The Business Project Podcast

Making Your Money Make Sense | Ep. 068

The Business Project

Join Kacie and John this morning LIVE as they discuss the importance of having multiple streams of revenue. Engage in real-time conversation or leave a comment on the replay, as they offer strategic business planning tips to help create a passive income while you work on your next business project!


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-Kacie Bryant and John Crespo

 Plant your pine trees in the morning as well as night. Cause you never know which one will produce the forest or if they both will produce a forest. 

You're copying my plants. I know. I was so good last week that John's like, now we're gonna, now I'm gonna bring the plants into the discussion. 

We rolling with the pine trees, baby.

The strong 

trunks. What in the world does that even mean? 

Well, that's all about, um, multiple streams of income. 

Plant your pine trees, plant your trees. Both day and night 

both day and night. Yeah, that means you have multiple options So if you put all your eggs in the morning only planting pine trees in the morning and that crop dies Or doesn't produce any pine trees, right?

Then what are you left with nothing? So if you do morning and night Then you had the night as an option to produce if the morning doesn't  and if they both produce even 

better You're coming in hot today. You are ready. Listen  

if that resonates with you How are you planting your pine trees? 

Yeah, are you doing multiple streams of income?

Do you have multiple ways to bring money into your household or into your business? Because if you don't that's what we're talking about 

today. Yeah, you're going all in on one thing  Or you're like spreading the wealth out there to see what, or throwing spaghetti on the wall to see what 

sticks. Right?

Yes. I like spaghetti. 

Okay. You know that that's how you test if it's done or not, right? You take it out and you throw it against the 

wall? Oh yeah. And it works if you throw it at people's face too. 

Oh yeah. I've seen videos, I know we're going on a tangent, but this is funny.  I've seen some videos online where there, um, some people are throwing like a slice of cheese.

Oh yeah. On their dogs and their children. Their babies. Yeah.  Like that's so bad but it's so funny. So funny. 

See if it sticks. That's something that we like to do as a family. We do that to each other. All right. All right. 

Back to 

multiple streams of income. Today we're getting into, yeah, we're going to talk about multiple streams of income.

And we. are bringing this on as a topic because we feel like it's really important in today's world. Everything is so unsure. We're unsure and we hear rumors of things and there's all these conspiracy theories and like, we just want to help you guys get as stable as possible. It's like if you're, have a chair, right?

And your chair only has one leg. Then It doesn't stand up very well. Wobbly. Wobbly. Very wobbly. You probably can't even sit in it.  Unicycle. Yes.  But if you have a chair that has three legs, or four legs, or four, five legs, the more stable it gets. Mm hmm. I like that. Yeah. I just thought of that. That's pretty good.

I had to beat your tree thing. You're coming on strong too. Yes. We're ready for it today. So.  That's kind of, um, what, you know, what it is like to, if you are running a business and you just have so, and I think we need to get into, there's a difference between doing something really well, like being the best at one thing, right?

So if you're a landscaper, being the best landscaper, and it can be a negative when you're not ready. To bring in other things to then also, you know, clean roofs or whatever goes along with landscape, cut trees. Right. Um, but on the other end, when you're ready for it, and when you have a strategy and a plan put in place, it is good to bring other things into your business because.

Say landscaping disappears for whatever reason, say another COVID comes and you don't get the things that you need in order to landscape, then your business is in trouble. So the more you are able to pivot and have other things in your pocket, the more stable your business is going to be. You want to add legs, but you don't want to do it unless you're ready.

Because I also see businesses come in and they, it's a burger joint. And they're like, we're going to sell burgers. And then they don't do well with burgers or they're not ready. And they're like, okay, well now we're going to add tacos. And it's like, tacos don't go with your burger joint. It makes absolutely no sense.

And people are confused, so they don't support you. Then they wonder why they're struggling. So there is definitely a strategy to it. Now I'm going to shut up and let you talk. 

No, I like what you're saying, because for me, the way, what I'm thinking about when you're talking like that is recession proofing your business.

I think that this may have been a good title, right? How to recession proof your business. We had a podcast on that a little while ago, too, but it goes into setting your business up to be able to overcome the different, um, let's just say environmental hiccups that can be thrown at you that can cause one revenue stream to not produce anything, right?

Um, so setting yourself up means you have other revenue streams that you can rely on. Um, to continue growing your business or scaling your business if one doesn't work out. So if they all work out, it's a blessing. If one is producing more than the other, it actually gives you an opportunity to look at your business and see what's, what things are working and what things are not, and to bring on new things that, that will work.

So it's definitely a way to recession proof your business. Another thing I was thinking about is  we're talking about becoming an expert in your field. So if you're a master landscaper. Right. The beauty about landscaping is that there's other things in that industry.  Right. When you become an expert in the industry, there's other things in that industry that you can bring on as revenue streams.

So if cutting grass goes away because everybody decides to go concrete. Right. And you don't have the ability to cut grass, but you can do hardscaping. You can do planting. Like you do. There's other things you can bring on to your business to overcome that, that one major focus that you had in the beginning.

So you know, all that stuff is. It's not like necessarily throwing spaghetti at the wall, it's throwing the right kind of spaghetti at the 

wall, right? The same kind of spaghetti. 

Yeah, exactly. And then you're not throwing spaghetti in the noodles,  you know, you're throwing, uh, you know, the right kind of spaghetti.

Yeah, we're not 

Italian, so we don't know about the names of all the pastas, but you guys get the point. Linguini. Yeah, don't throw the round ones along with the long ones. Just throw all the same kind.  

I said zucchini. That's not a pasta.  

It is now. It's a vegetable.  Zucchini pasta. They make pasta out of all the things now.


Good to know.  Just throwing some random additional information out to 

you. Yeah.  What's your favorite kind of pasta? We want to know because apparently we're very hungry and  in the mood for noodles. Um, good morning, Faith. What's up, Faith? What's up, girl? Um, all right, if you guys have any questions, we are here to answer your questions, even if it's not at all related to the podcast.

We're here, um, for you guys, for business owners. So anything that you want to ask, if we don't know the answer, there's probably somebody that we can go to that does know the answer and your questions help us develop content right now. Well, people are not asking questions. So we're like, what do we do next week?

We're just throwing stuff out there and seeing what sticks at the wall. Yes. Should we, um, take a quick break and go, I'm really excited to get to, um, Christina and Lauren F's videos this week. They're good. Let's do it. Yeah. And it's crazy. Cause they're related. We don't talk about any of this. I know together.

That's right. But they fit in really well together. It's a good one this week. Yeah. So we're gonna go, let's go to Loath first, just because that's the next button on my keypad. All right. Here's Laurenne. We'll be right back. Answer. Ask your questions in the comment while we're on break. 

Hi, my name is Laurenne Peters, director of Marketing and Communications. At Better Business Bureau serving Middle Tennessee and Southern Kentucky. I'm happy to join John and Casey and just continue to provide tips to you as business owners, as consumers in general, as people today, I want to spend some time discussing invoice scam.

How many invoices do you receive as a business owner a week? A lot. If you don't receive it, one of your staff members receives it. When was the last time you actually took the time? To read through that invoice to make sure it's not a fake invoice, I encourage you to do so. Scammers understand that in entrepreneurs are busy, right, consistently busy, so they take advantage of that.

They sent bogus invoices that are not really invoices for you.  So what should you do? Take the time. First of all, to review all your invoices. Second, don't be intimidated. Scammers will follow up with you and say, Hey, we sent you an invoice. We noticed it has not been paid yet. And all these horrible things are going to happen to you because you have not paid your invoice.

So don't be intimidated, pay attention to who you're actually receiving that invoice from.  Also, make sure to train others, train your staff, train anyone else who is supporting you in your role as a business owner, when they receive invoices, what they should do. Come up with policies and procedures that protect you, protect them, and protect your business.

If you need better business, we're always feel free to reach out to us. Info at go bbb. org info at go bbb. org until next time, have a great day. 

So you're probably thinking about how do I implement multiple streams of income? For my business, even myself, I honestly think people should view your personal life as a business too, right? Are you just relying on your job as your source of income? Mm hmm. What if the job goes away, right? How can we implement multiple sources of income to help?

You know, overcome those obstacles if they 

appear. Yeah, because that is, that is a very common, um, it does fit in together. Whether you're doing your personal life, you should have multiple streams. And then within your business, you should have multiple streams. Yeah. Um, let me see how to gauge really quick.

Um, high game gear. 585 on YouTube. Um, skin over the lawn care. We will, um, continue using lawn care as an example. I think that's a good example. Yeah. Um, because everybody understands lawn care. I feel like you get what it is.  Um, all right. So how, John, how do we, how do we incorporate that?  

Well, let's look at lawn care as the industry, right?

Lawn care is an industry. Um, and there's a lot of things that come into lawn care. You have. Cutting the grass, right? Depending on where you, where you live, it could be multiple times a month, right? Or once a month, depending on how good the grass grows or how, how it grows. You have a fall cleanup, spring cleanup.

Services that, um, long care provides you have planting, mulching, um, leaf cleaner, leaf cleaning branch, you know, chopping down trees and making them look pretty. And then you have hardscaping, right? Where you're building like retaining walls, you're doing like that. That's like more commercial type of landscaping, but those are all different services that I know of and you landscapers out there can put some more, but those are some, some services that a landscaping company can offer.

Right. To, uh, supplement the income that you're getting from the lawn cutting, right? If you're just focusing on lawn cutting  and lawn cutting goes away, we're in a drought, no grass grows, or it's very rainy. There's no opportunity to cut grass or whatever the situation can happen that can affect that revenue stream.

What else can you offer to your clients, potential clients to continue getting work in? Right? That's how you have to look at your, your business. 

And I think it's really good applying this to other businesses, too. Get a whiteboard, get a piece of paper, and, you know, look, look at your business, do some research online.

If you're an accountant, or if you're building tables, or if you have a coffee shop, or if you make food at a restaurant, uh, just, You know, look at your look at your business and look around, do some research and on that whiteboard, just write out all the things, anything and everything that comes to your head.

So if you're a coffee shop, you know, what are some other things that you can bring into your coffee shop? Maybe you partner with other local vendors and you charge them a percentage and bring them. There are things in your coffee shop or, you know, maybe you add, um, a lunch menu or, um, you know, just other things that has to go with what you do though.

You can't do it and then just be like, Oh, we're going to just completely, we're going to run a coffee shop and then we're going to  start adding, you know, beer in the morning or something. Make sure it makes sense. 

Yeah. Something totally different than what you do is going to be more like, um, trying to become.

Trying to focus on profits, right? Versus trying to scale your business, right? Because if you have two different, completely different, um, industries that you're building revenue streams on, then your focus is on growth on each growth on each, which requires a lot of manpower and a lot of, um, just, uh, you're going to spend a lot of money.

Yeah. A lot of resources. You're going to spend a lot of money trying to grow those.  But if you focus on the same industry and complimentary services, Then you're focusing more on scaling because it doesn't take a lot to be able to offer those because you probably already have a lot Of the material a lot of the people that can do that in your business ready to go 

We talked about scaling last week.

That was a really good episode So if you guys missed that one go back to the scaling one, we've got a lot of people time to tuning in Morgan What's that Morgan? We need to have her as a guest on our podcast. She's killing it. Like killing it. Yeah.  

She's getting into multiple revenue streams. Yeah, 

she is smart. 

Morgan. Morgan. If you're still joining us, if you're still on Facebook, can you write in the comments, just what your business is and how you're scaling? Cause I think you have a really cool story. It's fun to watch. What's up, Christina, Christina from Clarksville, Indiana. Yeah. Excited to see her. Uh, we're going to hear from her in just a little bit.

Um, Morgan says pasta cooking, um, segment, apparently. Yes. We are talking about pasta. My mom says pizza is my favorite pasta.  That's a hard decision. Cause pizza and pasta are really good. Um, lasagna pizza. Oh, that sounds good. I've seen it. Yeah. That sounds delish.  All right. So yes, um, trying to find things that are related and if you guys are watching too and you have a business that has multiple streams of income, then put it in here.

We want to hear from you. Yeah. Share it. This is about you guys. Two. I mean, I feel like the businesses that are watching this have a lot to offer. So even if we're not live anymore and you guys are watching this after we're done being live, we, we still want to hear from you in the comments, continue the conversation with us.

You know, I think it's good to talk about as well as, um, what are the benefits for a business or a person to have multiple revenue streams? What are the benefits? Well, freedom. Right. You get, you open yourself up to, to the ability to have freedom. And I'll give you an example, right? Let's say you, you have a job and then we're talking just personal life.

I have a job. I get a paycheck. Right. But I also invest in stocks. Right. And maybe I own a couple rental properties. Right. That stuff is passive income, so I'm generating revenue, not just from my job, but also from my rental properties and from my investments stocks. So essentially, money's coming in while I sleep. 

So I guess a way you can look at or may want to consider another revenue stream is money that comes in while you sleep.  That brings the ability to have freedom. So now I have money coming in, so now I can afford to go on another vacation, right? Or afford to do this and that that I wasn't able to afford just relying on my job.

So, multiple revenue streams, the ability to have freedom, financial  What's the well, what's the word? Wellness or financial security, financial security, freedom. Exactly. Yeah. So those are some good reasons to consider multiple revenue streams 

if you have it.  Yeah, so Morgan said, thanks so much guys. I own Total Balance Massage and Wellness and I've been exclusively massaged for almost four years, but expanding into a new facility to bring fitness, dance and sports recovery services.

My passion's all under one roof. So I think Morgan is a really great example because she And this is kind of what we talked about at the beginning specifically with your business is she did one thing really well. She did massage really well. And the thing I love about Morgan too is that she does sports massage.

So she's very specific in her specialty. Um, it's not like,  One of those places where you go in and you get all feely and like all the music and the quiet She's she gets in there and she's like you got something hurt and I'm gonna fix it and she beats the crap out of you  But you leave there, right? Yes, and so but and there's not that there's anything wrong There's also a place for yoga or not for yoga But for massage places that are more peaceful and serene and you know, it's just two different Models market at your market.

And so, um, she got really, really good at that. She, she even added somebody else in her office that was doing massage that rented a space from her. And, um, and so she just got really, really, really good at that one thing. And then she's like, okay, so, um, now I feel confident. I feel solid in what we're doing.

I have a good amount of income coming in. It's not just depending on me anymore. Cause she brought somebody else in and then she's like, okay, so let's. Let's expand and do all of these other things and I mean, that is a great example of scaling, like we talked about last year and then bringing in multiple streams of income.


And also spending some time planning and preparing, right? She didn't just jump into that. Um, adding those additional services. She spent a lot of time planning and preparing to make, to make sure that those services compliment what she's already doing. Like we were talking about complimentary services is what you want to do when you're, when you're looking to scale your business and bring additional revenue, that's what she's doing.

So, you know, I'm excited to see how that pans out. Um, and I think it's going to be amazing. 

Yeah, I think so too. Morgan, you keep us posted. I'll go over and, um, click on Morgan's name and follow her business. Because she's, she's, I'm sure going to have lots of cool things to offer.  All right. So we talked about, um, we talked about what we didn't really define it.

You define it as a tree,  pine tree, planting a pine tree in the morning. Parable style. It's so good. And then, um, and then we talked about, you know, types of. Multiple how to add multiple streams of income within your business. Let's hear from Christina really quick. And then we'll get to some of these questions and comments.

If you guys have any questions or comments, put them in right now. And we will get to them after we hear from our girl. Christina always bringing in the good stuff. Hey there. Thanks for tuning in to the business project. Christina Stubblefield. Business and marketing strategist and co owner of Soin Media Group.

Today's quick tip is to help you conquer one of modern world's biggest foes for small business owners and entrepreneurs. The overwhelming email inbox. Are you feeling buried under emails? Don't worry, in just 60 seconds, I'm going to share a game changing tip that transforms how you can start dealing with that dreaded inbox.

First up, schedule specific times in your calendar to check your emails. Maybe it's twice a day, morning and afternoon. That can work wonders. This structures your day and wards off constant distractions. Next, dedicate 15 to 30 minutes per week to unsubscribe from newsletters you no longer read, and organize essential emails into folders.

Less clutter, more clarity. Lastly, set up filters or labels for critical emails. Whether it's from a specific client or company, make sure it stands out in your inbox. This simple action can save you hours each week. And there you have it. The start of your roadmap to reclaiming control from your email inbox.

Small steps lead to big changes. If you would like to connect with me, you can always visit my website, kristinastubblefield. com, or listen to my podcast for more simplified solutions.  

Avenue for revenue generation is keeping your emails clean. Yeah. 

Keep those emails clean. 

You might miss a business opportunity if you have a inbox full of unread emails.

Yeah. Creating systems for doing good things. 

Oh, that's important. Mm-Hmm. . Create the systems to, you need a, uh, a system for managing email for sure. Yeah. You don't have one. I'm telling you, it's just like, I've just started looking at my email and I had just recently deleted like from emails from 2020 and 2021  because my inbox was just too cluttered and I was losing stuff. 

Yeah,  that's, I mean, that goes along with, as you're creating these streams too and using Morgan's massage place as an example is you have to have. Stability and systems put in place with your one thing in order to add another thing because if your one thing is chaotic And you add another thing you're just going to double the chaos.


unless you like living in chaos. It's not fun 

No, it's not fun. It is not fun. What's up edward? What's up edward? How are you?  

He's got multiple revenue streams as well. Yeah, 

he's a rock star. Edward, we had him as a guest on our podcast before. He did so good. Why don't you tell us in the comments about your business and how you bring in multiple streams of income?


We can even use that real quick as a, as an example. Um, so he, he owns a, um, right now they do, it's a chicken, a restaurant, right? Where you can go in and get all kinds of chicken, flavored chicken, like so many different flavors of the chicken. And it's delicious. It's official. It's official, official wings, right?

So, and they taste official too.  Um, but they also do catering. They also have food trucks. So there's multiple ways that they're generating revenue for their business because they're ready for whatever could happen. You know, if a big event comes up, go to official wings. If you have a, uh, an outdoor thing going on, you need a food truck called official wings.

They'll be able to do that and give you the same. Taste and qualities if you're in a restaurant, but 

he started with one. He started with one. He did one really well And then he's like, okay, let's go. He started as a food truck. I think right? Yeah He did the food truck really well, and then he's like, all right, let's do this now.

They have multiple locations  

Love it. Yep. That's so great Um, so thank you for joining us edward. We're excited to have you listening. All right, we're gonna talk about now I forgot already We're just 

going to talk about, um, this, how seasons change, how you can't be rigid if you're looking to bring in multiple streams of income, you gotta be willing to try things, right?

And if something doesn't work, try something else. So you have to be flexible, especially with their, with the world that we're in. We got hit with COVID. In 2020, and those people that did not pivot or did not have multiple revenue streams are the ones that suffered, right? A lot of those businesses closed and they're still closing because they're still weren't able to recover, but the ones that were able to have those multiple streams and pivot.

Are the ones that were successful. 

Yeah, I think it's important to keeping in mind. It's not your business is not about you. Unfortunately, the hours that you're open is not about you. The products that you serve, the services that you do like none of that is about you. It's about your customer and I think we get.

Very tied into what we love and what we want and what we're passionate about. And we lose out on opportunities to serve our customers. Cause just because we want that doesn't mean that they do. And so I think as you are building out multiple streams, a great way to do it is by asking, asking your customer, asking your current customers, what is something that you would like to see us offer that's related to our products or services?

And don't be afraid to try one. You can try it at like a special, so just do, you know, Hey, This week or the first Monday of every month or on every Monday or whatever, you know, you can try it, offer it as a special thing that you're doing. You don't have to jump in 100 percent and spend 100, 000 and you know, go all out.

You can dip your toes in and test that. And that's a great way to figure out what's going to work and what's not going to work without having to blow all your money and. You know, go all out and then have it fail.  

I just thought of something pretty cool that may be Does it have to do with trees or spaghetti?

Somebody would want to No.  Well, kind of. Kind of, sort of. It ties into what we're talking about. But it probably can help or support like product based restaurants, um, type of businesses. What if you created a group, a special group of your customers, you invited them to be part of this group that is the ones that try your new things?

And give you that feedback, like your feedback group, right? You can create like a subscription service for your business that gives them first dibs at everything new that you're trying as a business.  And uh, they can tell you if it's going to work or not. Right. But you're like inviting them into this exclusive group for your business to try something new.

And that way, you know, if, Hey, try this, I want to try to implement that as another revenue stream. Tell me if you like it. If you don't, and you just built a, a kind of like a community right there for your 

business. Yeah. And then they feel like they're a part of the process too. Yeah. And they'll be your biggest advocates.

They'll be like, that'd be awesome. Yeah. We got to help them decide this. Ooh, 

I love that. Hey, there's an idea for you. Revenue stream Possible club is a good way Yeah. To do that. Yeah. That's a good one 

too. Mm-Hmm. . Yep. Get a text club. Go and invite them to be a part of your, your official triers. Yeah.

Business Builders. That's right. Yeah. There 

you go.  . Try it out. 

Yeah. Edward said, correct. Y'all are doing a good job telling our story. Love you, Edward. Appreciate that. Good job, dude.  All right. So we talked today about multiple streams of income within your personal and within your business.  And we gave you guys some examples of how to do that. Um, sit down with your business, do some research, get a whiteboard or a white piece of paper and just start brainstorming.

What are some things that we could add? Ask your customers, what is something that you wish that we offered that we don't offer? And then dabble. That's it. Do some dibble dabbling. But before you do any of that.  Get your stuff together. Yeah with what you're currently offering 

get your main line together.

Yeah, get your trunk together 

Rock your trunk. Yeah  Get your trunk good and strong dig those roots  And then once your roots are dug and good solid in Then start putting some branches out  I love it. Boom. I love trees I've initially I wanted  The business project to be called heartwood. I remember that was the first name.

I had for it. I love just trees They're so cool. Yeah 

Well, hence the forest. Yeah.  

Yes.  Alright guys, well we are going to get out of here. We appreciate you guys. It is super duper looper helpful if y'all share this. Whether we're live or not live anymore, it's all of that helps. Like, click the bell thingy.

Yep. Put it out there. Share with your friends. Yeah. We're trying to grow this organically. This is a free thing that we do for you guys and we don't charge Christina for being a part of it or the BBB. It's all, it's all free. We have no income right now and so we're doing it just to kind of help you guys and so helping us share, share what we do and we have a.

Big announcement too. Oh, should I make the announcement? Make it. Justine, you think we're ready to make the announcement  that's going to, it's going to  tie it, pin us to the wall. What is that word? It's going to make sure that we, that we actually do it. Hold us accountable. Hold us accountable. Um, yeah, I mean, we only have like a week, but we're trying to launch.

The business project, www.  thebusinessproject. com, which we've been working on since 2020, and we're hoping to launch it on March 1st. Ooh, that's going to be big. That's like a week away. Yeah. Wow. We're currently getting all the videos and the back end, and there's lots and lots of articles, and there's going to be a free subscription, so you can.

I guess it's not a subscription if it's free, a membership, a free membership you can sign up for, and it'll give you access to some cool articles and printables and a limited amount of videos. And then there'll be a paid subscription, and it's only 19 a month, and we're bringing in experts in all types of areas of business and social media and marketing and accounting.

And legal. And we've got some videos back there for you  and printouts and checklists and all types of things. So if there are certain things that you're struggling with in business, this would be a resource where you can just go in and search and find a video and make it happen. That's going to be huge.

I'm excited for that. It is going to be really cool. And think about 19 a month for, you don't have to worry about ads. You don't have to worry about being sold on anything. You don't have to worry about the information being accurate. I mean, you just go in, pop in, watch video. It's going to be so great.

We're really excited about that. Awesome. Yeah. Christina.  March 1st. Yep. That's like a week away. Christina, um, was actually a big part of that. I almost quit  the visit. I know we're getting off on a tangent, but I almost quit. I was like, I'm done. This is hard. I have, we, we completely did the, the whole, a whole 15 lesson course on start to launch your business.

So like from beginning to end, we filmed everything we, um, edited, paid somebody to do all the editing. We wrote all, read it all out. We had it up on a platform. And then the person that I was doing it with was like, I don't want to do it anymore.  So  we had to completely rewrite, refilm all of the videos, rewrite all of the scripts.

And then I found Christina helped me find a better platform to put it on. This thing is amazing. Yeah, she was a 


She is a lifesaver. She is a lifesaver. So, um, we are officially gonna try to launch on March. You're 

going to launch because that's what you said. You're going to launch on March 1st.

So on March 1st. It's already out there. I would love it. You guys can be my, well, you can be our trial, our trial audience. Just go in and enter your email, give it a shot and see if you like it. Just wait until March 1st though, because you could do it now, but it's just a hot mess in the back end. So 



Yes. That's going to be so fun. All right. Let me make sure no more comments on Facebook. Let me check the YouTube. I don't want to leave y'all out. Game gear has been rocking it. He said he does lawn care in the summer and eBay selling in the winter. That's awesome. So smart. Um. Have you read the book, Rich Dad, Poor Dad.

It's a good book about money and how to understand it. That is a really good book. Everybody needs to read that book. It's an essential read for sure. Yeah.  So good job. Thank you guys. All right. We are piecing out anything else? 

No, no, just stay tuned for March 1st. I'm excited 

for that. Yeah. And set your alarm for next week, next Friday at 9 a.

m. Central time. 

That's during our Oh, duh. Is it next Friday, 

March 1st? Oh, is it? I don't know. Next Friday is March 1st. Oh, goodness. Well, we'll launch on our podcast. We'll talk about it live. Yeah.  But set your, set your alarms for next Friday, for every Friday, a reoccurring alarm because we love it when you guys pop in and participate.

It makes it so much more fun. All right. We'll see you later. See ya.