The Business Project Podcast

How To Enjoy Your Holidays as a Business Owner | Ep 057

Kacie Bryant Episode 57

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-Kacie Bryant and John Crespo

Kacie: But today we're not live, but it's still really, really good information. Yeah. Yeah. We're going to talk about how to live through the holidays as a business owner and enjoy your holidays. 

John: When do you stop and when do you go? How do you draw the line? How do you relax?

Kacie: The Business Project Podcast. Business 

John: can be 

Kacie: complicated. We break it down so regular people like 

John: us can understand and find success. I'm John Crespo, accountant and consultant. 

Kacie: I'm Kasey Bryant, marketer and event planner. If you run a business or want to run a business, welcome 

John: to the show.

Kacie: What's up everybody? Now I want to sing, we were just singing a whole podcast. The Business Project Podcast. Yes. Another week. And we have a really exciting announcement. If you missed it last week, or if you're watching on YouTube and you didn't, here in the intro, The Business Project Podcast is going live.

Live! Live! You can sing that. Yes. We're gonna have a live online audience. 

John: Where we can take questions. And answers. Directly. No, we'll give answers. Or maybe take answers. Maybe someone can answer a question that we're asking. Yeah, there you go. We can reciprocate. 

Kacie: We're gonna take and give all of the things.

That'll be awesome. Yeah, it'll be so much fun. It is, that's why we do it. We do it so that we can, for you guys, so that we can answer your questions, so that we can all grow in business, and what a great way to do it, to be able to interact with you guys live every week. 

John: We gotta bring our A game for that one.

Yeah. Because they're gonna, I'm anticipating some really good questions. Some good ones. And this little fly here is anticipating 

Kacie: it as well. So if you guys have something that you've been itching to ask us or something that you're struggling with in business or that you don't know how to get to the next level, then it's gonna be your opportunity starting January 5th.

2024? 2024. The show's gonna be live. 

John: Bringing in the new year live. This is like a Dick Clark New Year's 

Kacie: live event. Yes, except for way less fun. Yeah, well, maybe not. I'm just kidding, it's going to be lots of fun. I'm 

John: excited, I'm going to tune in too. Hope you tune in. Yeah, 

Kacie: we hope you do. And ask good questions.

We'll have more information coming out on our social media, and in future, in upcoming podcasts, so just stay tuned. Cool, looking forward to it. Yes, me too. But today, we're not live. But it's still really, really good information. Yeah. Yeah. We're going to talk about how to live through the holidays as a business owner and enjoy your holidays.

John: Mm hmm. When do you stop and when do you go? How do you draw the line? How do you relax? Do you relax? Or... Is that even a thing? I don't know. Like, are business owners supposed to 

Kacie: relax? Yes. It's such an important part of running a business. But that's what, don't have a but don't time clock. No, that's silly.

John: They say you're supposed to work nonstop 24 7. Like you have to hustle. Tell your family it's been nice knowing you. No, like that's not true. That that's what, that's what makes a success successful. Business owner. No. We should take some time. We should take some time. That's what we're gonna talk about.

Kacie: Yeah. I like it. Time is important. I need some time. Work life balance. Yeah. Yeah, cause then you're gonna burn out and you're gonna lose all the important relationships in your life. Then it becomes all about me. Me and my business. Me, me, me, me, me. You become cranky. 

John: Cranky. Nobody wants to be around somebody like 

Kacie: that.

And not good ideas. You lose all of your good ideas. 

John: Gotta recharge 

Kacie: those batteries. Yes. Yeah, so taking time out is important and during the holidays is a great time to do it. There's time for family and time for having some fun and taking a break and enjoying good food. 

John: So the holiday season is from...


Kacie: I feel like now they start it at Halloween. Halloween. I was thinking like. It starts at Halloween. 

John: Cause I was talking to some people and they're like, Hey, I'm going away for the, for the winter season. I'll see you in January. I'm like, how old are you, man? You're not retired. Where you going?

And take me with you. Yeah. What are you talking about? Yeah. So yeah, I think the holiday season starts like now. It 

Kacie: does. Yeah. It's 

John: crazy. So I think we're recording this in like October-ish. Yeah, October. 

Kacie: October. We're recording in October, but it shows in November. 

John: Shows in November. Mm-Hmm. . So we're coming into this.

Yeah, so a lot of people right now are starting to have that, their mind is starting to slow down. 

Kacie: Mm hmm. Actually, I think this one is going to play in December. 

John: Oh, so, okay, so we're 

Kacie: deep in the holiday season. Yeah, we're getting there. So y'all have been in the holiday season for like months already. 

John: So, what do you do?

Do you, like, business related? What, do you take a time where you're like, you know what, I'm just gonna take a step back. Focus on just having a good time and relaxing and recharging my batteries. And then I'm going to come back and I'm going to crush it. Crush 

Kacie: it. We see, I mean, everybody's motivated in January.

It's like the gyms are all full, the shared business workspaces are all full, social media is full of all of these ideas. And so I think that people are decent at recharging. I feel like the whole world shuts down from Christmas to New Year's. Yes. The whole world shuts down. Yeah. Which is a good time, actually, I feel like, as a business owner, to really buckle down and get some work done.

John: I agree. Yeah. It's slow. You don't have to, unless you like retail. Oh yeah. Retail is probably busy at that time. Probably. Um, but if you're not retail, let's say you're a more service based business, um, that is the time to say, I'm a focus. On my business instead of working in my business. 

Kacie: The phone doesn't ring as much The whole world is shut down.

Yeah, I like that. That's a good time. I feel like so don't plan on Take I mean take some time, but I would say from christmas to new years. There's like a week in there Really really really be intentional about taking some time to work on your business Okay 

John: so I like that we're sharing that narrative That you don't it's not that you don't always have to be 24 7 on, right?

Because what happens, I know we hit on it, but really what happens if we're not taking the time to truly, um, allow our bodies and our minds to refocus, like recharge, like what are we doing? But how, how often do you hear of businesses failing? Um, because they just got strategically strategically strategically Out of whack.

Or let's just say, strategically dumb. 

Kacie: Yeah, because they're working, working, working, working, working, working in their business. Working, working, working, doing all these things. But we don't take the time to just sit back. Sit in quiet. Sit in still. Think about the bigger picture. If you're a hmm. And listen.

And we don't take time to do that. We're just busy. Busy, busy, busy. How are you doing? Oh, I'm busy. How are you doing? Oh, I'm busy. How are you doing? Oh, things are busy. I hate that. Yeah, I don't like that either. 

John: And I've caught myself saying that a lot too. They're like, hey, what's up? Man, I'm so busy right now.


Kacie: don't say that. We don't want to be busy. 

John: Yeah, it's like, busy, busy what? Maybe you need to start saying yes to the right 

Kacie: things. The right things. And that's a good time during that time too, is... I feel like you're, if you're always grinding and always working and always in it, then you're doing things that aren't the right things.

You're doing things because it's something that you've always done, or because something told you that it's what you need to do, or because it's something that you're comfortable with, but that doesn't mean that it's what you should be doing. I catch myself constantly doing things, spending time on things that I shouldn't be doing.

Me too. But the only reason I catch myself is because I sit back and I look at it. I take time to focus. So, I think the holiday season. Is a great opportunity to sit back and analyze your business. Do more mental work than physical 

John: work. I like that. So essentially it's not necessarily shutting down, like um, your mindset around business, period.

But refocusing what you're thinking about. So essentially you, you take the time to enjoy the holidays, right? Enjoy Thanksgiving with your family, enjoy Christmas, enjoy New Year's. Whatever holiday you celebrate, enjoy that, um, enjoy that time. But also take that opportunity to say, What has worked? What hasn't in my business?

You know, what can I let go of? And what should I go all in on? And then, you know, so that come January, You know exactly how you're going to start it out. 

Kacie: Yeah. Just like sometimes you have to step away from something. We get so in the middle, in the middle of the things that we don't step away. That's why it's nice to have people that are experts in things or mentors that you could say, Hey, look at all of these things that I'm working out and give me your feedback.

Because you're not in the middle of it doing it day to day. I mean, we're working on these email threads. So like if somebody signs up for this, then they get this whole email thread after that or this, they get this. And I've been so just caught up in the middle of creating this content. I looked at it and I'm gonna start crying.

I'm like, it's terrible. It's awful. I've been working on this for a year. It still looks like poopoo and it's not what I want. It's not doing what I want. I'm so frustrated. I step away and I asked one of my other team. I'm like, for this week, I'm not touching it. If you can just take this week. Get some fresh eyes on it.

Look at it. I'm not gonna think about it. I'm not gonna touch it. I'm gonna walk away and We came back. We had a meeting She gave me her thoughts and I'm like totally refreshed and motivated and now we have a game plan moving forward But it that wouldn't happen if I would have just been grinding and grinding and grinding and grinding I would have been releasing a product releasing a service or a thing whatever that is not 100 percent yeah up to our standards.

I like that. Yeah, it just takes walking away 

John: it does And, uh, there was one day I was sitting in, uh, at home, and I was on my computer just going through my emails. And my, I have a granddaughter now, right? Mm hmm. She's getting big, too. Girl, something else, my God. She's taking over my house. But I, my granddaughter was crawling around next to me, you know, and just, you know, doing what babies do, you know, touching everything, knocking stuff down.

I'm like, I'm not even paying attention to it, right? Um, so I'm, Typing away, going through all my emails and she starts clapping, right? And but she's standing up not holding the table not holding anything. She's clapping and I'm like I'm gonna miss this Because I'm too focused on this freaking computer here sending emails.

Yeah, you know, so I just said, you know what? Closed the computer down and I just I started playing with her and you know I got on the floor with her and just and you know, just started spending some time with her Because that's time that just goes and I on

During the, during the holidays, how do we spend our time and is there a better way to spend our time? You know, do I have to always be looking at my emails to respond quickly? Cause I feel like for me, that's, that's something that like, I don't like, you know, seeing an inbox full of emails. But is that taking up unnecessary time for me that I can be doing other things because emails don't have to be answered right away.

They can, there can be times in the day when I answer my emails and just don't worry about them during those other times, you know? So looking at, looking at situations like that, I realized that there's an opportunity for business owners to say, I gotta start letting stuff go so that I can focus on other things so that I can always be renewed.

Yeah. This is a good time to do it. It's a good 

Kacie: time to do it. Find systems, figure out systems that can take over tasks or delegate tasks to things that, to people for things that you don't need to be doing. I feel like that's what the holidays are for, taking a break and spending time with family and friends, enjoying it, but then also working on your business, just resetting your goals for the year, doing things like that.

But if you're hustling, hustling, grinding, grinding. Then you're not, you might miss out on an opportunity to really grow your business. 

John: Yep. You'll burn out. Mm-Hmm. . And you'll miss out on things that are going on around you too. Yeah. Like embrace the present. I'd be interested in knowing what you guys do during the holidays.

Yeah. How do you readjust? How do you shut down? How do you approach, um, the season for your business? Shut down. Maybe you share. Shut down. Yeah. Yeah. Do you, I hope you at least. Slow down. Slow down a little bit. A little bit. Yeah. It's okay. 

Kacie: All right. Now's the time, guys. Sing a song. That's, that is your podcast for the day.

John: What do you do during the holidays? Share it with us, please. 

Kacie: Share it with us. All right, we scared him away. We lost all our audience. 

John: I see him dropping off. They're going into their holiday. They 

Kacie: are. All right. Well, I hope that this was helpful. It wasn't, this wasn't really necessarily informational stuff that you could walk away, but we want to get you guys thinking.

We want to get you guys thinking about what am I spending my time on? How do I want to spend 2024? What's working in my business? What's not working in my business? What can I delegate? Let's take the holiday season. To refresh our mind, refresh our souls, spend time with the people that you love. And let's start 2024 off with a bang.

John: Refreshed, renewed, recharged. Wow. With some goals. With some goals. 

Kacie: Three R's and a G. Let's go. 


John: right. See y'all. We'll see y'all next week. Enjoy 

Kacie: your holidays. Yeah. We got a good podcast, by the way. Um, the next two are gonna be really, really good. We've got a guest. Yeah. A special guest that we're super pumped about.

Yeah, this is gonna be good. Can't wait to introduce you to him. So, we will see you next 

John: week. Tune in. Take care.