And hold yourself accountable to that plan. Don't allow yourself , to sway. back and forth on that plan. People will try to pull you away. Yep. And if you have somebody in your life, whether it be a spouse or a friend or a mentor or somebody at church that's successful, don't be afraid to ask somebody into this process.

So like I'm feeling really overwhelmed. I have a lot of things going, would you mind sitting down and just letting me, , talk You know, vent and prioritize helping me get things  prioritized. Set my priorities. That's And then, yeah, that makes,  uh, that makes it so much easier sometimes to have somebody speak into that for you and help you with that.

Because I think too, sometimes we get so far in the forest, we can't see, through the trees. You can't see the forest through the trees. Yeah, and so we're like, ah,  I don't even know where to start So if you're gonna have somebody that can sit down and help you sometime, that's easy.

Accountability partner. Mm hmm Get a whiteboard and just scribble all over it. Write it down.  And then that leads to resetting your expectations Yes I think when if you know You're going your business has a lot of moving parts or your life in general has a lot of moving parts expect to be Busy. To be moving.

Expect to be moving. Yeah, like that's an expectation. I think, uh, what a lot of what happens to a lot of people and me included is I, I don't expect the stuff to be hard. Like I expect this stuff to be kind of easy. And then I'm smacked in the face when I realized there's a whole lot more. going on with what I'm doing, then I've prepared myself for, you know, so reset, expect to be busy.

I mean, not busy. We're not using the word busy. Smack me when I say it again,  expect to be moving, expect to be pulled in a million different directions, expect people to reach out to you, expect people to want something from you. You have to expect that so that you know how to set boundaries and how to  Yeah.

That goes, I think that goes hand in hand with planning. I was talking to somebody yesterday about just texting back and forth about how much I have going on and I was like, I didn't realize school board was going to be so much, I didn't realize launching cities was going to be so much, and he gave me the best advice ever and he was like, It's always more than what you think it's going to be.

It's always whether you're building a house. I hear that so much time, so many times when you're building a house or whether you're gonna, you know, start a new thing or start a new business or do whatever. I just expect it to be more than what you think it's going to be. I'm. Very great at under like even timing.

I'm late for so many things. I've tried to get a lot better. My husband hates it so much. Cause I'm like, it's only going to take me 20 minutes to get there. And then in all reality, it's like, no, it's 35. Cause your gas runs out on the way. No, I don't know what he's talking about. I have no idea. Okay.

Expect,  it to  cost more money, it to take longer, to be more work. And then if it's not, it's a pleasant surprise. But if it is, then you're prepared for it. Yep. , at least you, you set yourself up for what can possibly happen and you're not caught by surprise. You know that what we're talking about here is how to,  of stay away from the burnout of having so many things going on at the same time.

You don't want to get burned out because you have to learn how to keep going. Oh, we're, that's four. That's you skipped one. We skipped one. Okay. He gives you a teaser. Number one is prioritize. Uh, take a breath, sit down, write everything out, make a plan. The second one is reset expectations.

The third one. Ooh, this is a good one. This is hard. This takes practice. Yup. Practice. Yup. How many of you don't know how to say no?  I think that's the most important thing in the world as a business owner, as a person with a lot of stuff going on in life, you got to learn how to say no, no, as a full sentence and don't worry about hurting someone's feelings because it's, you're not saying no to be, to be hurtful, right?

You're saying no. Cause you want to be intentional about your time and you want to be able to, when you say yes, to say yes at 100%.  You know, you want to give that person or that organization your 100 percent focus. So in order to be able to do that, you have to say no. In the beginning saying no, or I should say saying yes to something because you feel guilted into it because you feel like you have to do it. 

Nobody wins with that because you feel stretched. The person who you said yes to gets, sometimes not the expectations because you don't can't put your whole heart into it. It just doesn't always saying yes doesn't always mean good.  Sometimes saying no and you know what I like to do. We do this with our business.

This is a good tip Write this down not if you're driving Um, hi game gear, by the way  One thing that we do I tell my whole team because I don't answer our messages anymore on our on social media The team answers them and I say when you say no if it's something that we have to say no to Say give them a yes to something.

So like if somebody asks us. Hey, can you come out and You Come film our entire grand opening and do a 3, 000 production video for free. Um, no,  not, that's just a no, that's just a no. Um, we will, we will say no, but what we can do is, um, you're welcome to create a free account on our website and add your event to our website.

And so we always try to. But I always get them to think of, so if the answer's no, then what's a yes that we can give them. And I think that's a good way to do it. Yeah. I always heard that no should be a sentence. Mm hmm. I said that already. Not just one word. You were not listening. Yeah. Well, you said come with a yes.

Oh.  So meaning, not just no, but you gotta have, you know, a yes. Make it, make it, make them understand that either there's more options, right, or no, not at this time, but maybe down the road. Yes. Maybe two months from now, after tax season, I can come and give you some help with something, you know. So make it a sentence.

Make it a sentence. Well, yes, I get what you're saying. Now add something at the end. No, I will not. Well, one thing I think that's okay to do too, that we don't do as business owners, I think this is like you learn these, these two things, this no part you learn later in business because you get burnt out, you lose money, you people take advantage of you.

And so. I think if you guys are starting out and you haven't reached that point yet, we're giving you some valuable advice. And if you are at that point where you're like, I'm just running in a hundred different directions trying to make everybody happy, then hopefully you can take this and run with it.

But, uh, another thing that I think is okay when you say no is to say no, but if you did this. Then this is what I can do or if you want me to do this This is what I need from you because a lot of times I've seen when people ask me for something They like say for example a coaching session. They're like, I really want to start a business.

I love what you're doing Can you sit down and just give me 30 minutes of your time? And what I've come to realize is that when I do that and don't make them do any work for it Then you know, Two months later, they didn't take any of it. My advice, they're off onto the next project. And so what I've learned to do is be like, yes, I would love to do that for you, but this is what I need from you.

I need you to come with a full business plan. I need you to come with questions. Um, and so that way I know that they're serious about it and it's not going to waste my time and come with a notebook, come with a note right down. Write it down. Yes. So if somebody asks you something, it's okay to make sure that they're coming prepared to not waste your time. 

That way you're using your time intentionally.  Very good. Yeah. Next one. All right. Next one. You said it. Keep going. Yeah. Yeah. That was the teaser.  This is what we're going to end it on is you got to keep going. Because  there's this, um, picture that I've seen online and we've spoken about it before. You have this guy who's with a pickaxe and he's digging a hole and he's digging, he's going for the gold, right?

So in the, in the process of him digging for gold, he's got all these stuff being thrown at him and he gets frustrated and he gets tired because he hasn't reached the gold, the gold yet, but he's so close. Yeah. So. He's sweating. Don't quit. Keep going because you will hit that gold vein eventually.

Eventually. Yes. Sometimes it helps to turn directions. Like, as you're digging, you give me this all the time, I think about every, I want to quit like every other day, by the way. And John always tells me about this, 

Uh, yeah. So I think that it's okay to, like, if you're going and going, going, and you're not seeing any results here, it's okay to turn and dig here. Yeah. Um, but don't quit cause there's gold in the mountain, right? You got to keep going.

You got to keep going. Um, I love it.  That's it. Feeling good. I'm feeling good. That's it. Did we give ourselves enough advice? I think so. Did we give ourself enough advice? I think so. I'm feeling good. I'm feeling way better than I did when I walked in this morning. This morning was nuts. Yeah, I bet. Yeah. So prioritize.

Is rehashing right? Prioritizes, number one, number two is resetting your expectations. Number three is learning how and when to say no. And number four is to keep going. We made this up in like five minutes before this started, we were going to talk about branding today. Yeah.  I mean, that's important too.

It is. He knows a lot about branding and stuff like that, what a big,  uh, on Instagram. So, listen, if you have a way to cope with your craziness Right stuff that's being thrown at you share that with us, you know, because how you can do it can help somebody can help us You know, cuz we're all going through some type of craziness in our life.

Nobody lives a perfect life Don't believe what you see on social media All these people traveling the world, sipping on a coconut in the beach because they're just great. Billionaires. That is the truth. Created a PDF and billions of people bought it. Yeah, that is not the truth. That's why people are so stressed out today because they think that's the truth and it's not.

Yes. Reset expectations. How do you do it? Share it with us. Yep. 100%. Put it in the comments. We would love to hear from you guys. And we'll be back next week, next week, um, possibly talking about branding unless something else crazy comes up. Yep. But that's in the pipeline. 

Podcast with somebody that you think could benefit from it, we are getting, getting her going and head on over to thebusinessproject. com so www. thebusinessproject. com and create a free account. And you've got some cool resources in the backend that can help you get organized and give you some good advice on getting your business going.

Yep. Totally worth it. Check it out. Like, share, send this out to the masses. We'll see you next week. We'll see you later. Peace. Bye