The Business Project Podcast

Add Value with Accountability | Ep 066

โ€ข The Business Project

Starting a business can sometimes feel like you are adding a new member to your family. Whether that is through addopting an established business or birthing your own from grass-roots, having an encouraging support system is important in the longevity and sucess of any business owner.

Running your business comes with a plethora of challenges. Obvious ones such as the construction of a building, or the audience you are trying to target, Then there are the more subtle challenges, such as how to delegate your finances where you need to invest in order to grow. Nagging thoughts like this can some time keep you up at night, and having a trusted accountability partner can hold some of the weight and pressure while problem solving possible solutions.

They also offer, feedback, perspective, encouragment and motivation.

Do you have an accountability partner? If you have to think about this question, join the conversation this Friday LIVE at 9am, leave your comments and recieve real-time feedback, Kacie and John will help simplify your search for a trusted partner that can add value to your business.

Are you ready to elevate your digital game in 2024? Join Kristina Stubblefield, for a free webinar: "๐—Ÿ๐—ฒ๐˜ƒ๐—ฒ๐—ฟ๐—ฎ๐—ด๐—ถ๐—ป๐—ด ๐—–๐—ต๐—ฎ๐˜๐—š๐—ฃ๐—ง ๐—ณ๐—ผ๐—ฟ ๐—ฎ ๐—ฃ๐—ผ๐˜„๐—ฒ๐—ฟ๐—ณ๐˜‚๐—น ๐—ข๐—ป๐—น๐—ถ๐—ป๐—ฒ ๐—ฃ๐—ฟ๐—ฒ๐˜€๐—ฒ๐—ป๐—ฐ๐—ฒ ๐—ถ๐—ป ๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿฐ."
Date: February 15th
Time: 12 PM - 1 PM EST

We'll explore the transformative power of ChatGPT and how it can revolutionize your approach to digital marketing. This webinar is perfect for business owners, marketers, and entrepreneurs eager to stay ahead in the digital landscape. Get ready for practical tips, live demos, and a Q&A session.
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-Kacie Bryant and John Crespo

 Hey guys. Ah, we're here again. We made it. We're here again. I think we had a little less of a chaotic  Yeah, this was, this was amazing.  So last week I forgot to plug in the microphone.  So a microphone check. Can you hear us? Can you hear us?  We're like, why is it so loud? We keep turning it up and it's not going up.

Well, it helps if you plug the microphones into the computer.  Well, we have a, um, Now we have created a system. Yeah. To make sure we do that. Thanks to Justine. She's a rock star. Yeah. Behind the scenes. We're gonna have her, I have a plan to have her on one of the episodes once we start having a guest. She's gonna give you all the good stuff on how to make sure your stuff is in line and ready to go.

Yep, yep, yep. Love it. All right. So we got a good show planned for you guys today. We're talking about accountability. Accountability. Nobody likes that. That sounds like a yucky word. Nobody wants to hear that. No. Nobody wants to be accountable today. Nobody does. No. We want to just do what we want to do when we want to do it.

But in business, it doesn't work that way.  You can't just Go willy nilly on a business and not have any type of accountability on what you're doing because you'll not be successful. You'll fail. We get so stuck in our own, like, our own stuff. It's hard to look up and ask for help and there are certain things with accountability that we're gonna get into today that I think is gonna be a lot of help for a lot of you guys.

So, but first, since you're the definition man, what's the definition of accountability?  Why you putting me on the spot like that? You always do so good.  Uh, like accountability, just the general word accountability. Yeah, just what is account? What's let's go with accountability partner. What's an accountability partner?

So an accountability partner, I would say is someone that has a vested interest in what you're doing. And your success, right? That is, um, you know, maybe a close advisor, close friend, um, or someone that you just have a good relationship with, right? Not necessarily someone that's 10 steps ahead of you, but someone that could sell pretty much either in line with you or where you are going in your journey in life and doesn't mind holding you accountable to your goals, right?

And by accountable, we mean calling you out. Right. If you're not doing what you say, you're going to do, um, helping you to, um, let's just say, realize our shortfalls in accomplishing what we want to accomplish and doing it in a way that's, uh, You know, that's a supportive, productive and, and constructive. 

Yeah, constructive is a good word. Yeah. So, the difference between, we'll go ahead and get into that, a mentor and accountability, accountability partner is a mentor is somebody that is ahead of you in the process. That is an expert in whatever expert, you know, I love that word and whatever you're trying to do.

So like you can have mentors in marriage or with kids or with your business, certain parts of your business, but, um, an account, accountability partner, I have a hard time with that word. Say that five times fast  is more of somebody that's just wants to see you succeed, has some time to put into, or is willing to put some time aside to meet with you weekly, bi weekly, monthly.

To make sure that you're reaching the milestones and doing the things that you say you're going to do. Yeah. And you can, you know, determine that schedule with the person that's willing to be your accountability partner. Right? Number one, they have to be willing. To be, to invest that time. Um, but then you, you know, you then you create the schedule to say, Hey, this is how we're going.

We're going to check in on you. I'm gonna have you check in on me and, and all that. Yeah. And I think, um, you know, it's gotta be somebody. Let's talk about some qualities. This isn't in our notes, but I think this is really important. I got some. You got some. I sure do. What are some qualities of what to look for in an accountability partner?

'cause that's important too. You can't just say. Hey, john, we're friends and can you come hold me accountable? Yeah. Yeah.  I would say so. I got a couple of points here in my notes. She's got an ipad and I got a samsung. Um, a good accountability. We call it characteristics, right? What would you look for? Um, non judgmental,  right?

So it's not,  you know, they're not judging you, but they're holding you accountable, calls you out.  Um, can help uncover blind spots.  Uh, good complimentary skills. So not necessarily does the same thing, but has like similar mindsets and similar kind of goals and stuff like that, um, is a good coach,  can be a good cheerleader and is available for check ins.

Hmm. That's good. I have one to add. Let's go. Um, can keep it confidential. Oh yeah, that's big. Yeah, that's big. Cause you don't want somebody that's going to go off and tell all your business to everybody. For real. Literally business. Yeah, if your accountability partner has loose lips, then let them go. Yeah.

Yeah. And it has to be somebody that's reliable, too, because you don't want to get, you know, go in and in a motion and then have somebody that's always running late or isn't willing, um, doesn't show up or whatever. You don't want somebody that's going to waste your time. But then that goes into our next point.

Which is once you find an accountability partner, it's really, really, really important, just as you would with a mentor, that you respect their time, that you show up ready and prepared, that you show up on time, that you show up ready to ask questions, that you take notes, so that because nobody's going to want to hold you accountable and spend their time with you if you're not taking it serious.

I will say I'm very picky. I get asked all the time to for people to Sit down with me and let me pick your brain or go over this and  90 percent of the time I say no, and it's not because I don't want to help them. It's because they don't respect my time. And I can tell from the very beginning, they're just kind of wanting to.

I don't even know. I don't even know why they do it. Most people just do it because they think they need it. But then they're not willing to put in the work to make it happen. Yeah, there's a, uh, a book out there called givers gain., and   I'm similar in mindset with you when it comes to stuff like that, you know, if someone's just asking, asking, asking for stuff, but not providing value,  you know, for, for you, but not, you know, willing to reciprocate value,  I tend to look the other way as well, you know, and I think everybody should, you know, you want to, it has to be mutually beneficial.

The relationship is because an accountability partner goes both ways.  As you're being, you want them to hold you accountable, you should want to hold them accountable in what they're doing too. So it should be a two way street. Yes, 100%. And you don't want to get to a point to where you're wasting each other's time.

Either that person's wasting your time or you're wasting their time. You both need to be able to have a set time. You need to show up on time. You need to take it serious, uh, not talk about a million other things or get off topic. That's another thing too, is if be respectful of the, um, of the, of the conversation and don't go in talking about a million different other things, but use that time.

To be what you're to talk about what you're there for. Yeah, be intentional. Mm hmm. So,  okay, what's a good way to prepare yourself  to have an accountability partner?  How to prepare yourself to have an accountability partner. Get your  Yeah. Yeah. Like actually have stuff written down that you need help with. 

And number one, start with you, whatever goal it is you're trying to accomplish. Start with that. You know, keep that down so that obviously you can share your goals with your accountability partner. Right. And number two is also list down other things that are stopping you from, that you feel are stopping you from accomplishing your goals so that your accountability partner can help address those.

Mm hmm. Yep, for sure. I love that. Be ready. Preparation is the key. Preparation is the key. Speaking of preparation, we are prepared to give you some good information today. We get to hear from our girl Christina again today. This is good. Yeah. I'm excited about what she's got to present here. Y'all want to hear from Christina?

I do. We're going to hear from her twice today. We're going to hear her tip webinar coming up that's free. So we'll tell you guys about that in just a second. Um, but now we are going to go, I'm hoping we're going to the right one because they're switched. We're going to, this might be the webinar one. This might be the tip.

We will see.  It's Christina regardless. Hey everyone. It's Christina Stubblefield here with your quick tip. And today it's about boosting your online presence. Let's talk about the power of blogging. 

It's a strategic tool to drive traffic, enhance SEO, and establish your authority in your industry. Here's why you should start today. First, blogs increase your website's visibility. Each post is a new page for search engines to index, which means more opportunities to appear in search results. Second, it's SEO gold.

Use keywords naturally in your post to rank higher and attract the right audience. And finally, share your expertise. Blogs allow you to dive deep into topics, showcasing your knowledge and building trust with your audience. So what are you waiting for? Start blogging and watch your digital footprint grow.

If you want to connect with me, just visit my website, christinastubblefield. com.  Yes, let's do a quick summary because I feel like that was the countdown video. What's up guys? We are back We're just looking at our list making sure we're prepared for y'all. Yes  Man, christina's a good one. What's up faith? 

Hi, Joe.  Look at you, Joe.   Justine is visiting today. Yeah, I  know he's supposed to be doing his own show today. He was mad at me because we were competing with each other, but he does it every day of the week. So that is not even fair.  You can't have every day, Joe. Come on. Yeah. Share the wealth, buddy. No kidding.

All right. Um, so, accountability. Back into it. Yeah. Yeah. If you guys have any questions, comments, we got you on Facebook and YouTube Live. And if you guys could also do us a solid, I never understood that. That makes me, it makes me think it's poop. Yeah, why do  people say that? What in the world? Do us a solid.

Isn't that what that sounds like? Yuck. Okay, don't do us, don't do us that kind of solid, but do us a favor and make sure if you're on Facebook, share this in some groups. Share it on your page. If you're watching while you're in the toilet, share it as well.  Like, share,  comment.  Come on, let's go. All of that I do my watching.

You what? That's when I do my podcast. When you're doing a solid.  That's so weird. If anybody wants to explain that in the comments, that would be amazing. I never understood that. I always think of that. I can't believe I just said that live.  That's when you have all the time in the world. Yes, that is true.

That's a man thing. I think my husband, I think, nevermind, we won't go there. Okay.  All right. So we talked about if you guys are just joining us, we talked about, um, what an accountability partner is. We talked about why you need one. We talked about accountability versus mentor. Let's talk. We talked about how to choose one and we talked about the guidelines.

So we've already gotten through all of our notes.  We've got three that  let's ask a question. Let's do it. What's the question? Do you have an accountability partner? This is to the world out there.  Um, and if you do, how is it going  right? Have you found the right one? Do you think you have the right one? Do you think you need a new one?

Um, and. What is your, what is your process around selecting one? Do these goals match or do these points match what you're looking for? And if you have any other points that you think that we need to add into it, add it to the comments. Even if we're not live anymore, we use these to build our next podcast and we want them to build on each other.

So feel free to post in the comments, even if this is later. Yeah, well, and you know what? You can use us as accountability partners. Because if you post it, you are asking, you are cruising for a bruisin. Let me get it. Let me get specific. Let me get specific. Okay. The way, what I mean by that is if you post  on the comments, we will respond.

This is very true. With an actionable item, right? Yeah. So if you post a question, we'll respond with an answer. which will give you an actionable step on how to accomplish what your question is. In a sense, that's an accountability partner. That is right. And then it's up to you to follow up and say, Hey, it worked or it didn't thank you.

Or no, thank you.  Do you think that, cause I was just going to say too, if they need an accountability partner or if they're willing to be an accountability partner, they can put that in the comments too. This might be a great place for you to find an accountability partner. And then you guys can talk about the topics that we do on our podcast after the podcast and use this as an opportunity to grow together.

But my question to you is, do you think that people can do accountability, does it have to be face to face? Yes. Yes. No, it can be virtual as well. Yes. Yeah, we're in a whole virtual world. We are thanks to covid You know, it was slowly going that way, but covid just hit the kickstart button and just pushed the turbo charge button And pushed us into it.

So, you know, you can have accountability partner out in another country another state or whatever it may be Um as long as there's a mutual beneficial Um agreement going on there. Yeah Yep, and you have the terms outlined from the beginning. Yeah. Yeah, so you can hold each other accountable. So, Faith gave us the phrase, Do me a solid. 

Of course, leave it up to Faith. Do me a solid is believed to have originated in the early 1990s from the movie, Wayne's World. Oh, Wayne's World, party time. I would have never guessed that. Excellent.  That's so funny. Do what? 

The first podcast for YouTube. Yeah, Wayne's world. That's hilarious, right?  Thank you so much. Faith is very helpful 

All right, so let's let's get into really quick Christina speaking about improving yourself and having a Somebody that can help you with your business. Yup. Wait, was that first video the webinar? Or is this one the webinar? This one is the webinar, I believe. This one's a good one. Yeah. And the, if you guys are interested in joining her free webinar, there's a link in the show notes for you.

Just go in there and register and man.  She's a solid. Christina is a solid person. Chet GPT. You gotta listen to this. Yeah, she's got some really good She's helped us take our business to so many different levels. She's really great. She started in the wedding industry. And she had a website and just very well known, connecting people in the wedding industry.

And now she has so many people in other industries that are She has valuable information. So she's expanding outside of that. So you guys are super lucky to hear from her. So we're going to hear about Christina's webinar, and then we'll be back to answer some questions. If y'all have questions, put them in the comments so we can get to them.

We'll be right back. Let's go. Hi there. I'm Christina Stubblefield, and I've got something exciting to share with all of you all today. If you're looking to elevate your online presence and harness the latest in AI technology for your business. Then I've got just the thing for you. I'm hosting a free webinar titled, Leveraging ChatGPT for a Powerful Online Presence in 2024. 

Now, this isn't just another webinar. It's a deep dive into how you can use ChatGPT to revolutionize your content strategy, enhance your website, and supercharge your social media. In today's digital landscape, staying ahead means embracing the tools that can make a difference. And ChatGPT is a game changer.

Whether you're a seasoned marketer or you're just stuttering out, you'll walk away with actionable insights and strategies that you can implement right away. So, you may be asking, why join this? Because understanding AI and integrating it into your digital marketing efforts is no longer optional. It's essential.

And I'll guide you through every step of the way. Make sure to secure your spot today by registering. It's free. And you're taking this first step towards transforming your online presence. The future of digital marketing is here. And it's waiting for you. Make sure to get to the link and register today.

Let's unlock the potential of ChatGPT together. I hope to see you there. 

I think I'm signing up for that. Chat GBT. All that artificial intelligence is just, it's the way it's taking form. Like it's moving fast. Kind of scary. Terminator style.  Yeah. It's here.  But you can utilize it for your business. You can use it for good. It's just like a brick. It can build a house or it can break a window.

For real. Which side are you going to be on? Mm hmm. Yeah, it is a very helpful tool for business, though, I must admit, I really like it. I use it a lot. Yeah, I know, I do too. And you guys probably don't even know that you use it if you use it. Like, Google Maps is AI. Very true. Um, what else? Chatbots, if you're chatting with a web, it's typically a bot responding to your questions.

That's AI. Yeah, there's lots of things. Um, Amazon, what is it, Alexa is AI. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Um, what's the Apple one, Siri? Oh yeah, Siri. Yeah, they're all there. Yes. Yeah, so you guys use it. You're using it probably. Sometimes they don't listen, though. No, they do not. I be screaming at my Google.  That's because you got the accent.

Google's like, what? What are you saying, man? Where you from? I don't understand that.  That language you got.  All right, so Justine, what's up, Morgan? So good to see you, girl. I miss your face. More good. Justine said, I think it's important to choose someone that's positive, but realistic. Someone who can see your vision and be excited about it with you, but help you tailor your expectations and set realistic goals.

Yes, that's so great. Justine. I love that.  Realistic goals. That's another one. Smart goals. Smart goals. That's even on my list here. Is it? Yeah. Preparations. There you go. Define your smart goals. Boom. There you go.  All right. You'll have any other questions? If not, we're gonna peace out of here. And we'll see you next week.

Track your progress. You gotta track your progress, too.  Yeah.  We have a question?  I got stuff going. Asking for feedback.  Hold on. Yes. Asking for feedback. Can be humbling. Oh, yeah. Yep. Oh, that's, yes. Thank you. That's why we got her. All right. Feedback, yes. So, um, Asking, yeah, so when you take That's a hard part too, is when, and we talked about this in lots of our past Podcasts when you ask for help, sometimes you don't like what you hear back.

Yeah, it's hard to hear. Yeah, you gotta be willing to accept Constructive criticism. Mm hmm. As long as it's constructive and it's not meant to hurt you, but it's meant to make you better You gotta be willing to accept that and sometimes it takes thick skin and strong shoulders because maybe you got to be pulled down from the, from space  You're living in a different world.

Sometimes. Yeah. You can be smacked into reality. And I think that's hard to balance too, because sometimes you as a visionary in your business, you can see things that other people can't see. I get this all the time because I just, I know where we're going to be in 10 years. I've already got it. And I talked to people about it and I can tell that they're like eyes glass over and they're like, yeah, sure.

Okay, whatever. Um, so, but I think that I think it's finding a good balance between  Taking advice from people but then also not letting it interfere with what your vision is. Yeah, agreed. Yeah, I love it Good stuff Yeah, did you get something beneficial out of this? Hopefully? Hopefully. All right, so we're moving our podcast.

If you guys haven't noticed we're moving it to nine o'clock It's gonna be at nine o'clock now on Fridays 830 was a little crazy and hectic trying to get here after dropping the kids off and John's morning bathroom time. And so  We moved it to nine. It's much better. So we'll 9 you guys Set your alarm.

We would love to see you here. Don't forget to invite your business owner friends or anybody that's interested in learning more about business to join us. We would love that. Yes, we can't do this without you guys. We appreciate it. We sure do. And just please share this, you know, like it and share it and get it out to the universe so that we can touch as many people as possible.

That's the goal.  Morgan says, asking for hope is so hard, especially so many of us entrepreneurs are so independent. Yeah, that is, we are independent, we're like,  excuse me. We're like, we want to do it ourself, our way, this way, we know. Um, she also says, trusting the vision was my own epiphany this week. 

Awesome. Girl, you got good vision. I see what you got going on. For real. You keep on rocking it, girlfriend. Um, Faith says, poor John. Faith,  there's no poor John. Thank you Faith. Somebody's got to have my back.  Appreciate you. He's in a ring full of girls at the moment.  All right. We love you guys.  Yeah, you are, aren't you?

Can't get away from it. No.  We love you guys very much. We will see you next Friday at nine o'clock. Y'all have a wonderful rest of your day. Peace. Bye.