The Business Project Podcast

Special Guest: Justine Kaneris; Where is the finish line? | Ep 072

The Business Project

While John is out, Kacie introduces Justine Rhene, a “recovering” small business owner and podcast producer for The Business Project. Homeschool Mother of two middle school age boys and an army wife, some may be able to relate unintentionally loosing yourself while caring for the needs of your friends and family.

Tune in for a candid conversation about womanhood, motherhood, and of course various business projects!

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-Kacie Bryant and John Crespo

We're working on it. We're working on it, guys. Where is, speaking of, where is the finish line?  Where is the finish line? I don't know. Probably having your headphones on and ready to go. You guys might notice we have a new face with us today. This is Justine J. Rene. Hello, she is a huge help on our path that is the business project and we have a really great conversation ready for you guys.

We're going to talk about  just life as a business owner and the struggles that we go through, the wins that we celebrate, , so Justine has been a follower of the business project even before, um, we, she came on the team here. And so  we're just going to have an interesting conversation about a lot of things that a lot of you guys can probably relate with.

Yeah. Thank you, Casey, for having me on. Um, this feels very strange being in this side of the camera instead of behind trying to. share with everybody what we're talking about. Yeah, we have nobody to share today. So if you guys are watching, please share it. We would love that. Absolutely. So tell us a little bit about who you are.

You've got two kids, both in middle school. Mm hmm. And you've had a rough couple years that you just worked through, right? Yeah. So let's start from the beginning. Tell us, just give us an overview of who you are.  Um, well, uh, that's a long beginning. So I'll, I'll, uh, I'll bring it to, from the time you were born, walk us through every step. 

Exactly.  Well, I'm writing a book and it talks about those things. So I'll just skim through to, , just recently had, , battled breast cancer and won the fight. And so we are cancer free and excited about that.  But before then, just wrestling through trying to, Start my own businesses. , I'm an army wife and I've, that's the only life I've really known since I've been about 19 years old.

And so just supporting my husband through all of his career and he's made it all the way to the top. We get to retire in less than 18 months. So that's really exciting. And, , , and I just feel like. I started a photography business. I started, , I've done cleaning business. But a lot of it has been, , motherhood  and , like I was telling you before, whenever  Something else, uh, whenever I see the look in my kids eyes of like, wow, I haven't looked in your eyes in a really long time and I don't know what's, um, everything that's going on with you guys, then I'll just push my businesses off to the side and then solely focus on the kids and the family.

And then we move from place to place. And yeah, that's gotta be hard. The moving is a lot in itself. Being an army wife is a lot in itself, let alone trying to run a family and Get a business going. John and I talk all the time. And by the way, John is joining us on YouTube. He said, Hey, Hey, and the great smoky mountains might lose, but wanted to say, hi, what's up, John?

We miss you. He's traveling. He gets to watch his daughter graduate today from  training school for the military.  , that's why John is not with us, but he'll be back next week. We're going to get right back on track next week.  So, , Yes, running a business. And I think that that's kind of where we're going to go in this conversation because we talk about all the time about, you know, people think that they're going to start a business.

They have a passion for, um, building tables or, Um, electrical work or accounting, you know, numbers. And they're like, I get to do that. I, why I want to start a business because I get to do that. Um, but when all reality, when you start a business, it's so much more than just doing that. There's the taxes and there's the hiring people once you get bigger and there's the, um, you know, the HR part of it.

And there's the paying your bills and accounting. And I mean, it just like becomes so much. And. Especially when you have a family  and you're trying to balance being a good wife or a good husband and being a mom or a dad on top of that, you know, um, we're in a phase of life right now. My kids are 11 and 13 and, um, And they're both doing, my daughter does travel volleyball and my son does travel baseball.

And I was, before I was like, those moms are crazy. Those parents are crazy. Why would you ever do that? I'm not going to revolve my life around my kids.  I was like one of those, there's so many things that I said that I'm never going to do that I do as a mom. , but they, ,  that's the phase of life that we're in there love it They are my son is amazing baseball player and he loves it so much and it brings us so much joy as a family and We have a ton of fun traveling and seeing different places and we like to travel anyway So it fits in great with us, but doing that eliminates our entire weekend And running a business during the week, plus I'm running for school board and, you know, doing all the other things,  then I, when do I do the laundry? 

When does the laundry get done? When do the dishes get done? When do I clean my house and my bathroom? And I mean, you know, it just, chickens and the pigs,  we live on 30 acres too. Yeah, exactly. But even if you don't have all of those things going, you know, each person has their own unique.

Experience and the way that they're going through life. There's, I think we've become such a busy culture. Everything is busy. We're distracted. And that's actually one of the notes on our board is noise. There's a lot of noise. There's a lot of people telling you how you need to raise your kids, how you need to run your business, how you need to live your life.

You need to work out. You need to eat right. You need to do all of these things. And a lot of those things are important. But I think. Then we get overwhelmed like but I can't do it all it doesn't fit in my schedule. Yeah, so  Go ahead. Oh, yeah, the overwhelm turns into that  like complete stop and procrastination Cause it's  okay, I know I have to do those types of things, but I really want to watch this movie with my kids.

Or, uh, like right now we're working on building our own podcast. And we had so much fun, , doing our little skits and, um, it, it revolves around playing video games.  And so we're just like trying to organize the whole thing, but we ended up having so much fun just playing and hanging out.

And I'm like, I want to have this much fun all the time. Is this what you guys do all day? This looks, this is a great,, but with the,  um, go stepping a little bit, um, background, what you said of you start your business and then you get to a certain extent and you're like, Oh, that's too much. And that would be, like, what had happened to me often, is just, like, I, like with my photography business, I loved taking pictures.

And so living in Alaska,  it was just beautiful. The scenery, everything, and, you know, us army wives didn't really have a whole lot to do. It was, it got very cold very quickly for a really long time. And so we would just take, like, we had one friend who,  She loved doing makeup. So she would dress us all up.

Right. And then we'd go out into the wilderness and like create these themes and take these pictures of us in like different dresses. And we're like,  and then we do all of our kids and, , it was just something to pass by the time. And I wanted to, they're like, you could make money from doing this.

You're really good. And I'm like, ah, but I don't want to take away from anybody else who's also doing that. Like I was always. Just, I love outreach, I love supporting my friends and everything, and I'm like, no, you're doing a good job, and they're like, but you could do this too, and I'm like,  there's too many of us.

The saturation, like how we were talking about last week of  the market is too saturated and too many army wives take pictures of everybody,  and so then we moved to Kentucky and I was like, okay, I'm away from at least my core friends. I'll just start doing  the photography there. And it really took off and we had a perfect home that had like a basement where people could come in without coming through my whole home.

And was like, I went to bridal shows and just really put myself out there. But then 15 months later, we moved to, , to another home and it didn't have all the things. And I had to change all my EINs and I had, I'm like start all over , another state. Yeah. And I was only going to be there temporary.

And I started messing with all of the different changing my name  and I started losing my identity. Yeah. And then in that,  I just was like,  it's not worth it. I think that's one thing that we do a lot as business owners is we get it in our own way every time.  I'm always in my way. I'm like, get out of my way.

Just saying you're in the way.  I want to take a second really quick to say hi to gang gear, your son.  And my aunt Joan, what's up auntie bones. , good Friday morning. So good to see you guys. Thank you for watching  Facebook. Um, so  yeah, we, uh, let's talk about time management for a second because I think that that is really important and I think we'll probably do a whole podcast and we've done a whole podcast about timing and time management because it is so important.

So incredibly important. And you talked about also, , getting so overwhelmed that you just like sit still.  And it reminds me of my chicken. I have, we have chickens. It reminds you of your chicken. Yeah.  Because it's so funny. Like they, Are so fun and so free and they're like doing their thing and then when you go to like chase after them Or if  something is around them, they just sit they just they're so funny They just like they're running and happy and then they just sit and they like squat and that's what it reminds me of visually when I see that is like You know The chaos is coming and there's too many things and you don't know which way to go  and so you just sit And then you get nowhere So I think that time management is such an important part of being successful in business, balancing your work life and your family life.

Setting boundaries is so incredibly important. And I do time blocking. And I actually worked with one of my team members who doesn't have kids or a husband yet, but she's balancing school. And so it doesn't matter what phase of life you are in. I think that we all struggle with this. And so we sat down and we created a schedule like, on Mondays from 9 to 12, this is what you work on and you let nothing else get in your way.

And you put it in your calendar and these are the tasks that you do and then after that this is what you do and then Tuesday morning this is what you do. And,  If you look at my phone and my calendar, I have certain days and times blocked off for certain things. And I think that it's really important to figure out a system that might not work for everybody, but it does work for me and it works for a lot of people.

And I think the whole point is to figure out a system that works for you.  And stick with it  and say no to the things that don't fit into that, because that's the thing, too, is I think we feel like we have to say yes to everything. We have to say yes to the birthday parties and we have to say yes to the friends that invited us over for dinner.

And we have to say yes to, you know, all of these other things. And the reality is, you don't have to say yes. Yeah. You can say no , but you don't know to say no unless you know your boundaries. Right. Unless you have those set beforehand. Yeah. And, um, I just want to challenge you guys to work on getting less busy  and more intentional.

Are you speaking directly to me? I'm talking to me, too. I'm talking to me. I'm talking to That's the only reason I can say this, is because I'm in the same boat. Yes, yeah, and I totally agree with that. And it's , because , we always sit down after the podcast and  like hash through the week and  see what's going on and what we should talk about next week.

And like last week  we went through and you're like, these are the, my time blocks and this is how we do the, this is how it works for me on the program we use. Right. And I'm like, Oh, that's awesome. And then it's like, as soon as I leave here, life just. Hits me in the face of all the other things that I'm committed to and I think I I do agree with uh, the boundaries.

 To  have something right a guardrail but also your core values because like one of my huge core values is community and um,  and when  the outreach of a community, right and so You Not having a boundary to my core value means that, oh, you need something, you need something, and it feels so good because I'm like, all my values are being reached, you know, and it feels, um, inspiring and exciting and I love seeing people's faces when they light up when I'm able to like go and do something with them, you know, um, But that but then that bogs me down.

Yeah, and I can't get done the things that I want to get done Yeah, the things it takes away from you when you don't have that boundary in that clear set  Expectation of yourself right again getting out of your own way Yeah, and I think that you know, you talked about moving as a military as an army wife.

There is Um, there's something to be said. So one of the things that I'm working on within my business is, , writing it down, creating systems. Like we have a board that we use. It's Trello. We have a system that we use called Trello and it's an amazing tool. And, we do all of these things within our business and I do all of these things, the same things every week, the same things sometimes every day or every month.

And I have to , Reinvent the wheel. I have to remind myself like, okay, what do I need to do this month? And I start it's all the same stuff all the time So i've gotten more intentional about going over to my Trello board and being like, okay These are the things That I need to do this week These are the things that I need to do this month and then I just duplicate the checklist and then you're not having a Start all over it Helps your brain.

And the reason I haven't done it up until now is because it takes time. It takes time. And then you have to sit down and you have to do it. Um, but once you do it, it's like such a breath of fresh air. And we're working on that for our team to everything that you work on. If it's a regular thing, even like down to if you respond to messages, create these canned responses.

So they're not having to come up with a brand new response every time we get the same question. And so I think coming up with a system  Where you can do time management, but then where you can also save your space, that  brain space. And I think if you would have done that with your photography business in the first place that you were in, just documenting systems and how you got started and things to do.

And you know, I spend this much time on social media on these days. And then I go and I do photography on these days.  Then you could have easily taken that into your new place and you wouldn't have had to start all over. I mean, you start all over, but not with the basics. You already have the foundation.

Yeah. Right. Right. Yeah. Yeah. That, that makes a lot of sense. ,  I have to also mention like  being a creative person is a lot of things that you do. Like it covers a lot of different things. Right. And being from Michigan, Midwestern, , like middle class, um, person.  , you could go to school to become a nurse or an engineer.

Those are like people are always getting sick and people always need things to be fixed, right? That's what my dad always said.  And so, and um, , and like being creative or taking photos or doing these things, like, it just didn't scream out job security, you know. And, , so stumbling through, and you and I talk about that because you're like, I'm just going on a whim, like, I'm figuring it out as I go.

And, , I think trying again, get out of my own way of like those core  Voices those critical voices being like, okay. Well, this isn't really like what are you even doing? You know and it's like but i'm doing so much  And it's so much fun and i'm like i'm so excited that this gets to be a job for people, you know and um, so thank you for the opportunity and And just excited for my boys who are all interested in like, this type of, um, uh, open ended, um, creativity.

So they're not just following a line of like, this is what I gotta do and I gotta do all these things all the time. So maybe that's why the system's like freaked me out a little bit. So I'm like, ah, there's a system. You're boxing me in, woman.  That's why I'm like, I'll do the system, but like, let me also do this.

Yeah. Well, just because you create a system doesn't mean that it has to stay there. I mean, that's the cool thing about digital. Like, you're not chipping it out in a stone. It's not like, oh, we have to completely redo the tablet or we can't edit. Um, I mean, when you're creating the system, it's, it's a working system.

Document, you know, seasons change and things in your life change and priorities change and so you don't like  Create it and then live it until you die Comes down from the mountain and this is it  This is what you do but uh that goes into what we're wanting to say, um  About the finish line. Yeah, like the progress of work.

It doesn't just end in the day. It just a little bit and then you do a little bit more the next day. Yeah. Yeah, because that was our opening line is where's the finish line. But before we get into that, I want to say hi to John. What's up, Mr. John? What is time management? You're the definition man. We need you here to tell us what time management is.

Um, my mom is watching and we have, we're already way into this and we have two people to get to, to listen to miss Christina and miss Lauren. So we're going to get to one of those really quickly. And then we're going to be back. We're going to define what time management is and then we're going to go into like, what does productive look like?

I feel like you just led into that. What is productive look like? And if y'all are watching, we would love for you to ask your questions. Thanks. All right, let's get into it. Hello, everyone. It's so great seeing you all again. My name is Lorna Peters, Director of Marketing and Communications at the Better Business Bureau serving Middle Tennessee and Southern Kentucky.

My tip for the week is all about Facebook Messenger. Let's face it, most business owners are still involved in Facebook to some level. You're still on Facebook, you're still receiving messages from Facebook, and scammers understand this. So they're trying as much as they can to get sensitive information from you.

One of the top scams that we see on Facebook is an email or Facebook message from someone that says, Hey, is this you? You click on that message and what happens? The scammer is able to download sensitive information from you because They have a malware on your phone or on your  computer after you open that particular message.

So we want you to always be careful before opening any message on Facebook Messenger and on Facebook altogether, right?  So if you think, It's a friend sending you a message. First, figure out what kind of friend you have and the kind of tone they use when they're sending you a message. Most of my friends don't just say, Hey, is this you?

They're like, Hey, Laurenette, what you doing? What is up with this link? And you know, it depends on your friend and the way they communicate with you. That's the first red flag if they're just saying, Hey, is this you? That's not how your friend communicates. I know if I receive a message from Casey or John Crespo right on Facebook Messenger, they won't say, Hey, is this you?

They'll provide more detail or they'll actually just text me and say, Hey, girl, I just saw this on Facebook. Is this really you? So always be careful. Don't open  anything from someone you're not sure of or don't open any link if you think it's suspicious. And that is my tip of the week. Until next time.

Have a great week. 

Alright, and we're back.  Okay, um, so what is time management? Mr. Definition Man John is asking. Time management is managing your time. Balancing between family and work and  taking care of yourself and your time with God and whatever it is that is a priority in your life, making sure that you're  managing that.

Yeah. And also, um, a friend of mine  told, told me that,  uh, we can't change time. Time is always going to be 24 hours. It's what we do within each of those hours and, take an inventory of what it is that you do. Sit down and see what it is that you actually do every single day.

What is it that's taking most time? Yeah, that's so important. Intentional. We talk about intentionality all the time. So what is productive look like? What is being productive look like? I think that being productive is different for everybody. And I think it's different depending on what your goal is and where your season in life is.

And I think it's just making progress.  Making progress. That would be my definition of productive, is making progress.  And  you had said that somebody mentioned needing to complete something, like completing means that you're productive. Yeah, if you've started something, um, and then finished it within that time, within that timeframe that you've made, then you have been productive. 

I don't know if I agree with that.  I think that's a good, that's one measure of being productive. Yes. Yeah. But I think sometimes when you get started in something, especially when you're running a business, you create your business plan and you get started in something, and then you realize that it needs to change, or that your priorities change, or it takes longer, you want to do this instead of that.

I think just making progress, just taking a step, one step. Yeah, taking one step is being productive. And I mean also like spreading out the productive thought process, like spreading out that word, maybe putting spaces between each letter,   like,  Okay, to end this project is going to be in six weeks.

Whereas like my limited belief system equals I need to finish this within the hour, and if I didn't then I'm a failure. You know, yeah, which is, a lot to take on, but if you're like, this is a big project and it's gonna take us six weeks and then you have that much time to actually finish the project.

You mentioned something cool, and I think that this is a difference between me and you and I think something that  you are  moving towards, um, tackling, I guess. I'm trying to use the right words for it. I think that  people that make progress and that  not get to the finish line, but run towards the finish line are not the chicken like sitting great, um, is, are the people that, um, Don't have to have everything drawn out and perfect too.

I think that when you first came here, you're like, No, I want to know exactly what I need to do. I need to know exactly when I need to do it. I need you to train me in it. I need you to,  do all the things. And it's like, well, I don't know either. I don't know how to train you in that.  Excuse me, because I don't know how to do it.

And, but I think like building the boat as we're, as we are, um, on it.  , which sounds scary. Yeah. Like we're like, try someone's taking out the water with the bucket while the other person's hammering. Yeah. We got the floor. That's exactly what I feel like right now. Well, we got the floor, we got the floor on there so there's no water coming in.

And we got all the tools on the boat. Mm-Hmm. . We're just trying to put the walls up and all the things and create a bed and make it nice and pretty as we're going. Yeah. And, and I think that, um. It's okay. It's okay that we don't yet know what the bathroom's going to look like on the boat. Yeah. Yeah. And, and that's so funny that you, um, I love your analogies and your metaphors cause that's really what tied me into like, or sold me on the business project.

Cause I was listening to, I've always been a, um, a huge fan of your other business at local, just like seeing all the different businesses and you always posted my things, but I listened to the podcast and you had mentioned something about it.  Um, I think it was conflict in the business, um, or of like your team or something.

Managing conflict. Yeah. Yeah. Um, about the tooth, the sore tooth and going to the dentist and you're like, yeah, you could just keep that tooth rotting away in your mouth the whole entire time and eventually have to take all your teeth out. Or you can. Pause, address the situation, find the root issue, right, of like the, maybe it's a root canal needed.

And you just go to the dentist and you're like, Hey, let's uh, maybe we got to lose the tooth or maybe we can just like repair it. And I was like, I love her. I need to be her friend.  Those things just come into my brain. Oh, what was that?  Um, yeah, those things just come into my brain. And John is. Asking, I sure need it.

Time management progress is consistently moving closer to your goal. That's what I said, John. You copied me.  Is that what I said? Um,  carefully moving to your goal. John and I are friends because we have very similar thought processes. I want to hear from you guys. How do you manage your time? Um, what are some things that you're winning in?

Hi, Mandy.  Hello. Productive equals making progress. Hi, Joe Ellen. Love you, Justine. Um, Kyle Bob. Kyle Bob. That's my husband. Like that looks familiar. Workplace systems are definitely important with flexibility to adapt. Yes. Yes. Thank you guys for watching, for joining us.  Yeah. Go ahead. Oh, um, I like that he wrote that because that's something we're working on right now, making a family crest and it's, um, a family crest.

Uh, I think it was, uh, pivot, adapt, and realign. And it follows, it's gonna be a triangle, and it's also like see, ask, and do. Oh, cool. And then rooted in faith and all that fun stuff. Wow, that's fun. A family crest. Yeah.  That's cool.  Keep on keeping up. Keep on keeping on. All right. We're going to hear from Christina really quick, and then we're going to talk about what does winning look like?

That is the big question. What does winning look like? All right. So if y'all have any questions, comments, put them in and we will hear from Christina and be right back.  Hi there. I'm Christina Stubblefield. If you own a website or run an online business, I've got a crucial tip for you. Are you ready? Make sure your website is optimized for mobile devices.

Why? Because these days, most people are searching, shopping, and browsing the web on their mobile devices. Imagine this. Someone's looking for a product or service you offer. They find your website through a search engine or a link on social media. But, when they try to visit your website on their mobile device, It's slow, unresponsive, and it looks like a jumbled mess. 

What do you think happens next? They probably hit the back button and choose a competitor's site instead. You don't want that to happen to you. You want visitors to stay and explore what you have to offer.  Optimizing your website for mobile devices isn't just a nice to have, it's a must. It ensures a seamless and enjoyable experience for your visitors, which can lead to higher engagement, longer visits, and more content.

And more conversions. If you're not sure how to make your website mobile friendly, don't worry. There are experts out there who can help.  You can visit  christinasdoublefield. com and schedule a free discovery call. And let's take a look at your website. Remember in today's mobile first world, a well optimized website can make all the difference.

Don't miss out on potential customers. Make sure your website is mobile friendly so you can thrive online. 

We love Christina. She's the bestest.  We got some good peeps on here. All right, Mandy says love you ladies.  Love you, too. What's up, girl? Oh, hi, Rebecca. My friend Rebecca Spence is watching here live on  Hi, Rebecca. Yeah. All right. So Katie. Hi Katie. Hi Katie  What does winning look like?  That is the question.  You guys tell us in the comments. What do you think winning looks like? I asked this question because I asked this to the team member that I was telling you about that I helped her get her Schedule  Coordinated. This was my big question was, what does winning look like? If you don't know what it looks like to win, then how do you know if you're winning and how do you know to get to winning?

Like you don't even know what game you're playing. How do you know you're even losing if you don't even know how to win? Yeah. If you don't know what winning looks like, then you're in trouble. So what Y'all tell us, what does, to you, what does winning look like? And I think that you have to define this for yourself and it's different for everybody.

And you need to do it in all areas of your life. So like, what does winning look like as a parent? What does winning look like as a wife or a husband?  What does winning look like as a business owner? As a leader? As you're leading your team? As you're,   in your community, like what does winning look like as a member of your community?

What does winning look like as a member of your church? , you can do that for every area of your life. Yeah, I mean, with the student ministry that we do on Wednesdays, we always, uh, we try to start with like, what was a win of your day? Or what was the win of your week? And we do that even in our small group.

And it really like, Everyone's always  froze.  Like, I don't know. You have to talk about something positive. Right. But like, I guess  what I bring to the kids, which kids are always like, every time I say something to the kids and they say something back and like we were talking, I'm like, Oh yeah, I need to also know this and do this.

Um, but winning is just like simply waking up in the morning. I woke up today. What am I going to do with this? Um, that, that's a huge one. Um, especially when you're. been faced with like a life or death, uh, um, health crises. I remember it was so much easier when I knew I was like, or when I just felt like, okay, this might be my last day.

How am I winning today? And  I, that's where I want to harness back.  That's where I felt most confident, right. When I thought that I wasn't promised the next day, but that's like literally,  Every day of everyone's life, you're not promised tomorrow. You're promised right now. How are you showing up right now?

Yeah. And being grateful I think , is one thing too, is I think we're always thinking about, When I get there when I and that's again where's the finish line  when I do this next thing or when I get this next thing of money or when I  When my kids are this age or like we're always  The finish line is a  pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

I think I mean  we can set milestones But really the finish line is when you die yeah, and that's not even it but I think, yeah, just remembering to be grateful with where you are right now, with all the little things in your life, the little and the big things, and knowing,  being intentional again about what does winning look like in every area of your life, and then working hard every day, wake up, and do it.

Focus on that. Whatever you focus on is what happens. Exactly. It's where your energy goes. Exactly. Yeah.  Christina Stubblefield says, Winning is more than just a moment of triumph.  Amen, girl. That's a good one. Yeah, it's like that. So what is it? What is more, Kristina? Explain.  It's like that eternal joy where you're like, you can be sitting there constantly being punched in the face, but still be like, but I'm so excited that we had this conversation and that we got to learn from each other.

Yep. And another thing I think is important is you're not going to be winning all the time. What fun is that? That's not fun when you just win all the time. So you're going to lose some, but you have to know what winning looks like. Game Gear says, winning looks like feeling like you completed something.

Are very excited, but sometimes winning doesn't feel good because you won for at what cost? Game USA won World War II, but look at all the losses. That's a very good. That's a very good. Yeah. Look at you with your deep thinking. I love that. That was really good. Um, Joellen, she's so sweet.  She's a family friend of ours.

She said winning and Justine and Kyle's lives is shown in how they shine as a couple and as parents.  Thank you. Yeah, that's really sweet. That's I do agree. Like when somebody tells me that my kids are doing well, I'm like,  thank you.  It's a lot of hard work, but knowing that someone else can see it, it does.

It's validating to me. Yeah. So I think what we need to take away from today is  give yourself a break. Give yourself a break and have fun. Enjoy the journey. Don't be chasing. the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow because you're not going to get there. Instead, enjoy looking at the rainbow. Like be in the moment and enjoy the rainbow.

Absolutely. Look at all the colors. Go ahead. Christina, um, also mentioned achievement is one of, is one school's, uh, personal growth and positive impact on others in the community. Yeah. That's great, Christina. We're glad you're watching us live. Yeah, thank you. We miss you. I'm driving Christina crazy because I'm all over the place.

She's like, why aren't you preaching on time management? You are a hot mess. 

Sorry.  That is a true statement.  Hey, that is a true statement. You are a hot mess. 

Justine, we're building the boat as we go. I'm not afraid. I'm not afraid. You're building, I'm sitting here. I'm bringing this stuff out of the water.  Hold on. We're sinking.  Like, no, we're not. I see the mountain. We're almost there. Keep going.  I'm like, hold on, let me like, bring that thing out. Yeah, it's all right. 

But we have fun while we're doing it. Absolutely. Absolutely. All right. So enjoy the rainbow.  Taste the rainbow. Are we allowed to say that? I think we, no, I don't know. But I mean, it is March. Yeah. The luck of the Irish. The luck of the Irish. Know what winning looks like to you. Give yourself a break. And have a really good rest of your day.

Do something today,  right? When you hit off and close out of this podcast, I want you to take one thing, one thing that we talked about today, whether that be working on writing down what winning looks like to you, whether it be sitting down and looking at your calendar and setting some priorities and doing some time blocking, whether it be creating a system that I recommend Trello.

It's awesome. It's like folders and you keep notes and create checklists. Um, Monday is another one. There's lots of good systems. Um, just a notepad on your computer,  but, uh, you can create a system to help you not having to  figure it out new every single day, every single week, every single month. Um, whether it be sitting down and writing what you're grateful for instead of always Just complaining about where you want to be, sit down and take a minute and do a, a thankful journal.

Yeah. Yeah.  I like that. That's definitely something done in the past. Always works. It always works. As soon as you start counting all your blessings, you're just like, why am I even upset about anything?  Yes. So I want you to take one of those things, pick one right now, write it in the comments. Even if we're not live anymore and you're just watching the recording or if you're listening in your car.

on Spotify or Apple Podcasts. I want you to mentally note or write in the comments what that one thing is that you're going to do today, before the end of the day. We're going to hold you accountable. We're going to message you. We're going to stalk you. We're going to be in your phone and be like, did you do your thing?

You know, I used to be a personal trainer at one point in my life. Yeah. I'm a yoga teacher. So I'm like, just,  However your body feels.  But you do it too. You put it in the comments too, Casey. Yeah. Of what your win is. What is my win? Challenging you. Okay, I'll do it. I'll go back and do it. All right, we miss you John.

We'll be back to our regular show next week. We're talking about Building your business plan. We talked about naming your business. We talked about I don't even remember market research  and then next week is like  Prices products sole proprietorship like

Nitty gritty of the stuff of the reasons why I don't Like having my own business. Yes.  Yeah, we'll get into pricing. Pricing is really hard for people. , and knowing your worth and things like that. So next week we'll continue. John will be back. We'll continue to build your business plan and talk about more things, all business.

Yeah. Knowing your worth is going to be good once you write these gratitudes and your wins. Yeah. You'll be all set. 100%. But we're very thankful for you guys for being here, for watching, and we will Catch you next week. Yep. Thank you. Bye