The Business Project Podcast
Business can be complicated. We break it down so regular people like us can understand and find success.Most people that want to start a business and have a passion for what they do, don’t know how to turn that desire into a successful pursuit. Beginning entrepreneurs will usually start by searching the internet for information on how to get a business license, set up an accounting system or start a social media page. They spend many hours weeding through YouTube videos and blogs trying to become informed. Under-funded, under-resourced businesses often open and close before anyone even notices.The goal of The Business Project Podcast is to provide helpful and effective resources for these small enterprises. Join us as we go through a wide array of topics related to starting and operating a small business.If you run a business, or want to run a business, welcome to the show!
The Business Project Podcast
Podcasting 101: Getting Started | Ep 062
We took all the complicated steps it takes to make a podcast so you won't have to!
Grab your coffee and something to take notes with, because you are not going to want to miss this! Join us LIVE as we embark on the journey of creating your podcast!
With our three years of experience muscling through the hard parts, we look forward to teaching you how to start a podcast with ease!
Afterward, we will switch gears and take a step back in time to our first episode with The Business Project Podcast. As well as discuss what sparked the fire that lit this flame in the first place. You can find our first episode 000
We have had some clients come to us wanting to start their podcast that had only wanted to discuss the equipment, then completely froze up when we asked them the hard questions about making a podcast.
We want to save you money and hassle by asking the hard questions first. Speaking of which, bring your questions and business/nonbusiness podcast ideas to the table, and let's create a simple plan to send your vision into higher frequencies together!
Kristina Stubblefield
Digital Marketing & Tech Solutions Guru, So In Media Group
Website www.soinmediagroup.com
Podcast Host: Simplified Solutions
The Better Business Bureau
Website https://www.bbb.org/local-bbb/bbb-of-middle-tennessee
► All The Tech You Need to Get Started: Tune In next week for PART TWO of Podcasting 101 to get the inside scoop on the Tech!
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► Simple Steps to Launch Your Business:
► Videos for Growth as a Business Owner
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See you next time!
-Kacie Bryant and John Crespo
We're just going to go live, it's not working. Hey! We are live!
I'm just trying to share it right now. Our intro video is not working, guys. What in the world? Again, this is our second live podcast. We're here. What's up? Listen, that's the beauty of going live. Yeah. It doesn't have to be perfect, and I think that's why we're going to be able to, you know, relate to everyone because it's not perfect.
Nope. And of course, the more we do these lives, the better we're going to get at it. Right? And, you know, I was a little late coming here myself because I had some, um, you know Personal stuff that I had to take care of before leaving, like at the last minute leaving the house, it's the worst thing you could do.
And then you try to speed to the, through, through the town that we live in. Oh, there's no quick, easy going, definitely not. Yeah. So it's been one of those days for sure. Yeah, and I think that that's the fun part about going live is it's all real and raw and that's what we're all about. So, thank you guys for For tuning in and for being a part of this and for having some grace with us as we're trying to figure out our technology.
It was working fine like two seconds ago. I played our little intro video. And it was working and then we went live and now it's not so well, you know, you got to love technology as well Yeah, you know what? I did you guys want to hear a funny story, especially since we're talking about podcasting today That's our main topic today is podcasting Obviously, even when you think that you have it all figured out you don't That's the beauty of technology, but So I was trying to be, um, I was trying to be snazzy and we're going to go into next week.
We'll go into a little bit more about specifically the technology that we use and, um, the cameras and the equipment and the systems in the background for your podcast. This week, we're just going to specifically talk about getting ready for a podcast. So picking your topic and being prepared. And so we have a couple of stories for you, but before we go into this, like this plays perfectly well with this.
Um, so I. Was trying to be smart and I, I hit a hotkey. So I have my little keyboard right here and it makes it to where it'll do things on the computer from here. And so like, this is how we switch from video to video. Well, I did a hotkey for the S. On the keyboard to start the live so that I could start it from sitting here.
Well, when I was doing the description in the, for Facebook in there, I kept hitting podcast, I was typing in podcast for the title of the description and it kept starting the live video. I'm like, what are you doing? So if you guys saw that yesterday, no, that was just now. Yeah. So if we. I started the live video about 50 times before we started the live video.
That's why I'm like, what is going on here? And it was because I did a hot key on a keyboard for us. Well, I think that's good because you know, just let people know that we're coming here. Here it comes. Get ready. Teaser. Nope. We're not teaser. Nope. We're not. I like that. Yeah, we should do that every week.
We should get that hot key every week. Yes. So guys, we're here to do all of the mess up. So that we can make it easy for you guys when you're ready to go. That's the best way to learn is from somebody that's been through it. Follow us. Yeah, that's why we learn what not to do. Exactly. So I have my phone right here.
I'm not going to be texting, but I'm going to be paying attention to your questions. So as you guys if you have questions that aren't even related to our topic. The first part of our conversation is going to be geared toward, um, podcasting. And like I had said, you know, creating the foundation to have a successful podcast and then tune in next week because we are going to talk about the specific equipment.
And even if you don't. podcast, you have no desire to do a podcast, I think that you can still get some good tidbits from this because we're going to talk about some other things here and there. So don't tune out. Can I say something about that really quick? No, you cannot. You're only half of the podcast.
As I'm trying to share the live on my page as well. Um, I feel with the way, um, the world is going as far as how people consume, um, information. Um, You know, less and less people are watching the news, less and less people are getting it from normal media, right? So, if you're a business owner, if you have something that you like to share, you like to do, I think starting a podcast is a great way to do it, right?
And, um, because that's just where people are starting to get a lot of their information. The podcast industry is exploding, it's like crazy. It is. So, you know, it's like The, the, the, the, was it legacy media is declining and the internet, um, media of the world is exploding. So if you're going to try to promote yourself and do stuff, that's the avenue to take.
Yeah. And. Everybody has something valuable to offer. Whether, no matter what industry you're in, don't write yourself out if you, we actually had a conversation about an auto mechanic. That's like, I want to start a podcast, but I don't know how. Even, you know, an auto mechanic has something very, to offer. Uh, an electrician or, uh, an accountant or, you know, no matter what your specialty is, you have something valuable that people want to know.
So don't, don't write yourself off. If you've never considered a podcast, now might be your time. Hey, Ariel. What's up, mama Mia? Hey, how's it going? My mom brought the kids to school this morning, so we could be here on time and get this ready So you could be here. Yeah, also I want to make sure and get their name right the game game gear 585 is here.
He watched us last week If you guys have any questions, make sure you type them in the comments so that we can get to him That's the whole point. We're doing live today. Yep, and I want to share mine. Oh There you go. All right, so let's get into Uh, let's get into just vision casting for, for a podcast because I think.
I think a lot of people, like I had just said, have something to offer. So how do we take what their specialty is or what they're thinking about and get it into a podcast? I'll tell you though, I think that. The people that I've talked to that are wanting to start a podcast, just think, Hey, we're going to sit down and record a video and we're going to put it up and we're going to get millions of viewers.
And that's not really, unfortunately, that's not how it works out. There's actually a lot of preparation that needs to go into doing a podcast. Well, and, and I think one of the ways to set yourself apart from all the other podcasts out there is that. Doing it with excellence and being prepared and setting up the right systems and processes and things like that.
So, right. Yeah, I like that. Um, I mean, just with anything, preparation has to be part of the process. You know, you got to prepare before you put your clothes on before you leave the house. Right. So, um, you know, preparing to do something, whether it's podcasting, whatever it is, business related, you know, you got to, you got to do some research in the front end.
And kind of get an idea of the information you want to share before you go ahead and do it. Um, I, I was doing some research when we were talking about, um, this topic, right? Yeah. And can I share that really quick? You're good at your research. I just show up and just blabble. Yeah, share it. Go for it. So I'm going to do it really quick and then we'll go into all the details about it.
But there's four reasons why you should not. Start a podcast, like we should start with that. Oh yeah, that's good. That's four reasons not to. Four reasons not to start a podcast. Okay, let's do it. So, anybody who's thinking about it, this is going to be good. Okay, the first reason is you want quick results.
And you just mentioned that a couple seconds ago. Um, the majority of podcasts fail within their first two years. Because people are expecting. Um, this whole, you know, I'm going to make so much money on YouTube and, and all these other things because I'm going to have a million views tomorrow. No, there's some of these major podcasts out there and, and, um, cause I, I'm a podcaster.
I listen and watch podcasts all the time. And, um, I was watching one episode. I'm not going to say the name of the podcast. Um, But I was watching, uh, one of his episodes. You're just going to tease us. Just going to tease you. Yes. Yes. Just watch some podcasts. Like this one. There you go. But there, he, he mentioned, he was like, um, it took them five years to break a thousand views.
Wow. Five years. Anybody in their right mind would quit. Yeah. They're like, this is just not working. But, you know, if you truly have something that you want to share, right, the, the doing a podcast. Shouldn't be difficult for you because you're talking about something you're passionate about. It's just sharing information.
So if you approach it with, I just want to share information and just, you know, just look at the, what you're doing as just providing something of value that, that some people can, can embrace, then, you know, eventually it's going to resonate with people and your podcast will grow. But if you're looking for that quick results.
It's not going to happen. No. Um, you expect people to find you organically is number two. Yeah. So there has to be some work involved in building awareness around your podcast. You got to get out there on social media, you know, do those clips, you know, send shorts out, you know, you have to. Do what you can to market your podcast as well if you want it to grow.
You can't just throw it up and be like, Oh, everybody's going to come. I see that with business owners too. It's, it's very similar. Businesses start their business and they open their doors and they're like, come and people don't come because they did no marketing. They did no marketing. I think marketing, marketing has to be like one of the top things when you're thinking about your podcast is how are you going to market the podcast?
How are you going to get the awareness out there? Yeah. Uh, the other one is you don't know what you're about. So, you don't know what you're going to talk about. Oh, goodness. You're just looking at the camera. You just go on and blabble. And it's one of those, uh, silent videos. I feel like we do that sometimes.
I'm just kidding. We do. But it's fun. But we do it with a purpose. Yeah. We always have something we're talking about. Mm hmm. And the last thing is, you're trying to do it all by yourself. We're going to go into that, right? Yeah. It's not, it's You can't do it all by yourself. You can't. No. Unless you want to do it as a full time job and not get paid for five years.
Exactly. There's so much involved in the back end. That it takes a lot and you need, you need the, you need some, you need some help. Ariel says this applies so much to running a small business too, which is so true. Yeah, I think that's why we wanted to do this topic. Is it's just, it's a very small example of, of you can apply it to so many things when it comes to running a business.
Hi Y, what's up girl? Hey Y. Hubbell Heart Yoga Studio. Oh, what's going on? Yeah, and Boss Lady, it takes time. Edu, Edu Boss Lady. Thank you. I'm so, I can't read. Huh? Education boss. Oh, education boss. Yeah, I love it. Thank you. I'm terrible at this. Um, it takes time. Well, thank you for joining for sure. Yeah, be diligent, strategic, and patient.
Adjust as needed. Thank you guys. I love that. That's true. Keep your comments coming. I love it. Um, this is what we, what we feed off of. So y'all keep them coming. Yeah, what do you think about those four reasons not to start a podcast? Yeah, what do you think? Do you have another reason? Exactly. If you do, put, you know, share it with us.
Yeah. So I'm going to go into a quick story. We, and you, um, I, uh, you were following me on this journey, but we, um, we recently had somebody contact us and say, Hey, I want to do a podcast. Um, I'm ready. I just need to get my camera connected. That's it. I just need to get my technology set up and my camera connected.
And we're like, okay, awesome. Um, so I went over there and I started, uh, connecting the camera, but then I'm like, okay, What platform are you going to push this out on? And he's like, Oh, I don't know. And I was like, well, where's your social media? You know, can I follow you? Oh, oh, well no. And then I'm like, okay, so, um, you know, what, what system are you going to like, how are you going to record it?
And he's like, Oh, I just thought I needed a camera, all this fancy equipment. So there's a lot that goes into starting a podcast. The first part, what we're talking about today, is coming up with the idea and knowing what you're gonna, what you're gonna discuss, but then, there's a whole nother piece to it, um, later, so that's what we're gonna go into a little bit more next week, because, yeah, you can't just show up, you can't just show up and film and put it online, I mean, It happens, but it's like very, very rare for somebody to do three videos and go viral just with a cell phone and a, and a light, a ring light.
No, no. I mean, you had those, yeah, you said very rare. You have those like, um, anomaly virals, um, but those are probably one hitter quitters, you know, when that happens. So proper understanding what you're going to talk about, like doing, take a step back, like if you've got a story to share. If you've got something that you want to get out there, let's just say, let's say you're a musician, let's say you're an accountant, a mechanic, I'll tell you what, when I'm going to go work on my cars, I get on YouTube and I search for what I'm going to do on the car and I look for, um, you know, the, the best video that can help me through that process so I don't miss a step.
So, you know, the fact that people do that, there's, yeah. There's an audience out there. And not everybody is your audience. Right. That's something to consider too. I think we get upset or offended when like we share it to all our friends and they're Oh, this is wonderful. Not interested. Yeah, this is great but You know, we do a business podcast, so not everybody in our life, our friends and our family are going to be excited to listen to a business podcast, but there is an audience of people that do love business and that are going to be interested.
So I think that's one thing to keep in mind too. And, and if you do something, get feedback from your. From your people, if you already have a social media following or even asking friends and family around you, would you be interested in, you know, this type of a podcast or this kind of information, because you can do some market research just from the people around you before you put all this time and energy and money into creating a podcast to number one, see what kind of content people want to hear around what you're doing and number two, to make sure that there's a demand.
For it. Yeah, I love that. So you hit three things, right? You hit, um, Know what you're gonna talk about, right? Understand, do some research, be prepared to what you're gonna talk about. Know who your audience is, like who you, who do you want that podcast to reach out to? Because that's gonna help you in your marketing.
Mm hmm. Because you're gonna, you're gonna try to market to that demographic. And then three, seek feedback. Mm hmm, right? Seek feedback from your circle. So if you're creating something, send it out to your circle, like hit them up individually. If you have a, you know, a pretty decent following, just send them a message.
Hey, check out my podcast. Please give me some feedback. Cause that will help you as well. And it's hard sometimes to, when you put your heart and soul into something to ask for feedback and then take it, you gotta be able to take it. So don't ask for feedback. I struggle with that. It is hard. And, and you want to ask feedback to that honest friend.
That's going to tell you, you look fat in the dress. Like that's just what you got to do. Yeah. You need some strong shoulders when it comes to that kind of stuff. Yes. So, um, Um, I want to talk to you, I want to go into a little bit with our journey and our podcast. And then we are going to hear from somebody actually that really, really helped us on our journey.
You guys are going to get a good tip from her. So we'll go into that in a second. And then when we, when we come back, we're really going to dig into some of these questions and comments. So right now, I'm going into the story and then when we hear from Christina, type in your questions, type in your comments, let's really get some conversation going.
Even if it's not related to podcasting, if it, if it's related to anything, business, please type it in the comments, Facebook or Instagram. And we'll get to those right after we hear from our, our girl. So Christina, and one of the reasons that we asked her to be a part of the show. Is because when we first started our podcast, John laughs because it was rough, it was rough.
We had no idea what we were doing and we thought we were doing the right thing by bringing in a professional and we paid a lot of money. To a professional that three months later, we're like, this is not, we're just on Apple, um, and Spotify and we, Facebook is not gaining traction. And I mean, we thought they were going to be running our social media, creating our thumbnail and helping getting our podcast out there.
And it just was not, it was not at all. And so luckily we were able to get out of that contract and. We were just kind of throwing our hands up like, okay, I thought that we did it the right way. We brought in a professional and we thought we got it started up, right. We've wasted all this money and we're back at ground zero.
So we ended up after our first three months of recording, we had to start from. Zero from zero from nothing. We started over completely. We found another person that Christina and her company, she's got a pretty successful podcast. She's just awesome. When it comes to technology and creating systems and getting your business out there, she's been an amazing mentor to us as we've gone through this.
And with my other business too, she's just really come in and help us get things going to help us. Get success. And so I think that is the advice too, is recognize when something's not working and be okay switching it. I mean, sometimes you might have to go in one direction and then start all over. And don't quit at that point.
I was just about to say that. Yeah, just, just use that as an opportunity to learn for the next step of the journey. Yeah, it's going to be a frustrating journey. If you're truly, truly, truly looking to build. Um, your podcast, like you're truly looking to build something. You're going to make mistakes in the front end.
Like, because you don't really know, right, exactly what to expect, what do you really need, you, you don't really know that kind of stuff, um, so you're gonna, you're gonna go through like a, a learning phase, we went through that learning phase, um, and it was disheartening, right, knowing that we invested money into something, expecting something that didn't get what we expected, um, so a lot of people would have probably quit at that point, um, and say, you know what, this is way, this is gonna cost, this is costing way too much money, I way too much time do it not not getting a return, you know But then you have to say why are we really doing this in the first place?
Are we doing it? Because we want monetary, um return on it or return on our investment Eventually, right? But are we, we're doing it because we want, we have a message to share. We have a community we want to support, right? So that's the true reason. So that, that's what drove us to keep on going. Um, and then Christina just came in and she was just, uh, the knight in shining armor at that point.
She brought some amazing value and it was just. She was great. And that was one of your tips I think that you gave is don't do it alone. Finding the people that you can surround yourself with so that you don't have to start from scratch and they can help you build it from experience. It just makes such a big, such a big impact when you don't have to do it alone.
So I guess a good tip is if you, when you're seeking help. Vet out your help, like really, truly, truly make sure that that person or group or agency that you're bringing on to help you with your podcast. Has your best interest at heart. Ask for references and do your research and don't just trust if it is a If it is a you know, if it's a referral or somebody says they were doing a good job Make sure you do your research.
So we're gonna get into Christina's Um, we're going to get into Christina's video. This is our girl. You get to hear directly from her every week. So we're really excited about that. And then when we come back, you guys are doing awesome with the comments. I love this. We're going to look at some of your comments and start answering these questions.
If you guys could also please share this, share this in groups and business groups, share this on your page, share this with your friends. It definitely helps. Click the bell. I don't know all the things on YouTube. There's a bell, right? We need your help getting this, getting this out there. Cause a lot of businesses, I think could benefit from this.
So I'm going to, we're going to go to Christina and we'll be right back with your questions. It did not, it did not go to, the video's not in there. Okay, this is great. Okay, it's not working. Apparently none of our videos are working today. So, you will get to hear from, we teased you for next week. You're going to get to hear from Christina next week.
We're just building it up and building it up and building it up. Yeah, yes. That means that, um, that y'all get to stay tuned. It's a little teaser. Okay. That means that we actually get to get to your questions earlier. Yeah. So, um, so let's see so many pieces to everything says faith. Hi faith. What's up girl.
How costly is it to get a podcast going? That's a really good question. So. Um, it is, it depends on number one, what your, how fancy you want to make it, right? If you want to just set up and start recording, um, I would say having a budget of about a thousand dollars, 1, 500, um, for equipment and for the. Um, programs that you need in the backend.
So I think it could be, it could be pretty simple and easy, or you could go high tech and get a big fancy room and nice fancy equipment and have it be more expensive. It also depends on how much you wanna put towards marketing it. Mm-Hmm. how fast you wanna grow. That is definitely just like running a business.
That's something that you need to add in is the cost. And we're gonna go into this a lot more detail next week. Yeah. So that's what our next week will be. Yeah. Also, you know, what, what type of podcast are you looking to have? So there's, um. Talking head podcast where you're just, it's just you. Um, if that's the case, you don't need much equipment.
Um, it's just. Maybe you got a good phone with a good camera, but then you need the software that helps, um, get it out there. Um, but if you want to have a type of podcast where you're bringing in conversation with multiple people, then you gotta buy more equipment for that. Lighting, you have to look at lighting, you have to look at seating area, you know, what do you want people to feel when they look at your podcast?
Those are questions you gotta ask yourself. And then you can say, okay, understanding that. What's the budget going to look like? I need seating. How can I get seating? I needed a nice backdrop. I need lighting. You know, what do I need to get all that stuff? So then you can create your budget that way. We're going to have next week in our show notes.
We're going to even give like a list of equipment that we use or equipment that we recommend. And so we'll tune in next week. If you want to get more specifics on that, cause we will have a list for you and some links for everything. So how do you start a podcast with three people? And one microphone and two phones, uh, three people and one microphone and two phones.
Okay. Three people. I have to think through that. One microphone. That would be hard. And two phones. And two phones. Are, I'm guessing two of the three people are on the phone? Or they're sharing a microphone? Or they're sharing? Because you could have two people on speakerphone. I don't know. Yeah. I mean if you're, so let's, let's think about the setup, right?
If you're just, um, if you're sharing one microphone and it's three people. Then it has to be a microphone that will pick up. a kind of like a ambience type of a conversation, like a conference type of a thing. And then, uh, but you gotta be careful with feedback and stuff like that. So. That's not really recommended.
I don't think. I think you should, you should think about getting microphones for each person. You can go on Amazon and find some good deals. You don't have to get the name brand stuff, but, um, you know, do some research online on good. Um, cost effective microphones and then buy some. Yeah. The two phones you just connected to the program and you can have two, those will act like two cameras, two different angles.
Mm hmm. Um, so, it's gonna, it's possible. You gotta think about your program. And sound quality. So possibly getting two more microphones would be important. Yeah, I think so. And again, we're going to have more details about that next week. Yeah. You're saying the phones are being used to record, not to be, not to talk to the other two people.
Okay. Um, Greek Piper, what's up, man? Humanity, humility is required. A great leader characteristic. Y'all are doing great. Thank you so much. We definitely have some humility. I feel like God humbles me every day. Um, social audio, this is from edgybosslady. Social audio was my first exposure to creating a podcast.
Eventually it was important to move into a multiple use format such as video. Then I was able to use audio and video to repurpose my efforts. Yes, that's such good. Good feedback. That was actually one thing that I wanted to mention when we were talking about earlier doing your planning phases is now if you're doing a podcast, it needs to be video.
You have got to use video. It's just where the world is going. You used to be able to only do audio. I mean, you even look at Spotify. A year or two ago, Spotify only did audio and now, thanks to Joe Rogan, they're doing video too, so that's where everything is going, I think. Video is the way to go. I mean, audio is still good too because a lot of people drive and they like to listen.
Um, but video is the way to go. Most people consume their content through video. Yeah. Game Gear says, no, thank you. That's way too much. I started a YouTube channel with no money spent. Yes, you can do it with no money spent, but it's going to take you a long, a long time to get where you want to go. How do you, just like a business again, you know, you can start a business with no money, but it's going to, it's going to take, you're going to have to double your penny.
Every penny you make. There's a difference between starting a YouTube channel, right? And having a podcast, right? Because you can, you can stream yourself. And it's showing yourself doing something or whatever it may be do prep webinar type of presentations where you got you're on one screen and you got the thing and you basically you can do that, you know, at no cost if that's the avenue you want to take.
Then you can do that and you can build an audience that way because you still have something to share and that's a way to do it. But podcasting is more of, um, it's a conversational type of approach. Like you're, you're, you're, you're sharing information. You're looking for feedback and you know, you're looking to build an audience that, so there is a difference between the two.
But yes, the way you do it, having a YouTube channel. You can start a YouTube channel for free. Yeah. And I think podcasting is more of a nowadays too, if you're doing podcasting, it's way more than just YouTube. You do YouTube, you do Spotify, you do Apple podcasts, you do Facebook live, all these things, because people like to watch in specific places, like.
I know you are a big YouTube. Guys love YouTube, so guys will sit on YouTube all day long looking at the YouTube shorts and all the videos. I only go to YouTube if I'm looking for something specific or if there's a podcaster that I follow specifically that I want to watch the video for. But then I also listen to Spotify.
Spotify is my main place that I look for podcasts. So I think it's, um, you know, nowadays you have to be in more than one place in order to grow because people are all over the place. There's so many now way talent, more challenging than it used to be. If I'm driving, I'm on Spotify. If I'm in my office at home, I'm on YouTube.
Yeah. YouTube is the second largest search engine out in the world. Right. So. You want to get on YouTube for sure, for sure. Yeah, yeah. Okay, so, Edgy Boss Lady, how do you recommend marketing a podcast? And does a podcast need a business license? Those are two really great, what good questions. This is why we wanted to do this, you guys.
This is awesome, thank you so much. So, how do you recommend marketing a new podcast? Um, this is the million dollar question. Just like marketing anything else, I think that the biggest thing, my personal opinion is, Being prepared and doing it with excellence and, um, and coming up with a marketing plan. I think that, um, just having social media.
Um, platforms, Instagram, Facebook, the basics, YouTube, and doing shorts, doing video shorts. Shorts are important of your podcasts, reels and shorts and those types of things. That is a great way to get some organic reach on your podcast. You can't just record a podcast and put it out there and leave it alone.
You have to clip it up into, into little videos and make some additional content out of it. Yeah. And I just want to add, if you're a business owner and you have a clientele list, so. Uh, marketing it on your email campaign, doing like an email campaign or texting campaign for your clientele list. That's another way to get the people that I already know you or have had some interaction with you, get them involved.
Right? So that's a, so if you're just starting out, you got to look at your circle. So if you have, if you're on social media and you have already a bunch of followers or your father, you know, all that on social media, send them out directly, the messages, letting them know what you're doing. And if you're a business owner.
Use your email list, use your texting club, use all of that stuff to get the information out there. Yeah, that's so good. So you can do a lot of it organic and then you can do, you know, boost some of your posts in it. I'm not a big fan of that, but you can also pay influencers to, you know, talk about your podcast.
You can be guests on other people's podcasts, which helps get, get it out there. So there's a lot of ways this could be a whole. Episode on marketing a podcast. We've done marketing videos before. Right? We've done a podcast on marketing before. And I think most of those tips would probably apply to podcasting too.
So go back and, and check out, um, some of those. So do, does a podcast need a business license? Um, it depends on if you're wanting to make money from it. If it's something that you're making money from, then you need a business license. Yep. If you're going to make more than what tax guy? 1, 200 a year? Well, that's a good question.
Um, if you're making more than 1, 200 a year, it's necessary. You don't necessarily need a business license per se, a business license. What that does is it allows you to do business in the county or state or city that you're in. Right. Um, but if you're just doing a podcast under your name, um, like yourself.
Um, then you don't necessarily need a business license, but if you're trying to turn it into a business Then you need to register your business need to get a tax id, you know You need to make sure it's set up as a business and if that's the case, yeah get yourself a business license. Yeah That's good.
Thank you. That was a great question. We're getting lots of questions. Y'all are making me really excited. I can't even get through them fast enough. Um, so Greek Piper, what programs are you talking about or should I just wait until next week? Yes, you got it. We're going to go into all of that for you next week.
We'll have, uh, we'll have links and all of that. Tune in. Good question. Thank you so much. We're going to leave a teaser for you. Game Gear, how do you put your stuff on Spotify? Is it free? Again, we're going to go in all that next week. We'll talk about the programs that we use to push our podcast out. So tune in.
Tune in for sure. Uh, Beaten by Google, which owns YouTube. Yes. Google does on YouTube. Those are both as far as search engines. They're talking about. So they got the top two are Google and YouTube. Um, how long should your podcast be? That's a really good question. I think the algorithm changes like every 10 seconds.
I mean, you look at even like tick tock, right? Tick tock is short for video. Trying to compete with YouTube and do 30 minute videos and um, so I, my answer to that would be You want a podcast that is packed full of good information? So if it's 10 minutes long and it's packed full of good information then make it 10 minutes long If it's an hour long and it's packed good of information Make it an hour long.
Um, I think that the, the content that's in your podcast is way more important than how long your podcast is. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, you have like the podcast King Joe Rogan, his podcast can go four hours, you know? So it really depends on the content that you're talking about. You have to keep it interesting.
So people stay engaged. So if you can do it in 10 minutes, you can do it in 25 minutes. You can do it an hour, three hours. So be it. It's really up to the content you're sharing and your clientele, the people you're trying to reach out to. Yeah. It's storming here. You guys, I don't know if you can hear the thunder in the back.
How often should you upload new content? You are just full of, you will get the gold star of the day. Consistency is key. Yep. That was going to be my answer. Yeah. Yeah. Go into it. At the minimum once a week, right? You want to do it at least, you know, to be consistent and truly get into the algorithm and this is Casey's world.
I would say no less than three times a week, you should be providing information out there. Yeah, yeah, um, I, I, that's my thing too, is consistency. I think, I think it's okay to take a break sometimes, but I think really getting into a rhythm of Consistency. So it's whatever you feel like you can do. You also don't want to say you commit to, you know, every day doing a podcast and then you get a weekend and you're like, man, I should have never done this.
It's way too much. You need to also do something that your schedule can accommodate. So we do once a week. I feel like that's what we could accommodate. We probably have enough content to do every day, but we would never be able to do that. Yeah. So, you know, and I was thinking about how you market it.
Right. As far as trading, like doing the podcast. Yeah, I think once a week is pretty much the norm, but you have people that actually go on every day. I've seen, I think there's people that go on every day, but it really depends if you want to market it though. You got to, you got to take your podcast, cut it up into reels and shorts and all that stuff.
And, you know, do something every day to keep the awareness out there of building. Yeah. Yep. Amazing questions. Hi, Justine. That is, that's all we got for right now, which is good. This is y'all had some really, really good questions. That's why we do this. This is fun. Yeah. And if you guys in the future, when we're live, if y'all have, even when we're not live, we'll go back and any questions that you put in here, we're building this podcast.
around you guys. So if there's anything specifically that you guys want us to cover, please make sure and ask those questions so that we know that's, that's why we're here. It's an ask me anything style. Yes. And we might not know the answer. We don't know the answer to everything. I will tell you that right now, but we can quote anything, but we, um, anything business related, but we do know where to find answers.
So. True, we can, we can do research together. Yeah, we really appreciate you guys. I think we're going to go ahead and close it up, especially since none of our Our cool videos are working, so we'll next week, you'll be able to hear from Christina and we will also, um, go over specifically the equipment and the programs and get into all of that when it comes to podcasting, but remember before you get into that.
You need to have a plan. So are you going to have guests? How many camera shots, views do you want? Um, how often are you going to go live? What's your content going to entail? Um, also, are you going to use it as like a lead generator for something? Or are you just going to chit chat and and use it as? Um, so I think just coming up with a, with a plan for your podcast is number one.
And then we'll talk about the tech stuff. And understand it, it's a, it's a marathon, not a race. Your podcast is going to take time, um, put some thought into it, build some, you know, share some great information that people want to hear, um, that you're going through in your journey. Share that. People will want to hear it.
It'll resonate with people and it'll build. Um, but you can't give up, you know, just know it's a marathon and not a race Yep. All right. Thank you guys so so much for watching This was absolutely amazing subscribe to subscribe like share hit the notification button everything you're supposed to do so that you can follow us and You can share it with your people so they can follow us too.
Yeah. We can't do this without you guys. As we mentioned earlier in the podcast, we wasted all our money at the beginning. Yeah. So whatever y'all can do to help would be great. Thank you guys. All right. Have a good one. Bye.