The Business Project Podcast

Affirmations | Ep 061

The Business Project Episode 61

It is 2024 ya'll and we are LIVE!

Today we will identify the value we add to our teams and our customers!

Repeat after me:

I am Highly qualified.

I am an confident in the knowledge I have in my Business and what I have to offer adds value to my clients.

I am worthy.

I am Right Here and Right Now.

In 2024 Let's speak life into our small business verses doubt.

Ask your self, "Do I have a fixed mindset or open mindset?"

In this episode John mentions that everyone is blessed with a skill. It is when you affirm what you are, you are claiming "I am" instead of "I will".  Which is the difference between the present moment verses what you intend to do in the future.  

We know it is easy to feel overwhelmed and unqualified while facing your mile long “to do” lists. Trust us, we all have been there! And that is why we are here, to make running a business simple! 

Let us show you the light at the end of the tunnel vision and spread out the details.  As well as walk alongside offering strategies that will encourage you to lead a successful business, confidently and less complicated.



Kristina Stubblefield
Digital Marketing & Tech Solutions Guru, So In Media Group
Podcast Host: Simplified Solutions

The Better Business Bureau

Local BBB | BBB of Middle Tennessee | Better Business Bureau®



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-Kacie Bryant and John Crespo

 Work life balance. Yeah.  The 

Business Project Podcast. Business can be complicated. We break it down so regular people, like us, can understand and find success. I'm John Crespo, accountant and consultant. I'm Kaci Bryant, marketer and event planner. If you run a business, or want to run a business, Welcome to the show. 

Yay!  What's up guys? What's going on? We're live for our first ever. Oh my god, this is exciting. I did a terrible job with the camera. It's way too low. What do you mean? Um, I need to move it up. Let's get moving. You give us an intro and I'm going to move the camera up. Okay. Well, let's start with Happy New Year, everyone.

This is exciting. Thank you so much for joining our live. We're going to be doing this every Friday at 8. 30 in the morning, so get up, have a cup of coffee, and join in the conversation because we're going to be talking about some good stuff. We're going to have some good guests. Like, this is going to be fun.

It's going to be so fun, and y'all, the reason we're doing this is because So many of you guys, when we do our podcast, are like, Man, I had a question about this, or I wish I could ask you that. And so this gives you the opportunity, and we're not the know all of all. Like, John and I don't know everything, but we For real. 

We can still have these open discussions, and if we know that you guys Are all struggling with the same things we can invite guests onto our podcast that can help with those things. And so this is just the whole purpose of the podcast from the beginning was to create a community and being able to do a live, you know, one on one or one on two on a lot  is, um, gives us an opportunity to create more than just, we don't want to just speak to a camera.

No, we want you guys to.  Participate. So we want it to be open forum, Q& A, ask me anything type of thing. Um, that way we can just be that support for each other. We need that. We do. We need it. And there are some things too that John and I struggle with that we're like, man, I wish we knew more about this. And so we can maybe some of you guys out there know the answers to these things.

Yeah. Yeah. So let's get this thing rolling. Let's do it. Today. We're talking about affirmations. Yeah. And you, man, we were kind of,  so John and I don't ever talk about our show topics before the show. Like never. We just, we just go, we say, Sometimes we say, Hey, we think we need to speak on this topic, but for, and then we'll like, maybe talk for five minutes before, but, um, this one, like I said, a topic and you came in on fire, ready to roll.

So why don't you get us started with affirmations?  Yeah, well, you know, I would just want to continue with the, what you were saying for really quick is, uh, that's why I think it's good that we're doing lives because we're, we, we just go. with the flow, right? We just can have a conversation. We say, Hey, let's talk about this. 

There's really no planning in it. We just and talk about unless it's something that we have to do some research on. Of course, we'll do that before we go live. But that's what makes it so much fun. And I'm so excited about this. So every new year and you all know this. And if you don't, let me share something with you, right?

Every new year. Okay.  You got, you're coming up to New Year's Eve, the balls is dropping, everybody's counting down and everybody's like, I'm making my New Year's resolution. I'm gonna do this and I'm gonna do that and, and all that good stuff.  And what happens? Uh, in February, we're all done. We're all done.

Yeah. I did good for two weeks.  And it's, it's, I'm over with it. There's really no accountability there. So you go to the gym before New Year's and it's empty. Right. That the whole holiday. I took a picture a little while ago when I was at the gym.  It was like December, like right before or either right after Christmas in between Christmas and New Year.

I was at the gym and I said gym before New Year. Nobody was there. Crickets. Right. And then I went to the gym this morning and it was just.  You can't even, you can't even get into a, you can't even do anything. So that's really annoying for us. Yeah. Regular gym goers.  So it's like, come on.  And I'm like, I'm like hoping, come on February, come on February.

So when you do that, right. So really we were talking about affirmations and I did, and I said, you know, what, what is the affirmation and what is the resolution? Because you hear both when it comes to this time of the year and things like that. And, um. Um, uh, in my research, I love what I, what I found out because there's a difference between the two.

They are not the same. An affirmation. You're saying I am, you're saying I am great. I am an expert. I am successful. I am getting out of bed right now and I am going to the gym right now. So it's, I am,  but when you do a resolution, you're saying I will.  So you're pushing out to the future what you're going to do when you say a resolution versus you're holding yourself accountable. 

Right now, when you're doing an affirmation. Yeah, that's a big difference. Sorry, y'all. I'm not texting on my phone. I'm making sure that you guys aren't asking us comments.  I can't see the screen over there. Y'all, this is our very first live podcast, so we are still going to work out the kinks. It's going to get better and better as we go, but, um, yeah, I just want to make sure that we're not missing anything from you guys.

So feel free to type in the comments. If you've got something that you want to contribute, let us know, put it in there and we'll get to it. What are your resolutions and affirmations, right? All right. Or either, or if you have a resolution to have it made an affirmation. Put that in there. If you have made an affirmation because you don't believe in resolutions, put that in there as well.

We want to know. Yeah, we want to hear. We want to hear what you got going on. Um, so,  yes, I, I think that's very interesting because I've never really thought deeply about the difference between affirmations and resolutions. And I think when we think of resolutions, we think of, Everybody does them at the beginning of the year, right?

But, we think, when we think of affirmations, all year round. You do it all day. Yeah, all day, every day. So, um, I have some affirmations prepared. There's a lot. Like, affirmations are big for me. I really, and I think when you first You know, when you first start doing, getting into doing affirmations, it feels weird because a lot of the things that you say aren't happening in your life yet, or even, even if you have no idea, like there, you say, this is never going to happen.

This is something that I'm, that I'm never going to do, or it's never going to happen, or this is something that I don't really feel, but I want to feel it's, uh, it's, it's like a fairytale land when  you're first doing them, but after you get used to it and after you see. Some of these affirmations come into fruition in your life, then you're like, man, this is really cool.

I want to continue to do these and Especially what the world is today. I think it's so, so important that we get off of the negativity. I think that's the biggest power in affirmations is you are what you focus on. Like whatever you focus on is what your life is going to be and what you're going to be drawn to.

And so if you. Wake up every morning and you are saying positive things to yourself and positive things out loud Then that positivity is gonna have such a better impact on your day Then waking up and oh, there's water on the floor from my pig or you know So I think I think that's it like even just being able to Put positivity into your brain is, is what makes the difference.

Yeah, I think it plays a lot into mindset. So there's two types of mindsets, right? If you, if you don't know, it's a fixed mindset and a growth mindset. Um, I think affirmation plays into the growth mindset side. Um, and helps you really change how you're viewing the world and how you're viewing yourself.

And it plays a major part in you really putting the effort into being successful, right? Everybody wants to be successful. Everybody wants to do this. Everybody wants to do that. But if you're not, um, holding yourself accountable, if you're not  telling yourself that you are successful and you, you, you can do this, then chances are you're not going to get there, right?

There's another thing I, there's another way I look at affirmations is Um, everybody's blessed with a, some type of, um, let's just say skill, right? Everybody's got, everybody's got a blessing that's waiting to be opened and grabbed onto, right? When you affirm your blessing, when you're saying, I am this, I am that, you're, you're, you're agreeing to the blessing that's already out there for you, you know?

And I think, uh, uh, you know, I'm going to get a little controversial here.  So let's, let's have a dialogue around this, right? Really quick. Sherrod says, everybody wants that Lambo truck, John.  Yeah.  Affirmation is, are you going to do a resolution to get it? Are you going to affirm yourself to get it? Which one is it?

By the way, thank you for watching. I haven't had that added onto my affirmations yet, but that's going on the list. I didn't even know there was a Lambo truck. Oh yeah. Like a Lamborghini truck? Yeah. Yeah.  SUV style. Not a truck, it's a SUV. Oh, that's so cool. Yeah. Okay. I didn't mean to get off on a subject.

That's just really cool.  Alright. Well, we're worried with that. I know, I totally interrupted you. No, I like that. Let's keep the dialogue flowing. Yeah. Yes. Uh, I haven't seen any of y'all's affirmations come in yet. So in the comments, if you have some that you tell yourself daily.  Or if you want to start telling yourself something daily or If you were to give advice to somebody else on like these are some affirmations That I think most people could benefit from especially as business owners put those in the comments and let's work today and let's make Some affirmations that we can continue, that we can start saying to ourselves.

So I have a bunch, I'm gonna show you guys my list. I don't know if you can see my phone. Like these are all affirmations, , there's a lot.  There's a lot.  So there's how many of them? Let's see. There are,  um,  86. I have 86 affirmations and I don't these That's a lot. Yeah. I, I don't sit here and do all of them every day, but.

But I feel like in different times in our life, we need different things, different types of encouragement, different types of positivity. And honestly, some of these have already been done and like have already happened. And then I just, I can go through and be thankful just, you know, wow, that, that happened at one time.

I didn't have that. And I have that now. So just thank you for, for that. So I like that. Yes. Um.  I'll read some of them. Let's see. I'm going to find some that aren't embarrassing, aren't embarrassing.  Well, you got 86 to choose from. So let's see what you got. One of them is I learned something new each day.

So that's the truth. Yeah, that's what, um, and then, you know, as you go through these two, sometimes you can sit down and reflect and be like, okay, I learned something new each day. What did I learn yesterday? What do I want to learn today? Yeah. You can take them and kind of pick them apart. I choose to focus on positive thoughts. 

That's one that I tell myself all the time. Yeah, I think, um, that goes into, when you choose to think on positive thought, you're, you're renewing your mind every day. You're not allowing yourself to live in the negativity. You're, you're seeking out some positivity throughout the day so that, you know, that, that just goes into the whole growth mindset type thing.

Yeah, positivity, so powerful and important.  I recognize my potential and won't let others block my path. Boom. That's powerful. Now that right there is powerful, especially with social media, because I think we pull up social media and we look at everything that everybody else is accomplishing in their big, beautiful lives with rainbows and sunflowers.

And then we're like, what am I doing? This really stinks. But if you focus instead on what you have and your potential and don't let others. Pull you back or their negativity affect you me and you are unstoppable. Yeah, there's too much comparison going on today, especially with social media You know if you compare yourself to the way you were yesterday And say today I'm going to be 10 percent better or today I am 10 percent better than I was than yesterday.

Yeah. Then you're pushing yourself to be better than yourself, which is the best comparison you can, you can do if you're going to do some comparing, that's the way you should do it. Yeah. That's a good one. That's a good affirmation. Um, Justine is here on our business project page. positivity every day.

Boom. That's a good one. Super simple.  Uh, my mom, my mom, teenage daughter. Positive thoughts are a must.  She knows  my daughter. I love my daughter. She's amazing. Oh my God. This is a, I wish my kids would be watching this. Cause it's the same. Yeah, I got a bunch of teenage and young, early 20 year olds that need to be listening to this.

Yes. Well, and I think, yeah, keeping positive as you're, as you're raising teenagers.  Yeah. For yourself, for your own mental health. Yes, stay positive. All right. You want to hear some more? Yeah, let's go. God is full of love. Boom. Yeah That's one that I tell myself regularly because I think things happen right things happen in our life and we're like  Why in the world is this happening?

But I think we have to remind ourself that God is love everything everything that happens is from the love of God whether it be bad or good  He, he does everything with pure. With pure love. Yeah. We're the ones that make it bad. Mm-Hmm. . So, you know, we're the imperfect ones. So, you know, when you take love and you corrupt it,  it's not gonna be love anymore.

So take accountability for that. Yes.  Um, I'm open to give and receive love. Boom.  Yeah. Sometimes, sometimes it's hard to love others.  Hmm. Especially today. Yeah. And sometimes it's hard to let others love you too. Yeah. I don't like. I don't like to let others do good things for me. It's hard.  Yeah. Well,  I don't know.

Why not? I don't know. Why don't you like people to do good things for you? Because it's hard. Because I'm a giver. I like to give.  Giver's game. Yeah. Yes. Giver's gotta get too.  I deserve to feel happy. No doubt. That's another one. No doubt. That's so important. I deserve to feel happy. Sometimes we feel guilty for feeling happy or for being in a good position or for, you know, having financial stability or a good house or sometimes we feel bad for that, but it's okay.

Well, and I think that that's a problem if we do, because then we're, we're  not accepting.  the good stuff in life. Right.  So if we're gonna be affirming good stuff, then we gotta  celebrate the successes. Yeah. Right. I think on the other one too, it can be played two ways because you can also be happy when you're, circumstances aren't the best you should be.

Mm-Hmm. . Yeah.  You know, they say praise them in the storm. Yeah. Right. Because that's always temporary, especially if you are.  Allowing yourself to make it temporary and not just trying to live in that storm forever. Yeah.  Yes, because we are going to go through storms. I think when it comes to, um,  affirmations, there's a big component of accountability there. 

And I think, uh, for especially for business owners, this is the business project, right? So for business owners,  we have to embrace accountability and seek it.  I think we should seek it from our peers, right? Maybe find some accountability partners out there that, um, will keep us in our, in our mindset or mentors or something.

But there has to be a big accountability piece when it comes to affirmations. Yeah. Yep, I agree. Well, and I think accountability too, and that for ourselves, like write it down and make time, carve time out every day. We spend so much time flipping through  social media and doing things that aren't enriching our life.

And so I think just making a conscious effort to, and you don't have to completely give it up, but Carve five minutes out, start with five minutes, just carve five minutes out, work on some affirmations and bringing positivity to your brain and your life. And I guarantee you, it's going to make a huge, a world of difference.

Yeah. You can start by saying, I am not logging into social media today, except for the lives that we do on Fridays. You're going to log into that. So you can say, I am not logging into social media. I am watching the business project lives. Yes. I love that. That's going to go a long way.  So in our live videos, y'all, we are incorporating some fun things.

We have a tip from our friend Christina. Oh, really? Yeah. What's up Christina? Yeah. She's going to start offering it. She's going to give us a tip every. Every week, every podcast, we were partnering with several, the Christina Soin Media Group and, um, the Better Business Bureau and our friend, Pastor Tommy is going to come in and give us some encouragement.

We don't have one of those for today, but we will starting next week. So that, that's a fun part too, is you guys, uh, we're going to be bringing in some other people to give you guys wisdom and encouragement too, through these podcasts. And these are solid, solid people. Solid people. Yeah. That, that, that have been through it and have been through the, the, the ringer.

Per se, but have come out the other side and created some great things, so this is going to be good stuff. Yeah, so we're going to go ahead and take a quick break. We're going to hear a tip from our friend Christina. Let's go, Christina. And then we'll be right back. And even if you guys are not live, if you're watching this recorded, feel free to type in your affirmations, your questions, all the things.

Like, we can continue to have this conversation even when we're not filming. Yeah, we want to know. For real, we want to know. Yeah. Hold you accountable. You can hold us. Yes. Alright, here's Christina. Ready? Hi there. It's Christina Stubblefield. Let's talk about something crucial for your online success, Google Business Profile.

It's not just a separate tool. It's an integral part of your overall online presence. When you optimize your Google Business Profile, you're taking a significant step towards being found and seen by potential customers. It's like putting your business on the digital map. And here's the secret sauce. It helps you shine on Google, both in local searches and when customers are looking for specific products or services you offer.

But wait, there's more. Your Google Business Profile is where you provide essential information to potential customers. You can showcase your business hours, location, contact details, and even give people a visual taste of what you offer with photos and updates. And the real game changer? Customer review.

Positive reviews build trust, enhance your reputation, and make your business stand out from the crowd. Now, if you need help or have questions about your online presence,  Visit Christina's double field dot com and schedule a free discovery call today. 

And we're back.  What's up guys? I was putting a comment in there. I was going to put a comment in there. What do you affirm? Yes, so that was Christina guys. She's amazing. She helped us on several projects. And so we know. First hand what she can offer contribute to your business. So  yeah, she's really helped me transform because we get it all in our mind, right?

As business owners, we, we are great at giving other people advice and seeing things from an outside perspective. But then we get all spaghetti in our own business. And so sometimes it takes that person that can come in and. And just help you straighten out your spaghetti. You gotta get out of your silo, business silo, and start, you know, saying, okay, I need somebody to help give me an outside perspective of what I'm doing.

Yeah, spin it, spin it on your fork. Yeah. So that you can eat it.  Yeah. We have questions coming in. I can't see that far. I think I need to Go ahead, what do we got? Um, it's from 

Alright, Game Gear is asking us a question. I'll be better y'all next time. I need to put my glasses on, I think. Uh, why is this important? And do you have any tips on, for an active eBay seller? Why is this important? I'm guessing he's assuming the, um, affirmations. Or, was it Christina? Based on Christina's video, I think, I don't even know what her video is on. 

We can't hear it here in the studio. I think he is, uh, or, um, he is referring to maybe the affirmation.  Um, so that, that goes hand in hand with how you're going to manage your business. So you, you, I thought the other piece of the question was something about eBay. Yeah. How do they manage it?  Active eBay seller.

Oh yeah. So active eBay, your e commerce, you're online, right? You want people to get, um, to know where you're selling stuff. You want people to know that you're on selling it, that you're selling stuff on eBay. It's going to be very important to be active. Online, active on social media, sharing what you're doing, sharing your product, your service, whatever it is you're doing on eBay, you want to make sure that you're constantly, consistently online, spreading the word, creating content, building awareness.

Affirmation, and how do you, how can you use affirmation in that? You're saying, I am posting five times today on my eBay. That's what that noise was. It's our ice maker.  Sorry.  Note to self in the future, turn off the ice maker. That thing dropped like ten keys. Yeah, it did. I love ice. Okay, sorry, go ahead.

Hopefully that helped. But if you have some more questions, just keep posting them. Yeah, and if you guys ask us specific questions, like if this is geared for Christina and her tips, then we'll make sure that we get these to her and we'll get them answered in the next week. So, if you guys have any questions for any of our guests, People that come in and, and give us tips and stuff.

We'll, we'll get that for you. We'll talk about it next week. That's the fun about this is we get to have those conversations and answer your questions. Yeah. That's the whole purpose. So game gear, check out the business project. com. Um, you'll get some good tips on your, on helping you out. Yeah. And y'all check out game gear, five 85, five 85.

Check out his eBay store. Yeah, go, go game related. Oh, is that your brand?  I'm guessing it's gear related to games. Oh, yeah.  I might have to go check you out too. Probably games too. Cool. Thank you so much for watching. Sorry, we kind of fumbled through that. Um, again, we'll get better at the comment. Well, the whole system will just get better and better as we go. 

So if you guys are just joining us, we're talking about affirmations,  not confirmations, affirmations. And we gave I confirm. We gave Some examples of some affirmations. We talked about the importance of affirmations. Another one that I have is change is a process that takes time.  I think that sometimes we want things to happen now. 

Instant gratification? Yeah, like this podcast. We want  millions of you to tune in and watch it now, but that doesn't happen. Right, that's true. It's a marathon. We're building something here. Yes. And um, you gotta have a foundation that's strong. Um, so that they can hold the weight of the stuff that comes once it's built, right?

So if you get something quick, and then all of a sudden you're, you're thrown with all this fame and, and responsibility, you might break. Yeah.  But if you take your time, you might not. You might not. Things happen when you're ready. Yeah. Slow down. What is that? Are they sawing downstairs? Yeah, this is fun. 

Hey, you're joining us in all of the craziness, so. It's part of our noise, our, uh, what's it called when you have like noises that you can push? You're like, pshh.  That's the soundboard. Yeah, yeah. Alright.  Another question we got.  Is it on YouTube or Facebook? YouTube? Yeah?  Oh, from you. Okay, I'll read it right here.

Um, what do you know about imposter syndrome and has it ever Snuck on you and your line of work, and how have you overcome? That's a very good question. Imposter syndrome.  Man, I think that's a big one, imposter syndrome. Have you guys ever felt imposter syndrome? I feel like everybody goes through that.

Everybody. And those of you that aren't familiar with that term, what that means is like, when you're watching other people online, you wish that You were them or you like compare yourself to them and wish that you know you had that life And it makes you feel bad. It's bad. I would say even for business owners where let's say your business has grown to a level that you're  You're looking at yourself.

You're like do I even deserve this or can I really handle this? Like is this something that like?  You start getting scared, right? When you get to a level in your business where you start getting scared saying, I don't even know if I can do this. I don't even know if this is for me. Um, and I think, you know, having the right mindset, again, plays into overcoming that because you made it to that level for a reason.

So embrace the journey, you know, because you are. There for a reason. Yeah. Yep. 100%. And I think a good, like the affirmations are a great way to battle imposter syndrome too because it helps keep your mind positive, helps keep you focused on what you can offer and your strengths and, and all of those things.

So I think, like you said, I think everybody battles with imposter syndrome  just like everything else. It's a matter of taking control of your mind. It's like. When we see that those things are starting to creep up immediately being like, nope, that is, that is not of God. That is not a good thing. And so let's like grab hold of that thought and throw it out the window.

Yeah. And I think that one thing we have to understand as people and as business owners, we're not going to know it all.  Right. We're not going to be, um, the know all be all type of person. You're always going to have to learn something in business. Business processes, business. Um, technology, all that stuff changes, so you always have to be willing to learn and continue learning.

That's how you overcome imposter syndrome as well, is saying, okay, I don't need to be the expert. Like, take that out of your mind. I don't need to know every detail. I just need to know where to find that information. Yeah. When I need it. Yeah. Yep, 100%. And I think, I think that that's a miss. It's also I guess misunderstanding that people have when they see people very successful in their businesses or successful online is.

Number one, a lot of times it took them to go through a lot of failures to get there. Number two, it probably took them a long time also to get there. And I think when we just learn about somebody and immediately see their success, we think that it happened overnight or they didn't go through any struggle.

And so, I think that it's just Just staying as far away as making assumptions about somebody's life or somebody's success is also helpful. You can't just assume that they got there with little effort. You just can't. And, and even if they did, maybe that's not your path. And maybe you're going through some of these struggles for a reason.

Maybe you need a better foundation or maybe you need to root some bad people out of your life or maybe things need to happen before that success happens. For you. So, yeah, I've seen stories where, you know, there's people that have reached a level of success that started out living in their car. Yeah, you know, so don't just look at the tip of the iceberg.

There's a whole lot of stuff that goes underneath that that built that up. Um, and I think the the problem is the social media, right? All you see is these lifestyle Influencers type thing that hey, follow me and my private jet did this and that Some of that is fake, number one. Yeah. Right? Um, but some of that is legit.

But the ones that are legit, they went through a serious journey to get there. So embrace your journey. You know, go through that journey, especially if you hold yourself accountable to that journey. Hold yourself accountable to making those affirmations. Then, you'll get there as well. Yeah. And I got some advice too.

I think that When you do get there, so and so get there, if you can't enjoy and have joy and happiness where you are right now, then you're not going to have joy and happiness when you get there. Because there's always going to be something, another, more green grass at the end of the rainbow. You're going to move the goalposts.

Yeah, yes. So I think, I think just really making a conscious effort to let's enjoy where we are now. And let's be  Have joy in our circumstance and yeah, be present and thankful, thankful. I, I've seen this so much this last year, people in podcasts and things talking about how you can't be, um, you can't be depressed and thankful at the same time.

You, you know, you can only be one or the other grateful. And so.  I think the more time you can spend, that's where affirmations happen too. Like I had said at the beginning, I go through my affirmations and I'm like, man, I'm killing that one. I'm doing really good there. Thank you so much. Like I'm, I'm so thankful for the opportunity to have achieved that.

Then it also helps you remember how far you have come and the things that you do have in your life. Yeah. Yeah. I think that goes into when you wake up in the morning,  you start your day with your affirmation.  Don't leave your house. As a matter of fact, don't get out of bed until you do it. And then, when you're in the bathroom, look in the mirror and do it again.

Yeah. And then before you leave the, the house,  look in the mirror and do it again. And turn off your ice maker that makes a lot of noise in the background. That ice maker is a real deal. Yeah, on top of it, y'all, we had a car drive through the side of our building. That's what all that construction noise is.

They're fixing the side of the building. When did that happen? It just happens to be the first day that we're recording our live podcast. That's crazy. Yeah, it happened a couple weeks ago. Literally, big hole in the side. Yeah, yeah, so. It won't be like this all the time. Listen, drive carefully. What's wrong? 

Pay attention. I will drive carefully. That's a good affirmation, especially where we live. Yeah. Hi, Faith. Faith is on here watching. Um, Justine said, I'm here for a reason. I am worthy. I add value. That's a good affirmation. Find joy in all the things. Yes, all such great, great information. So we, we have one more.

This is just kind of a little commercial summary about our next  partner, I guess? Our next partner. Uh, they're gonna also be in the future giving us Some good business tips and add some value to this podcast. So here's a sneak peek on who that is. I have to make sure I push the right button. Y'all ready?

Let's go.  Everyone knows the BBB is the better business Bureau, but depending on what you need, it's the better plumber Bureau, the better auto mechanic,  better accountant.  That's because the BBB connects people with businesses they can trust. So think of the BBB as the better check that business out first so you don't get ripped off Bureau.

Be smart. Always look for the BBB seal because it's looking out for you and find a better business anytime at  BBB. org. 

All right, and we are back. That was short and sweet. The Better Business Bureau. I'm really excited. The one middle Tennessee, Better Business Bureau. They're going to partner with us and they have some value to add to their, they're not just about, um, I think a lot of times as business owners,  when it comes to accounting, or we talk about this all the time, lawyers, we wait until we really need one and our life is a mess before we invite them into our business, when in all reality it's so much easier if you do it from the beginning.

Ain't it so? Yes, that's what the better business bureau offers, is it's much better if you bring them in when you don't need them. Yeah. Get involved. Yeah. They have a lot of really good information when it comes to scamming and all that stuff. I can't wait to learn more because I don't really know that much about the Better Business Bureau.

Yeah. I'm looking forward to that.  Yeah, we can't hear it though during our podcast, so we're going to have to go back and watch it. Oh,  well I'm definitely going back to watch it.  Alright guys, well, in the future we will also have Pastor Tommy as a guest. We really, really appreciate you guys. I think we're ready to kind of wrap it up.

I think so. Yeah. So hopefully you had a good time in this conversation and hopefully, You join us next week to for the same thing and just let's get some engagement going on. Let's get some some dialogue so that you know this can turn into something really, really cool like a. Town hall type thing. Yes.

Yeah. And, and if you guys are catching us after the live video, set your alarms for Friday, every, every Friday at 8:25, set your alarm. Cause we're going live at 8:30 and this is not going to be awesome without you guys. We really, really need y'all. We look forward to having you guys come in and engage and ask questions and participate after all we're doing this for you guys.

So make sure that you. Um, that you tune in and watch us every Friday, share it in groups, give us, participate, ask questions, do all of those things. That's right. Yeah, it's our, y'all businesses need us. It's, there's so many businesses that are really, really good at what they do. So they're really, really great at building tables or sewing clothes or printing t shirts or, Accounting, but when it comes to other things about running their business, even, you know, like we just talked about affirmations or, um, social media or any of those, you know, they're like, man, I wish I just could build tables.

That's what I love and what I'm really good at. And so this gives us an opportunity to reach out to them and help them get better in the areas that they don't feel so comfortable with. So game gear has one more question before we get off or statement.  When I first started my YouTube Game Gear channel, I didn't think I'd do well.

And now I have 46 subscribers and now I'm so proud of myself for taking the leap of faith to try something new. That's awesome. I love that game Gary and keep going man. Yeah going. Yes Because you will continue you will reap the benefits of that. You will. Consistency. Yeah, very much So that's kind of what we're in like right now We don't have a ton of subscribers on YouTube and we had to completely start our Facebook page over because we got hacked  but um  Uh, it's just staying consistent, believing in the message that you're putting out, and really truly wanting to help people, and I think people will resonate with that, and focusing also, again, on what you do have, so like those 46 subscribers that you have, like, they look forward to listening to your content, and even if you help your One out of those 46, is that worth it to you?

You know, for us, that's how we feel. If we have 10 subscribers, it's worth it to us too, to get one person. Yep. Help them through their business and go through a tough time and learn new things. That's what it's all about. Yep.  Alright, well thank you guys. We will catch you next week. Go ahead and set your alarms for 8:30 on Friday mornings. Put that calendar in there. 
